Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

Only the ones breaking the law. They also went after liberal groups doing the same, except your propagandists didn't tell you that part.
BS. Old news. IRS admitted they targetted 501 C groups. And here is Smith in on it back then.

Lerner should have went to prison
You Trumptards are the ones being led into the far left cave, and you don't even realize it.

I warned this forum in 2016 that Trump would take you there, and I was ignored.
Oh We would have voted Hildabeast.

Did Hell Freeze over?
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

What goes around ... comes around pally.
Or did you go to some super duper White Priviledge
spoiled brat school that Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
endorse.Where homework is optional.Grades not necessary.
Just a fully on board Obama-style mindset.I guess that explains
where going from a College like Occidental to Columbia U.
dint require mush.
BS. Old news. IRS admitted they targetted 501 C groups. And here is Smith in on it back then.

Lerner should have went to prison
501(c)(3) groups are absolutely prohibited from engaging in political activity, moron.

The IRS went after the ones violating that prohibition. Both liberal and conservative groups.

You've been hoaxed yet again.
Typical Trump tactic
Insult the Judge, the Prosecutor, their families, their staff

Then claim they are biased against you
This is not or has been any Claim of Bias.
But Pure unadulterated Bias of the first order like never
seen towards a Potus in american history.
Of course you may need to take off yer obvious 3D
special plastic viewing glasses to read.
But then Understanding what you read is yer problemo.
501(c)(3) groups are absolutely prohibited from engaging in political activity, moron.

The IRS went after the ones violating that prohibition. Both liberal and conservative groups.

You've been hoaxed yet again.
BS IRS admitted it in the end dingbat.

Truth the Vote was a big player in the hearings.

What goes around ... comes around pally.
Or did you go to some super duper White Priviledge
spoiled brat school that Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
endorse.Where homework is optional.Grades not necessary.
Just a fully on board Obama-style mindset.I guess that explains
where going from a College like Occidental to Columbia U.
dint require mush.
You don't care. Okay.
501(c)(3) groups are absolutely prohibited from engaging in political activity, moron.

The IRS went after the ones violating that prohibition. Both liberal and conservative groups.

You've been hoaxed yet again.
I suppose it was Kosher for Lerner to go into Congress to
get drilled and then taking the 5th.NOT before she
managed to be allowed to read a prepared written statement
explaining her IRS reasons.
Plus she managed to keep all her IRS retirement benefits.
Paid virtually no price for purposedly targeting Conservative
groups from using 501{c}{3} status.
While allowing Leftist groups such status.
I guess that also explains why Obama used the words :
" Not a smidgen of Corruption ".
501(c)(3) groups are absolutely prohibited from engaging in political activity, moron.

The IRS went after the ones violating that prohibition. Both liberal and conservative groups.

You've been hoaxed yet again.
But they can engage in free speech, and talk about politics. Name what you consider political involvement.
since when is it illegal to donate to a campaign??? Michele Obama made a documentary on facts and truthful information on the trump family ... there's a reason he has 91 charges against him he's a crook... he's going to jail ...

somebody has to point out how immoral Trump is ... somebody has to point out all the crimes he has committed ... the guy a fascist piece os human waste ... she pointed this out to the people whats wrong with that ???

Merrick Garland Appointed Jack Smith to go after Trump ... legally he never got Chevigny to get her brother-in-law to invest... on going after Trump... or everything you think he did wrong ...why would he do that ... he has the entire tax base money to go after Trump... why would he feel he has to get people to invest in Michelle documentary... he's way too busy with all the problems trump has caused this country ...seems you are stuck on stupid ...

Smith began his career in the 1990s as a prosecutor in the New York County district attorney's office. He later served as chief of criminal litigation and in other capacities at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York.

From 2008 to 2010, Smith served as an investigation coordinator in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in the Hague. He supervised investigations of foreign government officials and militia for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

From 2010 to 2015, Smith supervised the litigation of complex public corruption cases nationwide for the Justice Department.

