Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

Trump won. Many do not trust the federal government anymore. Watching the hijinks after the 2016 election you have no legs to stand on. An economic downturn will be a lesson for all of us. With many people remembering what Progs have done.
“Many” believe that lizard people walk among us and that Bigfoot is real
You're believing a guy who said the EMMYS were rigged against him when he lost. That's on YOU.

Hard to believe his followers continue to buy his Crybaby Loser act…..regardless of how often he plays it

When he lost the Iowa Caucus in 2016, he claimed Ted Cruz cheated

When he lost the popular vote by 3 million to Hillary, he claimed that 3 million illegal Mexicans voted for Hillary

When he lost Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to Joe Biden……he claimed EVERY state had cheated

He now claims he won all 50 states in 2020

That is how gullible his supporters are
Hard to believe his followers continue to buy his Crybaby Loser act…..regardless of how often he plays it

When he lost the Iowa Caucus in 2016, he claimed Ted Cruz cheated

When he lost the popular vote by 3 million to Hillary, he claimed that 3 million illegal Mexicans voted for Hillary

When he lost Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to Joe Biden……he claimed EVERY state had cheated

He now claims he won all 50 states in 2020

That is how gullible his supporters are
Group pathology. The world has seen it before.

It just could never have happened here. Never.
Never heard the speech, however, referring to those who voted for Trump as "deplorable," along with politicians telling the public they had to "fight" the republicans, I'd say was insulting to millions of voters.
Perhaps all those Trump haters, should actually go through the list of positive things he accomplished while in office, despite the garbage he had to put up with from the left.
I find it interesting that prior to running for office, he was a "media-darling" to the Democrats, with them liking to have their photographs taken with him. He even donated to some of their causes. However, he saw the way the Democrats were headed toward a neo-Marxist, Globalist, no-nation borders and free movement of peoples agenda and couldn't go along with it.
/-----/ Dedicated to all libtards on USMB
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

Fuck with us and find out
Trump is NOT accountable for your RABID illogical HATRED of him.
That's on YOU, asshole!

We just had a State Congressman convicted of similar items that Rump is being tried for. No fuss, No muss and it didn't take 5 years to get it done completely. If almost all of us out here tried the crap that Rump does on a daily basis, we would have at least a life term when all things are added up.

Jack Smith, and his family of subverted Marxists, can dish it out, but can't take it.

So you want to silence people that are NOT on trial? Mussolini would be proud.

Profanity removed.
Mac1958 is the know-it-all one-dimensional trump hater

I suspect he knows more about this than he’s willing to admit

But here goes:

Smith’s wife Katy Chevigny gave President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign $2,000, tying his family to the White House. Chevigny was also a producer for Michele Obama’s fawning documentary Becoming.

Smith’s sister-in-law Blue Chevigny, a psychotherapist in Manhattan, went on an unhinged NeverTrump rant after he won the 2016 presidential election. She wrote that all her patients “were motivated to resist” the Trump administration and “were enthusiastic about the prospect of fighting against Trump.”

“This week, I felt so scared myself, so utterly without hope, so depressed,” she wrote Nov. 19, 2016, comparing her feeling to the “dread” from “the attacks on 9/11.”

Chevigny announced herself to be a Trump resister immediately after he won the election, but Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed her brother-in-law to investigate Trump.

“And I’m supposed to get a fair shake from this person, who’s under tremendous pressure from his family, but he is actually worse than they are?,” Trump wrote. “Jack Smith is nothing less than a hit man for Obama, his Attorney General Eric Holder, and Andrew Weissmann.”

Trump labeled Smith’s investigation a “weaponization” of the Justice Department.

Smith was used by the Deep State in 2014 to crush Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s reputation and political career. He prosecuted McDonnell for corruption and convicted him, forcing the governor to resign. The Supreme Court overturned his conviction in a unanimous 8-0 decision, in which Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that Smith failed to prove McDonnell’s corruption.

Smith also participated in the Obama administration’s effort to target conservatives through the IRS.

Trump rejected the entire basis for Smith’s investigation.

“I did nothing wrong on January 6th, and nothing wrong with the Democrats’ fix on the Document Hoax, that is, unless the six previous Presidents did something wrong also,” Trump wrote. “When will you invade Bill and Hillary’s home in search of the 33,000 emails she deleted AFTER receiving a subpoena from the U.S. Congress?”
Smith belongs in prison. These people are commies. Shame on the op, he thinks it OK for government to imprison people based on politics.
Group pathology. The world has seen it before.

It just could never have happened here. Never.
It's the Love of Power and Money, by those corrupted congress critters following the Beast, (Trump)!

They see their only way to get the power, is thru Trump and trumpism, yes, group pathology.
I would take threads like this more seriously if the left showed the same concern when they are the ones doing it. I for one remember all the attacks on Sarah Palins family at the height of her popularity as I have said many times outrage of convenience is no outrage at all.
Smith belongs in prison. These people are commies. Shame on the op, he thinks it OK for government to imprison people based on politics.
What are Smith's crimes? List them, and statute if you know them..... Otherwise you're just spilling bull crap, and YOU know it! :D
It's the Love of Power and Money, by those corrupted congress critters following the Beast, (Trump)!

They see their only way to get the power, is thru Trump and trumpism, yes, group pathology.
It's craven behavior. Shameless.
Smith belongs in prison. These people are commies. Shame on the op, he thinks it OK for government to imprison people based on politics.
If that were accurate you’d have a point.

Sadly for you they are being imprisoned based on EVIDENCE
This SEVEN FUCKING YEARS of the demented LEFT 's temper tantrum is getting really OLD!!!!
FBI spying, FISA court ABUSE, Hillary's FAKE Russian Dossier, TWO unwarranted impeachment, and now this fucking LAWFARE against him, and here the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies say Trump brought this all on himself......WHAT?????


This post complaining about a temper tantrum is pretty funny.
I would take threads like this more seriously if the left showed the same concern when they are the ones doing it. I for one remember all the attacks on Sarah Palins family at the height of her popularity as I have said many times outrage of convenience is no outrage at all.
Palin was dipsy, going after her candidacy was part of the dirty political Fair Game....

BUT going after her family, was wrong and hurtful....even with her pulling her own family in to it from time to time.....

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