Trumpsters, please don't read this

STILL waiting, Honey.



Poor, deranged boobtoob. I said that in context to your idiotic claim, which you still can't prove.

What claim was that, butthead? Still trying to weasel out by parsing words? Real Dave asked me to cite the bills to which I said Frank had been involved in after my actually posting them straight to him and telling him to go back and read! Then you stepped in and said that I had never cited any bills at all in the first place! Then you claimed my bet of challenging you on that claim ridiculous, now you lie again and say I can't prove it at all! THAT IS THE BET, Chicken Shit. You remind me of the Three Stooges: Duck, Dodge and Hide. Oh I can absolutely prove it asshole, and you know it. You went back and saw I cited three bills and now you are running chicken. Typical lying sack of shit troll bomb thrower. Now caught in your own bullshit. You're yellow like every other leftard on this forum who can never back up a thing you claim. That's why you keep running and trying to deflect from my challenge otherwise you would take it.

For you see, if you thought you were right, if you were SURE you were right, it wouldn't matter if the bet was to jump in front of a locomotive or leap into the Sun. There would be no risk, nothing to lose and everything to gain by PROVING ME WRONG.

C.Mon, Fuckhead, let's get the moderator on here right now to settle the bet so that you can begin your 6 month ban. The forum will be all the better for it.
"Real Dave asked me to cite the bills to which I said Frank had been involved in..."


Poor, demented boobtoob. You lose as always because you have to lie.

No, that is not what RealDave asked you to cite. He challenged you to cite a bill Frank passed that crashed the economy...

boobtoob: Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it.

RealDave: Name one

And I repeat, you haven't named any. And again, I too am talking about a Frank bill that crashed the economy. You can't because no such bill exists. That's why you're screaming like a 4 year old girl in every post, hoping nobody will notice.
boobtoob: Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it.

RealDave: Name one

And I repeat, you haven't named any. And again, I too am talking about a Frank bill that crashed the economy. You can't because no such bill exists. That's why you're screaming like a 4 year old girl in every post, hoping nobody will notice.

Still waiting for you to just take the bet! You keep putting words in my mouth saying I never named any, when they are clearly posted, and I don't know what you mean by a "Frank bill," I never used those words, all I ever said is that it was a bill that was related to or supported by Frank, anything else is your own tortured reading. And all of this is just your cowardly deflection anyway since the only thing at question here is your claim that I NEVER CITED ANY BILLS. Those are YOUR WORDS verbatim, and your chickenshit running, dodging and parsing now while on the one hand claiming you can't possibly be wrong, yet totally unwilling to take the bet.



Faun, you are nothing but a chickenshit liar and a fraud. No one is surprised.
boobtoob: Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it.

RealDave: Name one

And I repeat, you haven't named any. And again, I too am talking about a Frank bill that crashed the economy. You can't because no such bill exists. That's why you're screaming like a 4 year old girl in every post, hoping nobody will notice.

Still waiting for you to just take the bet! You keep putting words in my mouth saying I never named any, when they are clearly posted, and I don't know what you mean by a "Frank bill," I never used those words, all I ever said is that it was a bill that was related to or supported by Frank, anything else is your own tortured reading. And all of this is just your cowardly deflection anyway since the only thing at question here is your claim that I NEVER CITED ANY BILLS. Those are YOUR WORDS verbatim, and your chickenshit running, dodging and parsing now while on the one hand claiming you can't possibly be wrong, yet totally unwilling to take the bet.



Faun, you are nothing but a chickenshit liar and a fraud. No one is surprised.

I see you subscribe to the Alinsky tactic of projecting your action onto others. Here you are calling me a liar after injustice proved you lied by falsely claiming RealDave asked you to cite bills Frank was involved with when in fact, he asked you to cite Frank's bills which caused the economy to crash.

You lie and project that about me.

