TSA proves their own irrelevance.

TSA more government waste, more erosion of freedom. Its a magic trick, lets keep the population busy at the airports and keep the borders open.
Is the airline industry the most successful crony capitalists in America? They're in the running I'd say. Anyone else own a company in which MAJOR expenses necessary to run your business are paid for by taxpayers? Not the case with my company but for the airlines, the expenses necessary to land the planes (air traffic control) and the expenses necessary to provide security on the planes (TSA, Air Marshalls, etc) are paid for by citizens that may have never stepped foot in an airport. Well that seems fair! Hey, I wonder if I can get the feds to pay for my office supplies or maybe the new program I need to purchase???
Is the airline industry the most successful crony capitalists in America? They're in the running I'd say. Anyone else own a company in which MAJOR expenses necessary to run your business are paid for by taxpayers? Not the case with my company but for the airlines, the expenses necessary to land the planes (air traffic control) and the expenses necessary to provide security on the planes (TSA, Air Marshalls, etc) are paid for by citizens that may have never stepped foot in an airport. Well that seems fair! Hey, I wonder if I can get the feds to pay for my office supplies or maybe the new program I need to purchase???

I think they should pay for my car fuel too.

It's more useful than the TSA.
TSA=Thousands Standing Around

The most bullshit agency out there. If the next president doesn't get rid of them all he won't be worth diddly. teh agency's "enhanced" techniques promoted by this administration amount to sexual assault.
Why do you people hate America? Without the TSA,those dastardly Grandma Al Qaeders would destroy our way of life. Stop being so Un-American...Or else.
The TSA confiscated $500 worth of my friends make-up.

How did that makes us safe?
Is the airline industry the most successful crony capitalists in America? They're in the running I'd say. Anyone else own a company in which MAJOR expenses necessary to run your business are paid for by taxpayers? Not the case with my company but for the airlines, the expenses necessary to land the planes (air traffic control) and the expenses necessary to provide security on the planes (TSA, Air Marshalls, etc) are paid for by citizens that may have never stepped foot in an airport. Well that seems fair! Hey, I wonder if I can get the feds to pay for my office supplies or maybe the new program I need to purchase???

As usual, that's just plain bullshit. There's a fee on every ticket specifically to pay TSA security. The airlines pay for Air traffic control. If you don't fly, you don't pay.

Once again a libturd poster is pumping out pure horse manure.
There's a fee on every ticket specifically to pay TSA security

You think that covers all security related to air travel? No, you couldn't be that stupid. You obviously realize that some taxpayers that never fly end up paying for the airline industries security. So why would you bullshit like you did? Just hoping no one would notice I guess.

The airlines pay for Air traffic control.

No, airline users pay for most of it. The airlines just collect some of the taxes, but more importantly, some of the costs for air traffic control come from taxpayers. Gosh, you bullshitted us again. You're getting good at that. From the AOPA website:

"In addition to this dedicated fund from all aviation users, about one-quarter of the costs for the air transportation system come from the General Fund. This system of financing the aviation system has been in place for nearly four decades..."

Well look at that! A quarter of the budget for air traffic control comes from that non-existent pool of taxpayer funds. Ah, more debt for the kids.

So, bottom line, while the airline industry collects fees on behalf of air traffic control and airline security, they don't have to actually provide it, they don't have to hire anyone or oversee these vital parts of their business. Perhaps most importantly, the airline industry does not have to bear the burden of responsibility for vital aspects of their business, and therefore do not need to purchase the insurance they otherwise would have or defend themselves when shit goes bad. After all, you can't sue United if the FAA or the TSA screws up. Nice for United.

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