Try Defending The Indefensible


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
….or, at least, ignoring the fact that the principles advanced by the Democrat Party are indefensible.

1.How to defend the idea that ignoring criminality will end criminality? That was the idea behind the Obama ‘Promise Program,’ which demanded that thugs and criminals be shielded from the consequences of their actions. If schools reported criminality to the police, the districts were threatened with investigations for ‘racism’ by the Department of Justice.

Police departments were rewarded for NOT arresting law-breakers.
Had it not for Obama's Promise Program, Nikolas Cruz would have been unable to pass a background check...and would not have had the weapons that slaughtered 17 innocents.

Anyone wanna defend that?

2. How about defending this: after years of promises that the 7th century savages that rule Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama rushed through a treaty that would guarantee that that guarantee Iran nukes.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism? This Obama: the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

3. Central to Democrat views, that of the ‘social justice warriors,’ is that objective standards of merit or even the idea of free speech, are invalid, or ‘racist,’ and that they perpetuate some imaginary idea of ‘white privilege.’
The Democrat doctrine of creating classes of people based on their skin color.


4. And speaking of ignoring the indefensible, consider the burden for Jewish and black voters who vote Democrat: This is the party that offers a bro-hug to anti-Semites….and the party that invites illegal aliens into the county and the economy, keeping black workers at the very bottom of the economic ladder.

5. Accepting the Democrat Party programs means ignoring the ‘facts of failure.’ The failed welfare system has squandered $22 trillion yet left the poverty rate as nearly where it was half a century ago. Sneering at marriage, and rewarding out of wedlock births has produced burgeoning levels of crime and poverty.

6. While evidence of its failures, both historic and contemporary, abounds, nearly half of all Democrat voters embrace socialism over capitalism. (“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive)

Socialism…..more effective than ‘Nutrisystems’

“Venezuelans lose average of 19lb in weight due to nationwide food shortages”
Economic crisis causes Venezuelans to lose average of 19lb in weight

Loyalty to the cause brain-dead must one be to vote Democrat????
….or, at least, ignoring the fact that the principles advanced by the Democrat Party are indefensible.

1.How to defend the idea that ignoring criminality will end criminality? That was the idea behind the Obama ‘Promise Program,’ which demanded that thugs and criminals be shielded from the consequences of their actions. If schools reported criminality to the police, the districts were threatened with investigations for ‘racism’ by the Department of Justice.

Police departments were rewarded for NOT arresting law-breakers.
Had it not for Obama's Promise Program, Nikolas Cruz would have been unable to pass a background check...and would not have had the weapons that slaughtered 17 innocents.

Anyone wanna defend that?

2. How about defending this: after years of promises that the 7th century savages that rule Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama rushed through a treaty that would guarantee that that guarantee Iran nukes.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism? This Obama: the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

3. Central to Democrat views, that of the ‘social justice warriors,’ is that objective standards of merit or even the idea of free speech, are invalid, or ‘racist,’ and that they perpetuate some imaginary idea of ‘white privilege.’
The Democrat doctrine of creating classes of people based on their skin color.


4. And speaking of ignoring the indefensible, consider the burden for Jewish and black voters who vote Democrat: This is the party that offers a bro-hug to anti-Semites….and the party that invites illegal aliens into the county and the economy, keeping black workers at the very bottom of the economic ladder.

5. Accepting the Democrat Party programs means ignoring the ‘facts of failure.’ The failed welfare system has squandered $22 trillion yet left the poverty rate as nearly where it was half a century ago. Sneering at marriage, and rewarding out of wedlock births has produced burgeoning levels of crime and poverty.

6. While evidence of its failures, both historic and contemporary, abounds, nearly half of all Democrat voters embrace socialism over capitalism. (“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive)

Socialism…..more effective than ‘Nutrisystems’

“Venezuelans lose average of 19lb in weight due to nationwide food shortages”
Economic crisis causes Venezuelans to lose average of 19lb in weight

Loyalty to the cause brain-dead must one be to vote Democrat????

The Iranian VAJA is the specter next door--or perhaps the banshee--sponsoring infiltrations into many Western intelligence agencies through chaotic State surrogates that no one in power, (save for our President) or in the media wants to reveal. As the 'Tall Man' was to the brothers Mike and Jody in Phantasm, so is the Iranian intelligence apparatus to the European West. Echoes of Greek v. Persian collisions rumble again in echoes down from time out of mind. The Classical World whispers mentions of such fields and sea bottoms of the dead as Marathon and Artemisium. Will the rest of the once sane world take heed?
(1). People (voters) are manifestly stupid. Both parties cater to stupid voters, because, regrettably, they outnumber those voters who are well-informed and give considerable thought to their votes and other political support.