Let's see you post any bill Frank sponsored which caused the economy to crash....
I see you subscribe to the Alinsky tactic of projecting your action onto others. Here you are calling me a liar after injustice proved you lied by falsely claiming RealDave asked you to cite bills Frank was involved with when in fact, he asked you to cite Frank's bills which caused the economy to crash.

You lie and project that about me.

Let's see you post any bill Frank sponsored which caused the economy to crash....

You really are the retarded anal revisionary dyslexic cupcake aren't you? You keep telling me how WRONG I am, a liar even, yet you won't even take my bet to stand behind your claims! UnRealDave said that Barney Frank could not stop anything from his minority position in the House. I then pointed out that he had been the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee! He was literally the man in charge of national financing! He even had a bill named after him that attempted sweeping financial changes. Years before that, he even helped with bills which set up the problems which lead to the whole banking and mortgage collapse.

Upon which I reiterated to his claim that Frank could not stop anything, that it was a pretty neat trick then considering that it was Bawney's bills (those that he was involved with) that derailed and eventually crashed our economy. And he then asked me to NAME ONE despite the fact that I had already done so, upon which you said:


I literally UNDERLINED THEM and pointed ARROWS TO THEM, you stupid, lying cluck. And that is why you are such a chickenshit asshole who can't even admit a mistake when you make one much less take me up on my bet.

Cluck Cluck

"Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.

Now that the bubble has burst and the "systemic risk" is apparent to all, Frank blithely declares: "The private sector got us into this mess." Well, give the congressman points for gall. Wall Street and private lenders have plenty to answer for, but it was Washington and the political class that derailed this train. If Frank is looking for a culprit to blame, he can find one suspect in the nearest mirror.

Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco - The Boston Globe

"Barney Frank was the principal advocate in Congress for using the government's authority to force lower underwriting standards in the business of housing finance." His most successful effort was to impose what were called "affordable housing" requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992. Before that time, these two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) had been required to buy only mortgages that institutional investors would buy--in other words, prime mortgages--but Frank and others thought these standards made it too difficult for low income borrowers to buy homes. The affordable housing law required Fannie and Freddie to meet government quotas when they bought loans from banks and other mortgage originators.

Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis

"While Frank and Dodd's tinkering with the CRA forced lending institutions to make a quota of bad loans that certainly contributed to the mortgage crisis, the primary cause of crisis was Frank and Dodd's push to reduce mortgage buying standards at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who provide liquidity to mortgagees by buying the loans they (the mortgagees) make to the public. Frank and Dodd, who are responsible for much of the economic misery we've been experiencing in this country over the past four years, are still unscathed by the disaster they caused."

ECOMINOES: Frank And Dodd Started The Mortgage Crisis, But Not For The Reason You Think

Buttcake Fawn eats another pair of dirty shorts. You sure are a GLUTTON for punishment.

You said I didn't cite any bills. Then you tried to back out claiming they weren't supported by Frank. They are cited and highlighted. Your refusal to take my bet proves you know you are a dirty pathological liar.
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I see you subscribe to the Alinsky tactic of projecting your action onto others. Here you are calling me a liar after injustice proved you lied by falsely claiming RealDave asked you to cite bills Frank was involved with when in fact, he asked you to cite Frank's bills which caused the economy to crash.

You lie and project that about me.

Let's see you post any bill Frank sponsored which caused the economy to crash....

You really are the retarded anal revisionary dyslexic cupcake aren't you? You keep telling me how WRONG I am, a liar even, yet you won't even take my bet to stand behind your claims! UnRealDave said that Barney Frank could not stop anything from his minority position in the House. I then pointed out that he had been the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee! He was literally the man in charge of national financing! He even had a bill named after him that attempted sweeping financial changes. Years before that, he even helped with bills which set up the problems which lead to the whole banking and mortgage collapse.