In 2015, Smith was appointed first assistant U.S. attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee. He later worked at Hospital Corporation of America, a health care company and hospital operator. He also was a specialist prosecutor for the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, which has a seat in The Hague. The office, established after an international agreement, has jurisdiction over crimes against humanity, war crimes and other crimes under Kosovo law.

Smith graduated from Harvard Law School and the State University of New York at Oneonta and has received numerous awards from the Justice Department and bar associations.

seems you have no idea what jack Dmith is about ... trump is the liar here, not Jack Smith ...he's doing his job ... he has flipped 4 of Trump's attorney who has revealed what trumps plan were and that was to take over America and run it as a fascist state ... how can you accept that ... are you a fascist too ??? is this what we are working against here

the guy was a crook
Conviction of former Republican Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell: In 2014, a federal jury convicted McDonnell of 11 counts, including "honest services" fraud, extortion, and conspiracy. McDonnell and his wife participated in a scheme to solicit and obtain loans and gifts from a Virginia corporation exceeding $170,000. One other thing he has a list of democrats under his belt that he sent off to jail ... so h's not biased if you violate the law he will come after you he doesn't care what party you belong too ...

and you believe this garbage Trump has told you here really ... here we have his people, his attorneys all these people around him who have said under oath and recorded it on tap... that he planned to use the military to help him take over the white house and the country ...that he was going to refuse to
leave the white house ... but he finally got talked out of taking over the government ... they guys a lying crook

As for Hillary and Bill Clinton Hillary, she was leaving office when you leave the office all of your computer devices and phones are returned to the government ... Hillary returned her computers from the office and her private server ... on ger private server the government lawyers and her lawyers went over that private server said she cand destroy erase whatever she wanted to do so she had 33,000 emails on that private server erased ... then the subpoena came so she stopped the rest of her servers from being destroyed... the republicans were only concerned over her private server ... they tried to make a big deal out of them what they found out that there wasn't any there, there ... the government testified that they were emails from her and family and friends ... there were 18 emails that were recovered those email never had classified stamped on them ... what they were was meetings she had with foreign governments ... that's it... and was told she should have handle those emails better... but it wasn't a crim to they dropped it ....

here trump took classified documents he was asked for an entire year to return them ...they first asked him then they subpoenaed him... then got a search warrant where they found classified documents in his possession...the guys a criminal who needs to impress people on what he knows thas classified ...
At least we are sure of one dispositive fact.That in yer entire life,
you never ran a red light.And the reason you know this is
simpler than Simon says.Because you would never dare to
drive into a red light district or even believe they exist.
Since if there are red light districts ...there sure must be
Blue Light Districts.And then surely White Light Districts.
Or for that matter ... Black Light districts.
So who'd wanna drive around in some Black Light District.
Especially at night.
Who'd wanna believe Trump is President when it's more fun
{ such a gas } to turn him into a Golem.However a Bad Golem.
Because in today's America ... Bad is Good.
Wearing Masks are Good.
Getting Vaccinated is Good.
Maintaining Lockdowns are good.
Whereas Going to Church or believeing in God is BAd.
That's You.Just flip flopping around in a Sea of Gaslighting.
Wha'st Real is then what's to be believed.
Disregard Truth.
You leftists Do Not Value Truth.
It's worse than ants in yer pants.
One huge Wuhan indoctrination lab.
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

Somebody's panties are in a wad this fabulous morning! You should move to Florida, the weather is amazing in November here


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No, and you can't either.

So you’re not an American and you don’t live in the USA. Which European country do you live in?

Incidentally, I have no difficulty accessing any link on this page from Canada.
and you believe this garbage Trump has told you here really ...
I know the IRS under obama targeted Tea Party conservatives to make sure obama got reelected

And if smith was involved with that it solidifies his image as a Deep State hit man
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?


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