Try to Tear This One Down Democrats " Marine Corp Memorial."

My Mom would take me on the "L" from where we lived near Logan Square to Wrigley Field. She always got us tickets on a railing so she could beat the railing with the program! She LOVED her Cubs! That was in the early 50s. Sadly she never lived to see them win the series.

Sorry to hear that
My Mom would take me on the "L" from where we lived near Logan Square to Wrigley Field. She always got us tickets on a railing so she could beat the railing with the program! She LOVED her Cubs! That was in the early 50s. Sadly she never lived to see them win the series.
When they won in 2016 I thought about my grandparents and all the people in my neighborhood who were Cub fans. The local bar was full of Steelworkers who fought in WW2 and Korea. Vietnam Veterans later. Always good people that supported local Little League. Beer's and Cub game's on shitty television on the top of beer cooler or refrigerator wherever you stopped. My favorite pub in whole world, the one where I could watch Cubs in summer with a Blue Ribbon and Notre Dame in fall with Guinness was close to college campus... private school. Last year I went back it was "hyped-up" with high definition juke box and high def television screens on the walls to play music videos. Think that's generational upgrade? No idiots used to go in there during the day and kids from college would have a pint at night. Well after 9 months of new ownership and constant rap music, it became a target rich environment for drug dealers. Innocent women shot in her head and killed shortly thereafter. Sure. That was 2016. Let's have more Seattle CHOP zones and see how that grabs safe rich white Democrats.
I will maintain my military bearing and NEVER, I mean NEVER, run the white flag over a bunch of ignorant agitators who are in the minority, for if it was not for CNN and MSNBC. We are a nation of WARRIORS and it is in our heritage to take a stand.

I agree.
All desecration of American historical icons thus far represents only the tip of the iceberg. Churches and cathedrals and all other Christian architecture and symbols are next.

Also, some BLM fucktards are demanding books written by Whitey be destroyed. So it would not be surprising if the BLM fucktards will indulge in burning libraries at some point. Very sad the vandals exist and that law enforcement lets them break the law.
What is the vibe? Especially active duty. Or, Guard for that matter.

I'm ARNG. Much like the rest of America, the vibe is division along racial and political lines—to a degree. Some guys don't seem to pay attention to political or ideological bullshit, at least not openly, and are all about maintaining unit cohesion. Others talk, also openly, about marching with the protestors. The most professional old guys among us, guys like me who go back twenty plus years, are ready and willing to serve at the President's pleasure. We also want the desecration of our history to end and our fellow Americans who are suffering out there at the mob's hands to be made safe. Some of the younger troops are too caught up in ideological bullshit and video games and smart devices to care either way. I'm a Warrant Officer so I'm in a unique position to fraternize with both enlisted and commissioned officer ranks. Word has it our state and national commanders are just as divided as we are. Some bought into the brainwashing or fear career damage and think our POTUS has gone over the edge, while others want to bring real pain down on the mob and are chomping at the bit to do just that. All in all the situation is high tension.
Give it your best shot...see what happens. Democratic Party should be classified as a terrorist organization because they are encouraging the tearing down of statues that honor George Washington and Francis Scott Key. Think Putin is pissed about losing Cold War? His revenge is NOW thanks to college campuses, public school classroom's and Democrats. Never seen such a greater act of treason against our nation. Clinton's started this downward spiral and everyone associated with them are idiots. Especially Caraville. He's a former Marine, the cocksucker should know better.
The bastages are coming for!
No Black faces on Iwo Jima but Ira Hayes was an American Indian. It's interesting to note that Rosenthal didn't recognize the significance of his quick photo and didn't record the names. The Marines mis-identified one of the Flag raisers and it took Ira Hayes to identify him and it wasn't until around 2019 that it became evident that the Corpsman, Doc Bradley was also mis-identified. The Flag raising was just another work party so nobody cared at the time.

And yet:

Chicago has one of the world's largest and most diversified economies, with more than four million employees and generating an annual gross regional product (GRP) of over $609 billion. The city is an efficient economic powerhouse, home to more than 400 major corporate headquarters, including 36 in the Fortune 500.


There ya go dickhead!

There is nothing whatsoever efficient about Chicago. IF it was efficient they wouldn't have had two different cities for the past 100 years, the North Side and the South Side.

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