Upon which I reiterated to his claim that Frank could not stop anything, that it was a pretty neat trick then considering that it was Bawney's bills (those that he was involved with) that derailed and eventually crashed our economy. And he then asked me to NAME ONE despite the fact that I had already done so, upon which you said:


I literally UNDERLINED THEM and pointed ARROWS TO THEM, you stupid, lying cluck. And that is why you are such a chickenshit asshole who can't even admit a mistake when you make one much less take me up on my bet.

Cluck Cluck

"Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.

Now that the bubble has burst and the "systemic risk" is apparent to all, Frank blithely declares: "The private sector got us into this mess." Well, give the congressman points for gall. Wall Street and private lenders have plenty to answer for, but it was Washington and the political class that derailed this train. If Frank is looking for a culprit to blame, he can find one suspect in the nearest mirror.

Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco - The Boston Globe

"Barney Frank was the principal advocate in Congress for using the government's authority to force lower underwriting standards in the business of housing finance." His most successful effort was to impose what were called "affordable housing" requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992. Before that time, these two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) had been required to buy only mortgages that institutional investors would buy--in other words, prime mortgages--but Frank and others thought these standards made it too difficult for low income borrowers to buy homes. The affordable housing law required Fannie and Freddie to meet government quotas when they bought loans from banks and other mortgage originators.

Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis

"While Frank and Dodd's tinkering with the CRA forced lending institutions to make a quota of bad loans that certainly contributed to the mortgage crisis, the primary cause of crisis was Frank and Dodd's push to reduce mortgage buying standards at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who provide liquidity to mortgagees by buying the loans they (the mortgagees) make to the public. Frank and Dodd, who are responsible for much of the economic misery we've been experiencing in this country over the past four years, are still unscathed by the disaster they caused."

ECOMINOES: Frank And Dodd Started The Mortgage Crisis, But Not For The Reason You Think

Buttcake Fawn eats another pair of dirty shorts. You sure are a GLUTTON for punishment.

You said I didn't cite any bills. Then you tried to back out claiming they weren't supported by Frank. They are cited and highlighted. Your refusal to take my bet proves you know you are a dirty pathological liar.

Dayum, poor, deranged boobtoob is becoming even more unhinged. :badgrin:

"UnRealDave said that Barney Frank could not stop anything from his minority position in the House."

Boobtoob, here was RealDave's post which I responded to...
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it.
Name one
...perhaps if you were less hysterical, you'd see RealDave challenged you to cite a Frank bill you claimed "derailed and crashed" the economy.

I replied to him that you hadn't cited any -- meaning you hadn't cited even one Frank bill that "derailed and crashed" the economy since there was no such bill.

Why you blame me because you're dumb to comprehend context is beyond me, but suffice it to say, that's your problem, not mine.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

Dayum, poor, deranged boobtoob is becoming even more unhinged. :badgrin:

"UnRealDave said that Barney Frank could not stop anything from his minority position in the House."

Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 12.41.06 PM.png

Sure must suck to a retarded idiot perpetually proven wrong, a liar, a coward and a fool.

Boobtoob, here was RealDave's post which I responded to...
No one gives a flying crap here what YOU responded to. All I care about is what you SAID, and you said that I HAD NEVER CITED ANY BILLS. Now go put on a new kuntrag, you've been shown wrong at least 100 times now, you're not even man enough to stand up and admit it. You're just wasting everyone's time here.

I replied to him that you hadn't cited any -- meaning
Look you retarded jackass, you REPLIED TO ME. I already proved that. It's in the record, you can't lie about that. You said I HAD NOT CITED ONE BILL. It's a whole different matter whether you agree or disagree in your opinion as to the degree or level of contribution to the fall of the economy they were! Go off somewhere and start a new thread about that. I've already linked to a number of reputable people who AGREE WITH ME that Frank and not GW Bush, was principle in the collapse of the economy and the House Bill numbers were included. Sucks to be such an uneducated shitstain as you that you can't read, remember or keep your lies straight. Are you even an adult? I swear I'm talking to a 12 year old.

