Trumpsters, please don't read this

None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

But I'm guessing the stuff you posted is all you know.

Here, be sure to avoid the information in this thread: The Meltdown, explained

All you guys know is what you have been fed.
Sometimes the truth fucking hurts.
Yes, I know.

Please, whatever you do, don't go near this thread: The Meltdown, explained

And if you do, please don't do any real research on any facts contained therein.

It's all fake news invented by the radical pinko Hitler commie Deep State.
Alot of different things went into it. Even what you posted isn't the whole story.
But because you can't read between the lines I'll just point out that most of the Democrats are all-in whereas not everyone on the other side of the isle is.
The global establishment is bigger than left or right. It's socialism but people are making money hand over fist ruining economies.
So you go from "Democrats created a housing crisis and a recession in 2006-2008..." and "The truth fucking hurts" immediately to "A lot of different things went into it" and "The global establishment is bigger than left or right".

Holy shit. I'm gonna need some aspirin for the whiplash. This place really is a hoot.
It's not my fault you can't follow what I'm saying.
Let me spell it out to you.
The Democrats are doing some of the things they did before in 2000.
They are proposing increasing the minimum wage which will effect job creation.
They have nothing positive to say about the economy, choosing instead to focus on the debt, something that strangely never bothers them when they are in power and in a position to do something about it. Who cares that their open borders policies are helping create much of that debt, along with their penchant for gutting the military every chance they get. I shouldn't have to explain this shit because it's really simple.
All of which has nothing to do with "Democrats created a housing crisis and a recession in 2006-2008..." and "The truth fucking hurts".

Y'know, I used to assume you guys had done your homework, knew how the Meltdown happened, but just denied it all for partisan political reasons.

I've changed my mind on that over the last couple of months.

I realize now that you guys really don't know what happened, and all you know is what has been fed to you by talk radio. There's plentiful information out there, and I provided a pretty good starting point with that thread. If you really want to know. That's up to you.
Sorry if this is going over your head.

Do you understand how the media plays into our economy?

While Trump is president the right talks about high-expectations. Everyone is talking about how fucking great the economy is, so the expectation is inflated. You pointed out 2% GDP as being bad, but during the Obama years they would be doing cartwheels over it.. Obama spent alot of time talking about not expecting as much, you didn't do that, can't wave a wand and bring back those jobs. Trump brought them back. So he's a racist. Some of the downward pressure on the economy is congress refusing to do their jobs, and the trade wars.

Sorry if this does not make sense to a shit for brains know-it-all like yourself. I find it rather boring having to explain every fucking detail to you. A stuck up dick head who claims to be a fence-sitter when in fact he's a borderline leftist.
Yes, I know.

Please, whatever you do, don't go near this thread: The Meltdown, explained

And if you do, please don't do any real research on any facts contained therein.

It's all fake news invented by the radical pinko Hitler commie Deep State.
Alot of different things went into it. Even what you posted isn't the whole story.
But because you can't read between the lines I'll just point out that most of the Democrats are all-in whereas not everyone on the other side of the isle is.
The global establishment is bigger than left or right. It's socialism but people are making money hand over fist ruining economies.
So you go from "Democrats created a housing crisis and a recession in 2006-2008..." and "The truth fucking hurts" immediately to "A lot of different things went into it" and "The global establishment is bigger than left or right".

Holy shit. I'm gonna need some aspirin for the whiplash. This place really is a hoot.
It's not my fault you can't follow what I'm saying.
Let me spell it out to you.
The Democrats are doing some of the things they did before in 2000.
They are proposing increasing the minimum wage which will effect job creation.
They have nothing positive to say about the economy, choosing instead to focus on the debt, something that strangely never bothers them when they are in power and in a position to do something about it. Who cares that their open borders policies are helping create much of that debt, along with their penchant for gutting the military every chance they get. I shouldn't have to explain this shit because it's really simple.
All of which has nothing to do with "Democrats created a housing crisis and a recession in 2006-2008..." and "The truth fucking hurts".

Y'know, I used to assume you guys had done your homework, knew how the Meltdown happened, but just denied it all for partisan political reasons.

I've changed my mind on that over the last couple of months.

