Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

And that's the point of this. He'd like his subects to take these people out, including Smith's wife and family.

Now their lives are in danger, and the Trumpsters don't give two shits about that.
Oh my…Can you point to where he said someone should “take them out”?
You mean the COVID that Trump failed to protect us against?
Why did we have higher infection and death rates than other industrialized nations?

How has the COVID mortality rate been under Biden as compared to other countries? There have been spikes in Sweden and Switzerland this past year, no doubt Trump has something to do with those as well.
If you look at COVID deaths per million for every country, the US has remained in a similar position throughout Biden’s presidency as they were during the Trump presidency. One would expect there to be less deaths per million given the precense of vaccines and the fact that virus has weakened, but deaths per million in the US has not signficantly decreased relative to other counties under Biden’s watch.

You bought into a load of crap regarding Trump and COVID. You and other Democrats didn’t take heed of the virus until you figured out that it may be politically expeidiate to do so.

All this aside, the world’s economy sunk during COVID, not just the US. Democrats shut down schools and businesss, which didn’t help matters. Pre-COVID, the US economy was doing very well under Trump, not to mention the foreign policy which encouraged peace through strength vs the appeasement strategy of Biden which has created massive instability.

Bottom line is that if Trump wins in 2024, which I doubt the Democratic establishment will allow, the US economy will absolutely boom.
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

I guess you did not notice that the Special Counsel is going after Trump's kids. Not just mentioning them in a throwaway line, but abusing his power to involve them in the legal system.
Legally, not verbally, putting their safety at risk.

Maybe I made this too complicated for you folks.
It was bound to be nonsensical, when you tried to equate a throwaway line by Trump with putting someone's safety at risk.

You think the Trump family is perfectly safe from unhinged Democrats? Seriously? But that doesn't mean people are not allowed to express their opinion about them.

In spite of what your professor told you, speech is not violence.
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Legally, not verbally, putting their safety at risk.

Maybe I made this too complicated for you folks.
Your approval of Stalinist Marxist LAWFARE against political opponents is not complicated at all; it's OBVIOUS to anyone with a working brain.
Who exactly do you think you're fooling?
It was bound to be nonsensical, when you tried to equate a throwaway line by Trump with putting someone's safety at risk.

You think the Trump family is perfectly safe from unhinged Democrats? Seriously? But that doesn't mean people are not allowed to express their opinion about them.

In spite of what your professor told you speech is not violence.
I'm through dumbing things down for you people.

If you don't like my posts, tough shit. Your whining bores me. Dismissed.
And that's the point of this. He'd like his subects to take these people out, including Smith's wife and family.

Now their lives are in danger, and the Trumpsters don't give two shits about that.
Oh shut up snowflake how did you feel when KAVANAUGH FAMILY WAS IN DANGER
Bottom line is that if Trump wins in 2024, which I doubt the Democratic establishment will allow, the US economy will absolutely boom.

The economy never booms under Republican leadership.
Only Democrats create jobs
Oh my…Can you point to where he said someone should “take them out”?
Like any true Crime Boss, Trump knows better than to order someone to “Take him out!”

Instead……He calls people vermin, evil, dangerous
Then acts surprised when his followers react
The economy never booms under Republican leadership.
Only Democrats create jobs

Democrats don’t create anything. They rely on Republicans to hire them and then argue that they aren’t being paid enough.
It makes liberals cry, reason enough to just let it slide.
actually, we liberals aren't crying ... each and every time this piece of human waste Donald J (jerk) trump says something we hold his feet to the fire ... just like Wasserman has ... trump is going after him and he has come out, and pointed out how this little coward respond to attacks from us liberals ...
you are a nut case .... just remember when you say something he doesn't like it's your family he's coming after ...
They have to avoid that element of this. The main element. Trump puts people's lives in danger with his words, and everyone knows it.

There is no telling what his cultists will do. They already issue their own death threats to people he's targeted, and that's bad enough.

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