You still insist YOU ARE RIGHT, and that I AM WRONG, but yet you won't take my bet to prove it. So your words mean nothing.

Run, Chicken, Run. It's all you're really good at. That and stroking people. And while your at it, context which finger I'm holding up for you? Any shithole can argue context as a backdoor excuse to get out of facing facts because context can be made to mean ANYTHING. Fuck you. You lied. You Parse. You evade. You run. Shove your "context" up your ass.
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So, lots of bitching and moaning about little ol' me, but no condemnation of the people who actually WROTE the piece in the OP, those RINO commies at the Conservative Review.

How weird!

How totally unexpected!

This is really weird!

A bunch of Cult45 mouth breathers can't face reality. Shocking.
Dayum, poor, deranged boobtoob is becoming even more unhinged. :badgrin:

"UnRealDave said that Barney Frank could not stop anything from his minority position in the House."

View attachment 271781

Sure must suck to a retarded idiot perpetually proven wrong, a liar, a coward and a fool.

Boobtoob, here was RealDave's post which I responded to...
No one gives a flying crap here what YOU responded to. All I care about is what you SAID, and you said that I HAD NEVER CITED ANY BILLS. Now go put on a new kuntrag, you've been shown wrong at least 100 times now, you're not even man enough to stand up and admit it. You're just wasting everyone's time here.

I replied to him that you hadn't cited any -- meaning
Look you retarded jackass, you REPLIED TO ME. I already proved that. It's in the record, you can't lie about that. You said I HAD NOT CITED ONE BILL. It's a whole different matter whether you agree or disagree in your opinion as to the degree or level of contribution to the fall of the economy they were! Go off somewhere and start a new thread about that. I've already linked to a number of reputable people who AGREE WITH ME that Frank and not GW Bush, was principle in the collapse of the economy and the House Bill numbers were included. Sucks to be such an uneducated shitstain as you that you can't read, remember or keep your lies straight. Are you even an adult? I swear I'm talking to a 12 year old.

You still insist YOU ARE RIGHT, and that I AM WRONG, but yet you won't take my bet to prove it. So your words mean nothing.

Run, Chicken, Run. It's all you're really good at. That and stroking people. And while your at it, context which finger I'm holding up for you? Any shithole can argue context as a backdoor excuse to get out of facing facts because context can be made to mean ANYTHING. Fuck you. You lied. You Parse. You evade. You run. Shove your "context" up your ass.
Aww, you poor thing. Your brain is completely fried.

I'll try and go slower this time. Maybe this time, you'll get it (though not really)

You said...

"Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it."

... to which, RealDave challenged you to...

"Name one"

... to which you replied...

"Already did, bonehead."

...which was a lie. You didn't actually post any Frank bill which caused the economy to crash; which led me to point that out...

" didn't actually cite any bill. Which of course you can't since there was no such bill."

...and now I've reduced you to a blubbering bowl of jello because you're the only idiot here who doesn't understand that was in context to your idiotic claim that a Frank bill crashed the economy

.... which you still haven't proven.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

You said...

"Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it."

You didn't actually post any Frank bill which caused the economy to crash; which led me to point that out...
Ahh, poor damaged Snowflake. Are you going to cry? :itsok: PROVE IT. And prove what a "Frank bill" is. Are you going to claim that if Frank sponsored it and helped it along, it wasn't a "Frank bill?" And where did you ever say I never cited a Frank Bill? You said I never cited ANY bill. You too fucking stupid to even know what you say now, jackass? You just gonna keep LYING and try to claim you never said nor MEANT what you said?

Screen Shot 2019-07-28 at 3.46.25 PM.png

" didn't actually cite any bill. Which of course you can't since there was no such bill."
And yet they are published and I copied and posted them! And yet you STILL won't take my bet on something you SWEAR I never did and which doesn't exist!