I realize now that you guys really don't know what happened, and all you know is what has been fed to you by talk radio. There's plentiful information out there, and I provided a pretty good starting point with that thread. If you really want to know. That's up to you.
Sorry if this is going over your head.

Do you understand how the media plays into our economy?

While Trump is president the right talks about high-expectations. Everyone is talking about how fucking great the economy is, so the expectation is inflated. You pointed out 2% GDP as being bad, but during the Obama years they would be doing cartwheels over it.. Obama spent alot of time talking about not expecting as much, you didn't do that, can't wave a wand and bring back those jobs. Trump brought them back. So he's a racist. Some of the downward pressure on the economy is congress refusing to do their jobs, and the trade wars.

Sorry if this does not make sense to a shit for brains know-it-all like yourself. I find it rather boring having to explain every fucking detail to you. A stuck up dick head who claims to be a fence-sitter when in fact he's a borderline leftist.
And again you try to avoid the points. I'd think it would be smarter to just not say anything..
Alot of different things went into it. Even what you posted isn't the whole story.
But because you can't read between the lines I'll just point out that most of the Democrats are all-in whereas not everyone on the other side of the isle is.
The global establishment is bigger than left or right. It's socialism but people are making money hand over fist ruining economies.
So you go from "Democrats created a housing crisis and a recession in 2006-2008..." and "The truth fucking hurts" immediately to "A lot of different things went into it" and "The global establishment is bigger than left or right".

Holy shit. I'm gonna need some aspirin for the whiplash. This place really is a hoot.
It's not my fault you can't follow what I'm saying.
Let me spell it out to you.
The Democrats are doing some of the things they did before in 2000.
They are proposing increasing the minimum wage which will effect job creation.
They have nothing positive to say about the economy, choosing instead to focus on the debt, something that strangely never bothers them when they are in power and in a position to do something about it. Who cares that their open borders policies are helping create much of that debt, along with their penchant for gutting the military every chance they get. I shouldn't have to explain this shit because it's really simple.
All of which has nothing to do with "Democrats created a housing crisis and a recession in 2006-2008..." and "The truth fucking hurts".

Y'know, I used to assume you guys had done your homework, knew how the Meltdown happened, but just denied it all for partisan political reasons.

I've changed my mind on that over the last couple of months.

I realize now that you guys really don't know what happened, and all you know is what has been fed to you by talk radio. There's plentiful information out there, and I provided a pretty good starting point with that thread. If you really want to know. That's up to you.
Sorry if this is going over your head.

Do you understand how the media plays into our economy?

While Trump is president the right talks about high-expectations. Everyone is talking about how fucking great the economy is, so the expectation is inflated. You pointed out 2% GDP as being bad, but during the Obama years they would be doing cartwheels over it.. Obama spent alot of time talking about not expecting as much, you didn't do that, can't wave a wand and bring back those jobs. Trump brought them back. So he's a racist. Some of the downward pressure on the economy is congress refusing to do their jobs, and the trade wars.

Sorry if this does not make sense to a shit for brains know-it-all like yourself. I find it rather boring having to explain every fucking detail to you. A stuck up dick head who claims to be a fence-sitter when in fact he's a borderline leftist.
And again you try to avoid the points. I'd think it would be smarter to just not say anything..
You're not even intelligent enough to know I did. I can't rub your nose in it over the net, but try opening your fucking mind for once.
None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
You guys really don't know what happened, with all the information out there.

Okay. Ignorance is partisan bliss, I guess.
None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
You guys really don't know what happened, with all the information out there.

Okay. Ignorance is partisan bliss, I guess.

You are proof of that. LOVE your thread Mac, first you tell us not to even read it, then you totally dismiss any info that does not comport with your pet theories while denouncing all who do not automatically subscribe to yours while being totally unwilling to consider anything outside your own box. Got it. WE are in denial, right?
None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
You guys really don't know what happened, with all the information out there.

Okay. Ignorance is partisan bliss, I guess.

You are proof of that. LOVE your thread Mac, first you tell us not to even read it, then you totally dismiss any info that does not comport with your pet theories while denouncing all who do not automatically subscribe to yours while being totally unwilling to consider anything outside your own box. Got it. WE are in denial, right?
This is my profession.

You have been conned.
None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
You guys really don't know what happened, with all the information out there.

Okay. Ignorance is partisan bliss, I guess.

