Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

Tell us about the last prosecution you followed where the prosecutors expressed anything but contempt for the scumbag criminals they were trying to put in prison. You sound like you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Then what are you blubbering about?
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

I'd comment on it, if it wasnt from CNN, and was from some source with a modicom of credibility.
Any evidence of Jack Smith's family hating Trump?

Jack Smith is doing his job, a job he was sworn to do...

There is clear evidence of Trump committing crimes. Trump and you want to vilify Smith for doing his job, investigating crimes and and prosecuting if there is enough evidence...

You have no proof of Smith's previous feelings towards Trump...

Smith might not like him now, but that happens after you go for someone's family. But Jack Smith is used to dealing with fucking criminal behaviour like Trump's...

Trump would be best to stop acting like a criminal.
WHAT "clear evidence of Trump committing crimes" ? WHAT "crimes" ? HOW ?
He knew democrats and New Yorkers knew him...and Republican voters did not, they knew only his facade on the Apprentice....that is why he chose the republican party for his run as a didn't know him and his bullying and tricks....democratic voters did, and knew he had ZERO Presidential qualities.....imo.
So you are OBLIVIOUS to all the accomplishments we enjoyed from 2017 -2020.
WHAT "clear evidence of Trump committing crimes" ? WHAT "crimes" ? HOW ?
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

Didn't Jack Smith go after Trump and his family?
It's the Love of Power and Money, by those corrupted congress critters following the Beast, (Trump)!

They see their only way to get the power, is thru Trump and trumpism, yes, group pathology.

I had in mind sending them all to group therapy. Something like the AA 12 step program. "I am a Magat".
Why should I? I already know that no democrats or leftists would respond to it at all much less give honest, thoughtful answers like conservatives do. Having been here for 12 years, you'd think you'd at least know that!

Shows that you don't know shit. With all the times I've openly been critical of Trump, you still think I'm a "trumpster," part of a "cult," and are somehow blindly led around by the nose by secret "messages" of his!

Must be on a shortwave channel along with those "hidden" meanings one dipshit prosecutor claims saying that when Trump told people to go peacefully to the capitol and obey the law, that he really meant to ATTACK/ :71:

I'm quite cognizant of Trump's many flaws and shortcomings and they constantly bother me always hoping he will outgrown them or at least get good counseling on how to better expatiate himself, yet he never does, and I think to his own detriment.

That said, if just one other person would come along from either party who was markedly better in that regard and still carrying Trump's pro-America first agenda that had a chance of winning, I'd happy consider him.

That isn't any Democrat.

Right now, if I had to choose other than Trump, I'm leaning towards Vivek Ramaswamy.

:oops8: now I've done it--- now you can no longer think of me as a xenophobe white racist anymore as I'm sure you prefer to think, either. Damn.

Myabe not but I feel free to think of you as a MAGAt troll. We are going to form a 12 step program that you can attend. They hand out free cookies.

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