Truth Continues to Leak........ NY Times Backpedals

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"The account of Sicknick’s death was reported as fact, not speculation or rumor. Further, it appears that the anonymous sources were not law enforcement officials but people “close” to the police department—which means they could have been anyone from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to inveterate liar U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to the Democratic mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Bowser."
This is pretty odd actually.
They retracted the story, which is significant, but what is actually bad - is they relied on unsubstantiated sources and reported it as fact. When it apparently wasn't.
What is odd... is no one is saying how the hell he died. Why not?
Coroners reports are public documents. It's not like they haven't looked - they have, but for what reason are they not saying how he died.
The answer to that should be obvious.
What is wrong with you people? Every time there is a large tragic event there is confusion, takes time to sort things out.
but what is actually bad - is they relied on unsubstantiated sources and reported it as fact. When it apparently wasn't.

That's been the default behavior of the entire anti-Trump media for the past 5 years. Anonymous sources make up a lie, the Big Tech/Big Media complex disseminates it far and wide, and the dupes lick it up unquestioningly.
What is wrong with you people? Every time there is a large tragic event there is confusion, takes time to sort things out.
Seems as though the reason why there is confusion is because people report on things before they know the facts.

How do you report cause of death BEFORE the cause of death is revealed?
Jesus you people. The NYT and everyone else reported it as such because LAW ENFORCEMENT reported it as such.

“Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit.”

That makes the "HaHa" on you. :rolleyes-41:

"Law enforcement" = Nancy Pelosi's Office
but what is actually bad - is they relied on unsubstantiated sources and reported it as fact. When it apparently wasn't.

That's been the default behavior of the entire anti-Trump media for the past 5 years. Anonymous sources make up a lie, the Big Tech/Big Media complex disseminates it far and wide, and the dupes lick it up unquestioningly.
Well honestly, it is that way on both sides.
We do not have a good source of information anymore. Period.
You turn on Fox News, and it is going to be Democrat bashing. Pretty much no matter when you turn it on. And they also repeat unsubstantiated sources as fact also.
The left seem worse only because they control 80% of the information. Biden, like Obama, will be able to do pretty much whatever he likes, and fuck up without worry - because he will be covered by 80% of the media.
For fucks sake... we have people here who actually believe Obama was a good President. Even though, if he would have been a Republican and did EXACTLY the same EO's etc... the left would have hated him.
Took over a month for the left to stumble onto some truth. Pathetic

The New York Times Retracts the Story Asserting Capitol ...

View attachment 457927

Some other yahoo tried to peddle this same shit yesterday, at which point I noted that his source (Fox Noise) provided zero quotation of an original NYT story that would have been "retracted".

This one actually does print that elusive text:

Quoted: NYT January 8>>

“Mr. Sicknick, 42, an officer for the Capitol Police, died on Thursday from brain injuries he sustained after Trump loyalists who overtook the complex struck him in the head with a fire extinguisher, according to two law enforcement officials.” <<​

What all these Insurrectapologists looking around desperately for ways to evade the stark fact of sedition, keep missing, and I have to think deliberately missing, is the last phrase:

"according to two law enforcement officials.”

That means it's "two LE officials" speaking --- not the NYT. That's just basic journalism. So whatever new info comes in, isn't a "retraction" .... the two LE officials DID render that description. THAT'S THE STORY: "TWO LE OFFICIALS SAID...". The verb there would be "said".

The same blog page the OP linked goes on to ass-ess, directly after that quote:

>> The account of Sicknick’s death was reported as fact, not speculation or rumor. <<

WRONG. It was attributed from the start to "two LE officials". If it were "reported as fact" there would be no need to cite that it came from outside analysts.

Blogpage goes on:

>> Further, it appears that the anonymous sources were not law enforcement officials but people “close” to the police department—which means they could have been anyone from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to inveterate liar U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to the Democratic mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Bowser. <<

"It appears"?? To who?? A blogger engaging in wishful thinking? NONE of these named people are law enforcement officials. Further the phase shoots itself in the foot as obviously unable to arrive on the scene with "clean hands', describing one of those purported "law enforcement officials" as "inveterate liar" and describing all three of them with the Composition Fallacy of their political party. And only one of them, two being from California, would be actually "close to the police department" anyway. So this blogger just did exactly what he falsely accused the NYT of ---- "representing as fact" the characterization of "inveterate liar".

In the realm of journalism this is the shit that somebody forgot to flush. I guess it's predictable that it would be trotted in by a poster named "Dookie".
Jesus you people. The NYT and everyone else reported it as such because LAW ENFORCEMENT reported it as such.

“Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit.”

That makes the "HaHa" on you. :rolleyes-41:

"Law enforcement" = Nancy Pelosi's Office

Nancy Pelosi is a Congresscritter. She doesn't work in "law enforcement".

Below is from the police press release from January 7th. Based on videos of events it wasn't any stretch to believe the fire extinguisher story. There is a video available on YouTube of an officer being knocked down and having a fire extinguisher tossed at him, which might be the root of the story the 2 officers passed on to the NYT. I'd be surprised if there was any sort of Army's cover-up of Pat Tillman's friendly fire death going on here on part of the police.

Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. The death of Officer Sicknick will be investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department’s Homicide Branch, the USCP, and our federal partners.
Loss of USCP Officer Brian D. Sicknick | United States Capitol Police
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Why the fuck does the article not have his real cause of death?

Was he or was he not hit in the head with a fire extinguisher/
What all these Insurrectapologists looking around desperately for ways to evade the stark fact of sedition....

"Insurrectapologist".... is that like BLM followers and Antifapologist? Or the left ignoring and burying stories of people shooting police officers last year?
All of 2020 leftist activist caused untold $millions of property damage, over a $million in looting and theft... and twice took over areas of cities where there were street thugs attacking innocent people, sexual assaults and murder.
Yet to this day - the left still say "mostly peaceful"

Anything like that?
I guess it's predictable that it would be trotted in by a poster named "Dookie".
It's also predictable that someone who can't read ( DukeU ), would also defend a report that two unnamed LEOs reported the cause of death before the facts came out.
What all these Insurrectapologists looking around desperately for ways to evade the stark fact of sedition....

"Insurrectapologist".... is that like BLM followers and Antifapologist? Or the left ignoring and burying stories of people shooting police officers last year?
All of 2020 leftist activist caused untold $millions of property damage, over a $million in looting and theft... and twice took over areas of cities where there were street thugs attacking innocent people, sexual assaults and murder.
Yet to this day - the left still say "mostly peaceful"

Anything like that?

Wooden know, since none of --- whatever that is up there --- has anything to do with the topic.

What is your first language btw? The one that doesn't have plurals?
What all these Insurrectapologists looking around desperately for ways to evade the stark fact of sedition....

"Insurrectapologist".... is that like BLM followers and Antifapologist? Or the left ignoring and burying stories of people shooting police officers last year?
All of 2020 leftist activist caused untold $millions of property damage, over a $million in looting and theft... and twice took over areas of cities where there were street thugs attacking innocent people, sexual assaults and murder.
Yet to this day - the left still say "mostly peaceful"

Anything like that?

Wooden know, since none of --- whatever that is up there --- has anything to do with the topic.

What is your first language btw? The one that doesn't have plurals?
No, I didn't think you would have any idea.
What all these Insurrectapologists looking around desperately for ways to evade the stark fact of sedition....

"Insurrectapologist".... is that like BLM followers and Antifapologist? Or the left ignoring and burying stories of people shooting police officers last year?
All of 2020 leftist activist caused untold $millions of property damage, over a $million in looting and theft... and twice took over areas of cities where there were street thugs attacking innocent people, sexual assaults and murder.
Yet to this day - the left still say "mostly peaceful"

Anything like that?

Wooden know, since none of --- whatever that is up there --- has anything to do with the topic.

What is your first language btw? The one that doesn't have plurals?
No, I didn't think you would have any idea.

Then don't sit here and try to derail the topic, K?
What all these Insurrectapologists looking around desperately for ways to evade the stark fact of sedition....

"Insurrectapologist".... is that like BLM followers and Antifapologist? Or the left ignoring and burying stories of people shooting police officers last year?
All of 2020 leftist activist caused untold $millions of property damage, over a $million in looting and theft... and twice took over areas of cities where there were street thugs attacking innocent people, sexual assaults and murder.
Yet to this day - the left still say "mostly peaceful"

Anything like that?

Wooden know, since none of --- whatever that is up there --- has anything to do with the topic.

What is your first language btw? The one that doesn't have plurals?
No, I didn't think you would have any idea.

Then don't sit here and try to derail the topic, K?
On the contrary, pointing out hypocrisy is certainly on topic.
As is calling out someone who expresses distaste for an activity they, themselves, participate in regularly.
What is wrong with you people? Every time there is a large tragic event there is confusion, takes time to sort things out.
Seems as though the reason why there is confusion is because people report on things before they know the facts.

How do you report cause of death BEFORE the cause of death is revealed?
Most of the "confusion" is the result of media lying.
What all these Insurrectapologists looking around desperately for ways to evade the stark fact of sedition....

"Insurrectapologist".... is that like BLM followers and Antifapologist? Or the left ignoring and burying stories of people shooting police officers last year?
All of 2020 leftist activist caused untold $millions of property damage, over a $million in looting and theft... and twice took over areas of cities where there were street thugs attacking innocent people, sexual assaults and murder.
Yet to this day - the left still say "mostly peaceful"

Anything like that?

Wooden know, since none of --- whatever that is up there --- has anything to do with the topic.

What is your first language btw? The one that doesn't have plurals?
No, I didn't think you would have any idea.

Then don't sit here and try to derail the topic, K?
On the contrary, pointing out hypocrisy is certainly on topic.
As is calling out someone who expresses distaste for an activity they, themselves, participate in regularly.

uh HUH.

And where the fuck did I "participate", even once let alone "regularly", in any such endeavor?


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