Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

No, that's completely FALSE!!!!
It's the MARXISTS that you support OUT OF CONTROL lawfare that is causing this unbelievable madness that is tearing down this country!

Over 200 years, every President understood the importance of a peaceful transition of power to the next President. Even though they may have been unhappy that they lost, they still supported the transition.

Even though he was badly beaten, Trump insisted he won and created a lie that the election had been stolen. Trump understood that the morons who support him, such as yourself, would embrace whatever lie he gave them.

He has only himself to blame for his legal troubles
Over 200 years, every President understood the importance of a peaceful transition of power to the next President. Even though they may have been unhappy that they lost, they still supported the transition.

Even though he was badly beaten, Trump insisted he won and created a lie that the election had been stolen. Trump understood that the morons who support him, such as yourself, would embrace whatever lie he gave them.

He has only himself to blame for his legal troubles
He did win, you idiots were so enamored by yourselves that you cooked the books to much, and told on yourselves.
Over 200 years, every President understood the importance of a peaceful transition of power to the next President. Even though they may have been unhappy that they lost, they still supported the transition.

Even though he was badly beaten, Trump insisted he won and created a lie that the election had been stolen. Trump understood that the morons who support him, such as yourself, would embrace whatever lie he gave them.

He has only himself to blame for his legal troubles
Cool narrative, asshole.

He knew democrats and New Yorkers knew him...and Republican voters did not, they knew only his facade on the Apprentice....that is why he chose the republican party for his run as a didn't know him and his bullying and tricks....democratic voters did, and knew he had ZERO Presidential qualities.....imo.
All he had to do was talk like a radio talk show host. Talking is easy for him.
Man did that gigantic pile of manure come from you or do you own farm animals
I spent several years of my life living in Brooklyn. WE KNOW HIM! Don't try to fool yourselves in to thinking this is democrats against a republican Trump, this is against Trump, no matter the party, we have never supported his political candidacies, BECAUSE...WE KNOW HIM....and what he has done and what he'd do, to the once respected, presidential seat.
Demonstrating the degree of idiocy of Trump followers that Trump depends on
Trump won. Many do not trust the federal government anymore. Watching the hijinks after the 2016 election you have no legs to stand on. An economic downturn will be a lesson for all of us. With many people remembering what Progs have done.
I spent several years of my life living in Brooklyn. WE KNOW HIM! Don't try to fool yourselves in to thinking this is democrats against a republican Trump, this is against Trump, no matter the party, we have never supported his political candidacies, BECAUSE...WE KNOW HIM....and what he has done and what he'd do, to the once respected, presidential seat.
Just look at how badly Trump loses in his home county of Queens.

They have seen his antics for decades and know better than to vote for him.
Trump won.
You have been lied to. The following people say you're wrong:

The two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

You're believing a guy who said the EMMYS were rigged against him when he lost. That's on YOU.

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