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

You keep asking questions you've already been given the answers to days ago. I'd be concerned if senility runs heavy in your family. You simple mouth-breathing shitstains sure are easy to make an ass of. It's like you do it all to yourself!

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You said...

"Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it."

You didn't actually post any Frank bill which caused the economy to crash; which led me to point that out...
Ahh, poor damaged Snowflake. Are you going to cry? :itsok: PROVE IT. And prove what a "Frank bill" is. Are you going to claim that if Frank sponsored it and helped it along, it wasn't a "Frank bill?" And where did you ever say I never cited a Frank Bill? You said I never cited ANY bill. You too fucking stupid to even know what you say now, jackass? You just gonna keep LYING and try to claim you never said nor MEANT what you said?

View attachment 271797

" didn't actually cite any bill. Which of course you can't since there was no such bill."
And yet they are published and I copied and posted them! And yet you STILL won't take my bet on something you SWEAR I never did and which doesn't exist!

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

You keep asking questions you've already been given the answers to days ago. I'd be concerned if senility runs heavy in your family. You simple mouth-breathing shitstains sure are easy to make an ass of. It's like you do it all to yourself!

View attachment 271799View attachment 271799 View attachment 271799 View attachment 271800View attachment 271799 View attachment 271799 View attachment 271799

Why on Earth would I cry when I'm too busy laughing at you for idiotically claiming Frank's bills crashed the economy -- and then diving head first into incoherent rants just to avoid posting a bill number, to a Frank bill crashing the economy, to prove you're not as crazy as you appear?

You've never posted one, despite your lie that you did. Which is why I keep prodding you to post it.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

Why on Earth would I cry when I'm too busy laughing at you for idiotically claiming Frank's bills crashed the economy -- and then diving head first into incoherent rants just to avoid posting a bill number, to a Frank bill crashing the economy, to prove you're not as crazy as you appear?

You've never posted one, despite your lie that you did. Which is why I keep prodding you to post it.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

  • Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy? Is this more of the Fawn dementia and revisionist attempts? Come to think of it, prove that you've ever proven ANY of your claims you make?
  • Prove I never posted a bill number. In fact, BET ME I didn't. If wrong, you agree to be banned for six months. Forcing me to post the bill numbers AGAIN was part of the original bet that you never took! So take that bet!
  • You claimed I never cited any bills. You claim I never posted any bill numbers. You claim nothing Frank ever sponsored or did derailed or crashed the economy.
The bills are already cited. Bill numbers are already posted. Several detailed reports citing how Frank's actions derailed and crashed the economy are already posted. The sign of a demented fuck knob is a tool like you who asks for something they already have over and over and over. Yet you won't take any bets to prove me wrong. Tell us, is your tool long enough that you just cram it up your own ass all day long as well? I bet you can stick it in your ear.
Why on Earth would I cry when I'm too busy laughing at you for idiotically claiming Frank's bills crashed the economy -- and then diving head first into incoherent rants just to avoid posting a bill number, to a Frank bill crashing the economy, to prove you're not as crazy as you appear?

You've never posted one, despite your lie that you did. Which is why I keep prodding you to post it.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

  • Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy? Is this more of the Fawn dementia and revisionist attempts? Come to think of it, prove that you've ever proven ANY of your claims you make?
  • Prove I never posted a bill number. In fact, BET ME I didn't. If wrong, you agree to be banned for six months. Forcing me to post the bill numbers AGAIN was part of the original bet that you never took! So take that bet!
  • You claimed I never cited any bills. You claim I never posted any bill numbers. You claim nothing Frank ever sponsored or did derailed or crashed the economy.
The bills are already cited. Bill numbers are already posted. Several detailed reports citing how Frank's actions derailed and crashed the economy are already posted. The sign of a demented fuck knob is a tool like you who asks for something they already have over and over and over. Yet you won't take any bets to prove me wrong. Tell us, is your tool long enough that you just cram it up your own ass all day long as well? I bet you can stick it in your ear.
"Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy?"

