Trumpsters, please provide your defense of this

Typical Trump tactic
Insult the Judge, the Prosecutor, their families, their staff

Then claim they are biased against you
Well, he knows he can rape and/or shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they'll still defend him.

In Normal World, you don't bring up family. In MAGA World, there is no bottom.
Yeah, Trump should just take this political lawfare against him as no big deal.
GTFOH!!!! :eusa_hand:
Trump needs to start taking these trials as a big deal.

He needs to listen to his lawyers and STFU. His statements and antics are not helping his case
We know that’s not going to happen.

And his statements and antics are certainly helping his campaign – conservatives responding to this thread is proof of that.
You cheering on the political lawfare being waged against Trump is typical coming from a demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist piglet zombie.
In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

I wouldn’t call it an attack, he just commented that smiths family hates him more than smith does.

So…has his wife made comments about trump?

I say that all family should be off the table, but that doesn’t stop both sides from doing it.
This SEVEN FUCKING YEARS of the demented LEFT 's temper tantrum is getting really OLD!!!!
FBI spying, FISA court ABUSE, Hillary's FAKE Russian Dossier, TWO unwarranted impeachment, and now this fucking LAWFARE against him, and here the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies say Trump brought this all on himself......WHAT?????


In a "speech" a couple of days ago, Trump went specifically after Jack Smith's "wife and family".

Is this beyond the pale for you?

I don't expect it is, and I expect the standard "TDS" evasion. But do ANY of you want to say this is wrong and dangerous? Smith's wife and family have done nothing.

ANY of you?

All Demonrats have done is go after trump and his family so suck it!
Never heard the speech, however, referring to those who voted for Trump as "deplorable," along with politicians telling the public they had to "fight" the republicans, I'd say was insulting to millions of voters.
Perhaps all those Trump haters, should actually go through the list of positive things he accomplished while in office, despite the garbage he had to put up with from the left.
I find it interesting that prior to running for office, he was a "media-darling" to the Democrats, with them liking to have their photographs taken with him. He even donated to some of their causes. However, he saw the way the Democrats were headed toward a neo-Marxist, Globalist, no-nation borders and free movement of peoples agenda and couldn't go along with it.
He knew democrats and New Yorkers knew him...and Republican voters did not, they knew only his facade on the Apprentice....that is why he chose the republican party for his run as a didn't know him and his bullying and tricks....democratic voters did, and knew he had ZERO Presidential qualities.....imo.
He knew democrats and New Yorkers knew him...and Republican voters did not, they knew only his facade on the Apprentice....that is why he chose the republican party for his run as a didn't know him and his bullying and tricks....democratic voters did, and knew he had ZERO Presidential qualities.....imo.
Man did that gigantic pile of manure come from you or do you own farm animals

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