Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

Without mentioning Rump and his evil clan, how did the libs teach you to go a persons family? Be specific. And look it up before you post it using a viable cite.
You guys were ruthless on Nancy Reagan.
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

He's also trying to get AG James, Judge Engeron & his law clerk killed by one of his psycho nutjobs with his continued attacks.

Lock up that pile of shit & throw away the key before he succeeds.

With Trump's continued attacks on these officials anyone with a brain knows that Trump was all in & in his fucking glory over the mob attack on J6.
lol.....trump brings out all your failures and you represent slaves to a miserable boss and sgit coworkers

your anger is a reflection of yourselves

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