You can't possibly be this stupid, boobtoob?

Prove a Frank bill caused the crash....

You've posted no Frank bill number that caused the crash.
Why on Earth would I cry when I'm too busy laughing at you for idiotically claiming Frank's bills crashed the economy -- and then diving head first into incoherent rants just to avoid posting a bill number, to a Frank bill crashing the economy, to prove you're not as crazy as you appear?

You've never posted one, despite your lie that you did. Which is why I keep prodding you to post it.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

  • Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy? Is this more of the Fawn dementia and revisionist attempts? Come to think of it, prove that you've ever proven ANY of your claims you make?
  • Prove I never posted a bill number. In fact, BET ME I didn't. If wrong, you agree to be banned for six months. Forcing me to post the bill numbers AGAIN was part of the original bet that you never took! So take that bet!
  • You claimed I never cited any bills. You claim I never posted any bill numbers. You claim nothing Frank ever sponsored or did derailed or crashed the economy.
The bills are already cited. Bill numbers are already posted. Several detailed reports citing how Frank's actions derailed and crashed the economy are already posted. The sign of a demented fuck knob is a tool like you who asks for something they already have over and over and over. Yet you won't take any bets to prove me wrong. Tell us, is your tool long enough that you just cram it up your own ass all day long as well? I bet you can stick it in your ear.
"Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy?"

You can't possibly be this stupid, boobtoob?

Prove a Frank bill caused the crash....

You've posted no Frank bill number that caused the crash.

All talk. No proof. You make Real Dave look like a genius. You keep repeating yourself asking for stuff you already have. If you want more, you already know the answer, TAKE THE BET, that if I didn't cite any bills or bill numbers that you agree to a six month ban? Now, WHY WON'T YOU TAKE THAT BET? Why do you keep trying to change the bet?
  • First you said I cited no bills.
  • Then you said I cited no bill numbers.
  • Then you said they have to be Frank's bills (we still don't know what a Frank bill is).
  • Then you said they had to have crashed or derailed the economy. Who decides that?
  • Then you changed it to a bill that Frank wrote that single-handedly crashed the economy.
  • Then you ignored all the articles I posted where experts said that Frank crashed the economy.
  • Then you tried to bet me Mueller wrote his report that he doesn't know one page of.
All I ever bet was that I cited bills that you claim I never cited. You just won't take the bet.

Stupid just don't get any dumber than you.
Why on Earth would I cry when I'm too busy laughing at you for idiotically claiming Frank's bills crashed the economy -- and then diving head first into incoherent rants just to avoid posting a bill number, to a Frank bill crashing the economy, to prove you're not as crazy as you appear?

You've never posted one, despite your lie that you did. Which is why I keep prodding you to post it.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

  • Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy? Is this more of the Fawn dementia and revisionist attempts? Come to think of it, prove that you've ever proven ANY of your claims you make?
  • Prove I never posted a bill number. In fact, BET ME I didn't. If wrong, you agree to be banned for six months. Forcing me to post the bill numbers AGAIN was part of the original bet that you never took! So take that bet!
  • You claimed I never cited any bills. You claim I never posted any bill numbers. You claim nothing Frank ever sponsored or did derailed or crashed the economy.
The bills are already cited. Bill numbers are already posted. Several detailed reports citing how Frank's actions derailed and crashed the economy are already posted. The sign of a demented fuck knob is a tool like you who asks for something they already have over and over and over. Yet you won't take any bets to prove me wrong. Tell us, is your tool long enough that you just cram it up your own ass all day long as well? I bet you can stick it in your ear.
"Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy?"

You can't possibly be this stupid, boobtoob?

Prove a Frank bill caused the crash....

You've posted no Frank bill number that caused the crash.