(b). Voters respond to a general "sense" that a candidate "cares about them." They don't look deeply into the candidates actual actions or behavior, or to whether the policies espoused actually help those they "care about," but simply whether it seems like they would help. Take the Feminist reaction to Bill Clinton's bimbo problems. He was clearly someone who took advantage of vulnerable women throughout his political career, and yet they never abandoned him, because they "felt" that he always cared about women. Democrats generally promote policies that give the impression that they care about groups that either ARE or BELIEVE they are disenfranchised: Blacks, Wimmin, Sexual irregulars, Hispanics, and so on. On the other hand, one might also point out that the Business Community supports The Donald, not necessarily because of tangible things he has done (or has promised to do), but because that community believes that he supports them conceptually. That is why the Stock Market trended upward the MOMENT HE WAS ELECTED - didn't even delay until he was inaugurated.

iii. The public discourse of the past 20 years has so distorted the notion of a "lie" that real, actual lies are ignored or willfully forgotten. "If you like your Doctor, you can keep your doctor..." If you point out an actual lie by a politician, your listener will yawn and roll his/her eyes and walk away. The very concept of a political lie is that it is without significance, because they are so ubiquitous.

D. Political discussion that actually explores whether or not a given policy accomplishes what it purports to accomplish are rare; rarer still are the people who are willing to listen or participate in such a discussion. For example, with the universal Leftist adoption of the $15/hr minimum wage [concept], how many people are heard pointing out that such a MW requirement would harm the most vulnerable people in the workforce, who would lose their jobs to more qualified people, have their hours cut, or be asked to work "under the table"? Not many.

5. People generally fail to understand or accept the principle that, Just because a program benefits a lot of people, does not mean that the program is wise (or Constitutional). The biggest and best example of this phenomenon is Social Security. it benefits tens of millions of Americans...but it is a stupid and unconstitutional program that also steals from tens of millions (who do not live long enough to collect benefits). You can explain all day long that it is an unsustainable program and a false promise, and that if that same amount of money (employee plus employer contributions) had been invested in the stock market in the person's name, MOST PEOPLE WOULD HAVE BEEN MUCH BETTER OFF than under Social Security...don't waste your breath.

And by the way, EVERYTHING is "defensible." Ask any lawyer.
(1). People (voters) are manifestly stupid. Both parties cater to stupid voters, because, regrettably, they outnumber those voters who are well-informed and give considerable thought to their votes and other political support.

(b). Voters respond to a general "sense" that a candidate "cares about them." They don't look deeply into the candidates actual actions or behavior, or to whether the policies espoused actually help those they "care about," but simply whether it seems like they would help. Take the Feminist reaction to Bill Clinton's bimbo problems. He was clearly someone who took advantage of vulnerable women throughout his political career, and yet they never abandoned him, because they "felt" that he always cared about women. Democrats generally promote policies that give the impression that they care about groups that either ARE or BELIEVE they are disenfranchised: Blacks, Wimmin, Sexual irregulars, Hispanics, and so on. On the other hand, one might also point out that the Business Community supports The Donald, not necessarily because of tangible things he has done (or has promised to do), but because that community believes that he supports them conceptually. That is why the Stock Market trended upward the MOMENT HE WAS ELECTED - didn't even delay until he was inaugurated.

iii. The public discourse of the past 20 years has so distorted the notion of a "lie" that real, actual lies are ignored or willfully forgotten. "If you like your Doctor, you can keep your doctor..." If you point out an actual lie by a politician, your listener will yawn and roll his/her eyes and walk away. The very concept of a political lie is that it is without significance, because they are so ubiquitous.

D. Political discussion that actually explores whether or not a given policy accomplishes what it purports to accomplish are rare; rarer still are the people who are willing to listen or participate in such a discussion. For example, with the universal Leftist adoption of the $15/hr minimum wage [concept], how many people are heard pointing out that such a MW requirement would harm the most vulnerable people in the workforce, who would lose their jobs to more qualified people, have their hours cut, or be asked to work "under the table"? Not many.

5. People generally fail to understand or accept the principle that, Just because a program benefits a lot of people, does not mean that the program is wise (or Constitutional). The biggest and best example of this phenomenon is Social Security. it benefits tens of millions of Americans...but it is a stupid and unconstitutional program that also steals from tens of millions (who do not live long enough to collect benefits). You can explain all day long that it is an unsustainable program and a false promise, and that if that same amount of money (employee plus employer contributions) had been invested in the stock market in the person's name, MOST PEOPLE WOULD HAVE BEEN MUCH BETTER OFF than under Social Security...don't waste your breath.

And by the way, EVERYTHING is "defensible." Ask any lawyer.

You know what Shakespeare said to do with lawyers.....
7. How can anyone defend the Democrat desire to end free speech???

“Hillary: Running Facebook Would Be My Dream Job Because I Get To Control The Flow Of Information

Since her defeat in the 2016 election, speculation has churned about Hillary Clinton and what she set her mind to after losing a second run for the U.S. presidency.

On Friday, Clinton indicated that a dream job of hers, at least in the private sector, would be to run a high-profile company: Facebook.

Speaking at Harvard University before receiving an award on Friday, Clinton was asked a hypothetical question by moderator Maura Healey, a fellow Democrat and attorney general of Massachusetts: If Clinton could be chief executive of any company right now, which company would she choose?

“Facebook,” Clinton said without hesitating, as she and Healey paused to laugh with the audience.

Clinton said that she would want to be in charge of the social media giant because of the immense power it has over the world’s flow of information.”

Hillary: Running Facebook Would Be My Dream Job Because I Get To Oversee The Flow Of Information=

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