Trumpsters should just be patient.

The fact that Trumpsters deny that their fellow Trumpsters are complaining about this stuff is beyond even how far I thought they could go.

I've complained regularly. Has little to do with Trump as he has no power over our local lockdowns. His Dr on the other hand is a limelight hog and I do not like him.
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.
Guess you haven't been looking at some of the BS going on in this country then.

I watched a doctor attack teen girls who violated a field across from their house just watching the sunset..................He was arrested........GOOD.

Another thread a MORON signing a law for social distancing or $1,000 fines.....with every dang one of the Morons......standing right next to each other.

What we have going on now is STUPIDITY.
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from anti-Trumpers about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
Oh, lookie! Another Trump hate thread! I suppose you worthless leftist traitors need to be good at something...
The fact that Trumpsters deny that their fellow Trumpsters are complaining about this stuff is beyond even how far I thought they could go.

I've complained regularly. Has little to do with Trump as he has no power over our local lockdowns. His Dr on the other hand is a limelight hog and I do not like him.
We've got people here (hey there, harmonica!) who are actually denying that anyone is complaining. I don't know how to respond to that level of delusion.

I understand the complaints, though I don't agree with some of them. These are uncharted waters. But some intellectual honesty from both ends would be helpful.
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
Oh, lookie! Another Trump hate thread! I suppose you worthless leftist traitors need to be good at something...
Clumsy deflection noted, cool.

And it's not about Trump. It's about his sheep.
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
Oh, lookie! Another Trump hate thread! I suppose you worthless leftist traitors need to be good at something...
Clumsy deflection noted, cool.

And it's not about Trump. It's about his sheep.
Quit starting worthless threads. Thanks.
But some intellectual honesty from both ends would be helpful.

How about fuck your damn Jack Boots mentality again................What I'm seeing......I DON'T LIKE.......

They better back off or it may get real in this country.........
There is a lot of complaining from non Trump supporters about it as well and you can be rest assured when it's all over they will blame him for every single bit of it till the day he leaves office and beyond. Believe me!

I certainly hope the American people recognize what a piss poor job Trump has done on this thing. Worst rate of infection in the world. Soon to have the greatest number of deaths in the world. Hospitals staff begging in the streets for PPE's.

But worst of all is the daily spectacle of Donald Trump on TV demanding that people tell him what a great job he's doing and how everyone should be GRATEFUL to him for saving them. And that they should show their appreciation for the great job. Every day, thousands of Americans are dying alone, without the comfort of their family or even a human touch, and Trump complains he is not being appreciated.

Not once ever has Trump talked about the people who are dying. He talks about "death" being in America, but only in the most abstract and unemotional terms. The only time he shows emotion is when he talks about the damage being done to the "greatest economy in history".

I hope no one ever forgets what this souless, self absorbed prick has done to the American people. The word "Trumpian" will become the very definition of criminal incompetence leading to total clusterfuck. History will never forget, and if Americans have half a brain, they'll destroy the Republican Party and pour quick lime over its grave too.
The fact that Trumpsters deny that their fellow Trumpsters are complaining about this stuff is beyond even how far I thought they could go.

I've complained regularly. Has little to do with Trump as he has no power over our local lockdowns. His Dr on the other hand is a limelight hog and I do not like him.
We've got people here (hey there, harmonica!) who are actually denying that anyone is complaining. I don't know how to respond to that level of delusion.

I understand the complaints, though I don't agree with some of them. These are uncharted waters. But some intellectual honesty from both ends would be helpful.
I am plenty pissed but as I said, it's on local municipalities. The job I just finished was cut in half because of the fear mongering. 5k in labor down the tubes. She wasn't sick, I am not sick but the media and local politicians have put the fear of god in our population
The fact that Trumpsters deny that their fellow Trumpsters are complaining about this stuff is beyond even how far I thought they could go.

The fact the you seem to feel only Trump supporters are complaning is equally incredible. Many people are in very tough situations no matter what their political ideology or which party they support I would be shocked if no one was complaing but as complaing in stressful times is human nature none of this surprises me which includes people from all sides trying to score cheap political points.
And you'll be doing just what I said in the OP when this is over.
And you will be doing just what I said in my orginal post on this thread. You love to talk about partisans you might want to take a closer look at yourself you are becoming less the open minded poster you have been and are slowly becoming more like they Billy0000 types of the board. We all need to do self reflection from time to time including me maybe you should consider it as well.
There is a lot of complaining from non Trump supporters about it as well and you can be rest assured when it's all over they will blame him for every single bit of it till the day he leaves office and beyond. Believe me!

I certainly hope the American people recognize what a piss poor job Trump has done on this thing. Worst rate of infection in the world. Soon to have the greatest number of deaths in the world. Hospitals staff begging in the streets for PPE's.

But worst of all is the daily spectacle of Donald Trump on TV demanding that people tell him what a great job he's doing and how everyone should be GRATEFUL to him for saving them. And that they should show their appreciation for the great job. Every day, thousands of Americans are dying alone, without the comfort of their family or even a human touch, and Trump complains he is not being appreciated.

Not once ever has Trump talked about the people who are dying. He talks about "death" being in America, but only in the most abstract and unemotional terms. The only time he shows emotion is when he talks about the damage being done to the "greatest economy in history".

I hope no one ever forgets what this souless, self absorbed prick has done to the American people. The word "Trumpian" will become the very definition of criminal incompetence leading to total clusterfuck. History will never forget, and if Americans have half a brain, they'll destroy the Republican Party and pour quick lime over its grave too.
awe............he got the reaction from us to tell him to take his BS where the sun doesn't shine.....and he starts with the faggot faces.....

LMAO.........How is your TRIBE BRO...........Looks like Fly Over states are the place to be now.....huh

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