All talk. No proof. You make Real Dave look like a genius. You keep repeating yourself asking for stuff you already have. If you want more, you already know the answer, TAKE THE BET, that if I didn't cite any bills or bill numbers that you agree to a six month ban? Now, WHY WON'T YOU TAKE THAT BET? Why do you keep trying to change the bet?
  • First you said I cited no bills.
  • Then you said I cited no bill numbers.
  • Then you said they have to be Frank's bills (we still don't know what a Frank bill is).
  • Then you said they had to have crashed or derailed the economy. Who decides that?
  • Then you changed it to a bill that Frank wrote that single-handedly crashed the economy.
  • Then you ignored all the articles I posted where experts said that Frank crashed the economy.
  • Then you tried to bet me Mueller wrote his report that he doesn't know one page of.
All I ever bet was that I cited bills that you claim I never cited. You just won't take the bet.

Stupid just don't get any dumber than you.
"Then you said they have to be Frank's bills (we still don't know what a Frank bill is).


Did you really think we need more evidence you're batshit crazy, boobtoob?

That was your expression...
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it.

Now you prove even you don't know what you're talking about.

Why on Earth would I cry when I'm too busy laughing at you for idiotically claiming Frank's bills crashed the economy -- and then diving head first into incoherent rants just to avoid posting a bill number, to a Frank bill crashing the economy, to prove you're not as crazy as you appear?

You've never posted one, despite your lie that you did. Which is why I keep prodding you to post it.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

  • Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy? Is this more of the Fawn dementia and revisionist attempts? Come to think of it, prove that you've ever proven ANY of your claims you make?
  • Prove I never posted a bill number. In fact, BET ME I didn't. If wrong, you agree to be banned for six months. Forcing me to post the bill numbers AGAIN was part of the original bet that you never took! So take that bet!
  • You claimed I never cited any bills. You claim I never posted any bill numbers. You claim nothing Frank ever sponsored or did derailed or crashed the economy.
The bills are already cited. Bill numbers are already posted. Several detailed reports citing how Frank's actions derailed and crashed the economy are already posted. The sign of a demented fuck knob is a tool like you who asks for something they already have over and over and over. Yet you won't take any bets to prove me wrong. Tell us, is your tool long enough that you just cram it up your own ass all day long as well? I bet you can stick it in your ear.
"Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy?"

You can't possibly be this stupid, boobtoob?

Prove a Frank bill caused the crash....

You've posted no Frank bill number that caused the crash.

All talk. No proof. You make Real Dave look like a genius. You keep repeating yourself asking for stuff you already have. If you want more, you already know the answer, TAKE THE BET, that if I didn't cite any bills or bill numbers that you agree to a six month ban? Now, WHY WON'T YOU TAKE THAT BET? Why do you keep trying to change the bet?
  • First you said I cited no bills.
  • Then you said I cited no bill numbers.
  • Then you said they have to be Frank's bills (we still don't know what a Frank bill is).
  • Then you said they had to have crashed or derailed the economy. Who decides that?
  • Then you changed it to a bill that Frank wrote that single-handedly crashed the economy.
  • Then you ignored all the articles I posted where experts said that Frank crashed the economy.
  • Then you tried to bet me Mueller wrote his report that he doesn't know one page of.
All I ever bet was that I cited bills that you claim I never cited. You just won't take the bet.

Stupid just don't get any dumber than you.
"Then you said they have to be Frank's bills (we still don't know what a Frank bill is).


Did you really think we need more evidence you're batshit crazy, boobtoob?

That was your expression...
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it.

Now you prove even you don't know what you're talking about.


Meaningless, circuitous blather from a drooling idiot. The bills I referred to were all those Frank chaired, worked on, sponsored or supported. You said I never cited ANY bill. Those were YOUR words. I bet you I did. You are too chicken shit to take the bet.

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Now back it up by BETTING ME I never cited a bill! You know the bet. I can have the senior mod here in 5 minutes to prosecute it. The ball is in YOUR lap now.
Why on Earth would I cry when I'm too busy laughing at you for idiotically claiming Frank's bills crashed the economy -- and then diving head first into incoherent rants just to avoid posting a bill number, to a Frank bill crashing the economy, to prove you're not as crazy as you appear?