You are proof of that. LOVE your thread Mac, first you tell us not to even read it, then you totally dismiss any info that does not comport with your pet theories while denouncing all who do not automatically subscribe to yours while being totally unwilling to consider anything outside your own box. Got it. WE are in denial, right?
This is my profession.

You have been conned.


Talking shit on a msg board must be thrilling.
I do it to pass the time.....or when I need a break from my real job. I hope you're paid well. Personally I think getting paid by somebody to do this should be banned. I consider it to be a clear case of tampering
None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
You guys really don't know what happened, with all the information out there.

Okay. Ignorance is partisan bliss, I guess.

You are proof of that. LOVE your thread Mac, first you tell us not to even read it, then you totally dismiss any info that does not comport with your pet theories while denouncing all who do not automatically subscribe to yours while being totally unwilling to consider anything outside your own box. Got it. WE are in denial, right?
This is my profession.

You have been conned.

So you say you work in the financial market. That makes you an expert. If I had a nickel for every concrete contractor I've seen that didn't know good concrete, every wall builder that didn't know shit about making a good retainer wall, every electrician I've seen that did shoddy wiring, and every investment advisor who gave out bad tips, I'D BE RICH.

If even half the investment, finance and banking people in this country knew shit from shinola when it came to finances and banking, we never would have had the crisis in the first place. And if the Wall Street types and the House members in Washington couldn't see the mess brewing, WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU?
None of which has anything to do with the mechanics of the Meltdown itself.

Yes, the Dems did stupid things, starting with Clinton signing the repeal of Glass Steagall.

Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
You guys really don't know what happened, with all the information out there.

Okay. Ignorance is partisan bliss, I guess.

You are proof of that. LOVE your thread Mac, first you tell us not to even read it, then you totally dismiss any info that does not comport with your pet theories while denouncing all who do not automatically subscribe to yours while being totally unwilling to consider anything outside your own box. Got it. WE are in denial, right?
This is my profession.

You have been conned.

So you say you work in the financial market. That makes you an expert. If I had a nickel for every concrete contractor I've seen that didn't know good concrete, every wall builder that didn't know shit about making a good retainer wall, every electrician I've seen that did shoddy wiring, and every investment advisor who gave out bad tips, I'D BE RICH.

If even half the investment, finance and banking people in this country knew shit from shinola when it came to finances and banking, we never would have had the crisis in the first place. And if the Wall Street types and the House members in Washington couldn't see the mess brewing, WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU?
I don't expect you to believe me. I expect you to believe what you are told -- part of the story.
Well, you obviously didn't read all those articles then post back in only 4 minutes, so you've just disqualified yourself for any serious consideration as a legitimate topical debater. More of a topical masterbater. If you actually read any of those, you'd see that all this started as far back as Carter, went on through Clinton, right into the 2000s with repeated attempts to fix Fanny and Freddie by Bush blocked by the Dems, and Bwaney Fwank repeatedly ignoring the issue because his favorite fudge-packer buddy was a bigshot working there! So the whole mess went right on until finally the subprime meltdown happened. Of course, that is the short story, and once it was too late people like Frank realized his mistakes with his shorts down around his ankles and tried unsuccessfully to pass bills to address it, all to no avail.
You guys really don't know what happened, with all the information out there.

Okay. Ignorance is partisan bliss, I guess.

You are proof of that. LOVE your thread Mac, first you tell us not to even read it, then you totally dismiss any info that does not comport with your pet theories while denouncing all who do not automatically subscribe to yours while being totally unwilling to consider anything outside your own box. Got it. WE are in denial, right?
This is my profession.

You have been conned.

So you say you work in the financial market. That makes you an expert. If I had a nickel for every concrete contractor I've seen that didn't know good concrete, every wall builder that didn't know shit about making a good retainer wall, every electrician I've seen that did shoddy wiring, and every investment advisor who gave out bad tips, I'D BE RICH.

If even half the investment, finance and banking people in this country knew shit from shinola when it came to finances and banking, we never would have had the crisis in the first place. And if the Wall Street types and the House members in Washington couldn't see the mess brewing, WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU?
I don't expect you to believe me. I expect you to believe what you are told -- part of the story.

Sorry. I believe what I can test and verify through experiment and observation. Not because someone tells me.

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