Try to Tear This One Down Democrats " Marine Corp Memorial."


May 23, 2014
Give it your best shot...see what happens. Democratic Party should be classified as a terrorist organization because they are encouraging the tearing down of statues that honor George Washington and Francis Scott Key. Think Putin is pissed about losing Cold War? His revenge is NOW thanks to college campuses, public school classroom's and Democrats. Never seen such a greater act of treason against our nation. Clinton's started this downward spiral and everyone associated with them are idiots. Especially Caraville. He's a former Marine, the cocksucker should know better.
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Give it your best shot...see what happens. Democratic Party should be classified as a terrorist organization because they are encouraging the tearing down of statues that honor George Washington and Franc Scott Keyes. Think Putin is pissed about losing Cold War? His revenge is NOW thanks to college campuses, public school classroom's and Democrats. Never seen such a greater act of treason against our nation. Clinton's started this downward spiral and everyone associated with them are idiots. Especially Caraville. He's a former Marine, the cocksucker should know better.
The BLM movement wants to go into St Augustine and vandalize that city. I think i will spend more time down there....
Give it your best shot...see what happens. Democratic Party should be classified as a terrorist organization because they are encouraging the tearing down of statues that honor George Washington and Francis Scott Key. Think Putin is pissed about losing Cold War? His revenge is NOW thanks to college campuses, public school classroom's and Democrats. Never seen such a greater act of treason against our nation. Clinton's started this downward spiral and everyone associated with them are idiots. Especially Caraville. He's a former Marine, the cocksucker should know better.

All desecration of American historical icons thus far represents only the tip of the iceberg. Churches and cathedrals and all other Christian architecture and symbols are next.
The Democrat mayor of Chicago is not allowing states to come down..It is the people of the community who decide what they want.
Chicago is a shithole that bring the rest of Illinois down.
All desecration of American historical icons thus far represents only the tip of the iceberg. Churches and cathedrals and all other Christian architecture and symbols are next.
I never thought I would see a communistic revolution in the nation I love, and have worn the uniform twice, including comb to serve her. Vet's must save her.
No Black faces on Iwo Jima but Ira Hayes was an American Indian. It's interesting to note that Rosenthal didn't recognize the significance of his quick photo and didn't record the names. The Marines mis-identified one of the Flag raisers and it took Ira Hayes to identify him and it wasn't until around 2019 that it became evident that the Corpsman, Doc Bradley was also mis-identified. The Flag raising was just another work party so nobody cared at the time.
I doubt that very seriously. Why are they so dependant on it for economics?
Why do Chicago Democrats want a tax sticker for tubing down river and four-wheelers? So we can pay for City of Chicago workers retirements and all those jobs were passed out by the Machine. Don't fuck with me. I know how that shit worthless city operates. I was part of it dickhead!
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I never thought I would see a communistic revolution in the nation I love, and have worn the uniform twice, including comb to serve her. Vet's must save her.

I hear you, brother. I still wear the uniform but times have changed. Everything's political. Some of us want to move and shake and bake but those at the top are divided about what to do. So nothing's getting done and a stalemate wouldn't be so bad, but this ain't one. This is an internal enemy of America actively fighting a low intensity war on domestic soil against our sovereign government and they're up by five in the ninth.
No Black faces on Iwo Jima but Ira Hayes was an American Indian. It's interesting to note that Rosenthal didn't recognize the significance of his quick photo and didn't record the names. The Marines mis-identified one of the Flag raisers and it took Ira Hayes to identify him and it wasn't until around 2019 that it became evident that the Corpsman, Doc Bradley was also mis-identified. The Flag raising was just another work party so nobody cared at the time.
You are correct. Beautiful and tragic story that soon will not be taught in our children's classrooms because it's "white racist history." This is where this Democrat shit is going. I'm a former Marine. Iconic photograph of WW2. It does not matter a fucking bit if it was just another "working party" or how Marines were misidentified. It's what it stands for and what we have let our nation devolve into. All statue toppling traitors need a bullet.
I hear you, brother. I still wear the uniform but times have changed. Everything's political. Some of us want to move and shake and bake but those at the top are divided about what to do. So nothing's getting done and a stalemate wouldn't be so bad, but this ain't one. This is an internal enemy of America actively fighting a low intensity war on domestic soil against our sovereign government and they're up by five in the ninth.
Bullshit. Then come back with six runs goddamnit!
The Democrat mayor of Chicago is not allowing states to come down..It is the people of the community who decide what they want.
It’s the fake mayors job to protect these great works of art and culture
So if I don’t like a certain building .i am allowed to torch it ??

Why do Chicago Democrats want a tax sticker for tubing down river and four-wheelers? So we can pay for City of Chicago workers retirements and all those jobs were passed out by the Machine. Don't fuck with me. I now how that shit worthless city operates. I was part of it dickhead!
And yet:

Chicago has one of the world's largest and most diversified economies, with more than four million employees and generating an annual gross regional product (GRP) of over $609 billion. The city is an efficient economic powerhouse, home to more than 400 major corporate headquarters, including 36 in the Fortune 500.


There ya go dickhead!
Where did they find the fake mayor of Chicago ??
They found her at the back of a bus station being “high up on life”
Please the left don't have the stones. You damage a blade of grass in a national park or national battle field and you get tossed into federal prison.
And yet:

Chicago has one of the world's largest and most diversified economies, with more than four million employees and generating an annual gross regional product (GRP) of over $609 billion. The city is an efficient economic powerhouse, home to more than 400 major corporate headquarters, including 36 in the Fortune 500.


There ya go dickhead!

chicago has more crime ,poverty and gangs than Tijuana

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