You've never posted one, despite your lie that you did. Which is why I keep prodding you to post it.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

  • Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy? Is this more of the Fawn dementia and revisionist attempts? Come to think of it, prove that you've ever proven ANY of your claims you make?
  • Prove I never posted a bill number. In fact, BET ME I didn't. If wrong, you agree to be banned for six months. Forcing me to post the bill numbers AGAIN was part of the original bet that you never took! So take that bet!
  • You claimed I never cited any bills. You claim I never posted any bill numbers. You claim nothing Frank ever sponsored or did derailed or crashed the economy.
The bills are already cited. Bill numbers are already posted. Several detailed reports citing how Frank's actions derailed and crashed the economy are already posted. The sign of a demented fuck knob is a tool like you who asks for something they already have over and over and over. Yet you won't take any bets to prove me wrong. Tell us, is your tool long enough that you just cram it up your own ass all day long as well? I bet you can stick it in your ear.
"Prove none or all of the bills Frank was involved with didn't hurt the economy?"

You can't possibly be this stupid, boobtoob?

Prove a Frank bill caused the crash....

You've posted no Frank bill number that caused the crash.

All talk. No proof. You make Real Dave look like a genius. You keep repeating yourself asking for stuff you already have. If you want more, you already know the answer, TAKE THE BET, that if I didn't cite any bills or bill numbers that you agree to a six month ban? Now, WHY WON'T YOU TAKE THAT BET? Why do you keep trying to change the bet?
  • First you said I cited no bills.
  • Then you said I cited no bill numbers.
  • Then you said they have to be Frank's bills (we still don't know what a Frank bill is).
  • Then you said they had to have crashed or derailed the economy. Who decides that?
  • Then you changed it to a bill that Frank wrote that single-handedly crashed the economy.
  • Then you ignored all the articles I posted where experts said that Frank crashed the economy.
  • Then you tried to bet me Mueller wrote his report that he doesn't know one page of.
All I ever bet was that I cited bills that you claim I never cited. You just won't take the bet.

Stupid just don't get any dumber than you.
"Then you said they have to be Frank's bills (we still don't know what a Frank bill is).


Did you really think we need more evidence you're batshit crazy, boobtoob?

That was your expression...
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it.

Now you prove even you don't know what you're talking about.


Meaningless, circuitous blather from a drooling idiot. The bills I referred to were all those Frank chaired, worked on, sponsored or supported. You said I never cited ANY bill. Those were YOUR words. I bet you I did. You are too chicken shit to take the bet.

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Now back it up by BETTING ME I never cited a bill! You know the bet. I can have the senior mod here in 5 minutes to prosecute it. The ball is in YOUR lap now.
I said you never cited any bill that crashed the economy. Again, it's not my problem that you have to strip out 2/3rds of my post to alter its context to make it mean something different than that.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

I said you never cited any bill that crashed the economy. Again, it's not my problem that you have to strip out 2/3rds of my post to alter its context to make it mean something different than that.

Really? Show me WHERE you said that, liar.

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I altered nothing other than to remove the non-relevant material. As all can see again, for the 100th time, you said I NEVER CITED ANY BILL. What you THINK you said in the voices you hear inside your head no one can account for. And as I already cited the bills with their bill numbers, does that mean that:
  1. You were too stupid to read them in the first place?
  2. Too lazy to go back and look them up?
Bottom line: normal, reasonable, intelligent people don't obsess over an opinion like you. You should seriously see a psychiatrist. As I've maintained since day one, you said I never cited any bills, I clearly did, you know that as you won't take my bet, your nothing but a troll and if you really want to dispute the opinion of many the ultimate effects of any of the bills I posted on the economy, fine. Produce some credible, relevant data, links or official opinions, otherwise, get off this thread.
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