Try to Tear This One Down Democrats " Marine Corp Memorial."

I hear you, brother. I still wear the uniform but times have changed. Everything's political. Some of us want to move and shake and bake but those at the top are divided about what to do. So nothing's getting done and a stalemate wouldn't be so bad, but this ain't one. This is an internal enemy of America actively fighting a low intensity war on domestic soil against our sovereign government and they're up by five in the ninth.
I will maintain my military bearing and NEVER, I mean NEVER, run the white flag over a bunch of ignorant agitators who are in the minority, for if it was not for CNN and MSNBC. We are a nation of WARRIORS and it is in our heritage to take a stand.
I will maintain my military bearing and NEVER, I mean NEVER, run the white flag over a bunch of ignorant agitators who are in the minority, for if it was not for CNN and MSNBC. We are a nation of WARRIORS and it is in our heritage to take a stand.

Don’t take a stand in the cities
It’s not worth it
If these thugs and punks try to burn down the suburbs they will all be “ buried “
They are coming. Nobody seems to be stopping them. Local authorities will not ask for federal help. It's on them.
The white subs have more guns than the German army
Come lol
You reach a peak in combat... adrenaline peak. You just say to yourself, "fuck it I'm gonna die...and I don't give a shit anymore." That's what is going to turn this thing around. News media is out of touch with public and the first time citizens take action, just like they did against the British authorities ( Democrats and liberal Washington DC, NYC media today) then things might begin to move. I do not subscribe to covert activity as a free man. The boot of tyranny does not fit the throat of a man standing on two feet.
You reach a peak in combat... adrenaline peak. You just say to yourself, "fuck it I'm gonna die...and I don't give a shit anymore." That's what is going to turn this thing around. News media is out of touch with public and the first time citizens take action, just like they did against the British authorities ( Democrats and liberal Washington DC, NYC media today) then things might begin to move. I do not subscribe to covert activity as a free man. The boot of tyranny does not fit the throat of a man standing on two feet.

The Fake Goebbels in the media all know the truth but they mask it like the good “ Eichmans”they’re
I recommenced you avoid them unless they come to your house
You are correct. Beautiful and tragic story that soon will not be taught in our children's classrooms because it's "white racist history." This is where this Democrat shit is going. I'm a former Marine. Iconic photograph of WW2. It does not matter a fucking bit if it was just another "working party" or how Marines were misidentified. It's what it stands for and what we have let our nation devolve into. All statue toppling traitors need a bullet.
Semper Fi brother. I still remember my platoon number at Parris Island after fifty years. Half the original Flag Raisers were killed in action in a week and the poor PTSD bastards who were left were literally plucked off the stinking island and paraded around to sell war bonds. No wonder Ira Hayes became a drunk. The photo is iconic but the true story is tragic. About 6,000 Marines killed in a month on a stinking island that could have been bypassed.
And yet:

Chicago has one of the world's largest and most diversified economies, with more than four million employees and generating an annual gross regional product (GRP) of over $609 billion. The city is an efficient economic powerhouse, home to more than 400 major corporate headquarters, including 36 in the Fortune 500.


There ya go dickhead!
Chicago is a shithole nobody wants to live in.

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