Tubman to replace Jackson on $20 bill


Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.
Our money is now reelecting what our country is about now and reflecting our true history,I am sure more changes for the good are coming in both history and the culture around us

divide us? no just the opposite
OBUMMER, the Great Divider. hasn't it been wonderful?

how many day until it's GONE? Not soon enough for me.
Yep, I was reading this wouldn't go into effect until: 2030

what a freaking joke. how many Presidents will we have before then who can change this? . the Democrats are shameless in their race baiting pandering
maybe one day a picture of white trash sitting in front off their single wide trailer house will be put on a three dollar bill
Cording to conservatives women are supposed to be good looking and quiet. that's all they're good for.
The conservatives corded that? Why is it when a conservative woman pipes up the liberals trash the living shit out of her?

Example? Or are u just making shit up again.?
Example? LOL

Timmy the Tard!

more like a robot or parrot programmed with DNC talking points.
At one time Obama wanted to change the $5, 10, & 20.....but apparently somebody talked him out of it.
Really? Can you provide a link to that?

Didn't think so.

Here yah go....
Changes are being made to the back of those bills.
Change for a $20: Tubman to replace Jackson on new bills; Hamilton stays | Fox News

Woman to be on new $10 bill

So shove it..
You lying liar, there isn't anything in either of those two links even loosely stating, "Obama wanted to change the $5, 10, & 20.....but apparently somebody talked him out of it". As a matter of fact, his name isn't even mentioned in either of those two articles you linked to, you LYING LIAR.
Yep, I was reading this wouldn't go into effect until: 2030

what a freaking joke. how many Presidents will we have before then who can change this? . the Democrats are shameless in their race baiting pandering
Backhanded electioneering. For seriousness of intent this is right up there with Shitlery's bottle of hot sauce in the purse.
It may blow up in his face. I have seen pictures of her with a gun and she was a republican. Any Negro of that era that fought slavery was a republican.

The stupid. It hurts.

Black Americans of that era.....we're not eligible to vote. How in the fuck could she have been a republican?
She led 19 trips into the democrat south to FREE slaves FROM the democrats. Democrats placed a forty thousand dollar reward on her head. She LED some armed incursions into the democrat south to FREE slaves.

She WAS a republican.

And it is TODAYS Republicans who are up in arms about honoring her

How the once Grand, now only Old party has changed

And the man they took off? A democrat!

Why aren't Republicans celebrating the change?
We need to relook all of our currency

Washington on the $1 and Lincoln on the $5 are no brainers

Jefferson on the $2 is an insult. The bill needs to be circulated or dropped
Hamilton on the $10 has reached its limit, time to put someone else on
Jackson on the $20, If they want Tubman for a few years, I don't mind. But a $20 today is the new $1 bill. We need to put someone more significant
Grant on the $50, lets replace him with someone more consequential
Ben Franklin on the $100...its all about the Benjamin's...keep it
Dump anything above a $100 bill

Who should go on?

Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Ike, MLK
I'm not getting the issue. With credit cards, Internet shopping, and iPay I barely use cash anymore. So in the bigger picture you could put anyone on the $20 and it wouldn't matter.

As for Harriet herself, I'm glad she's getting her due. She sends a powerful message that obeying unjust laws is acquiescing to slavery and that sometimes doing the right thing means breaking the law and risking your life. I could get behind putting more people like her on money.
Put her on a damned quarter then.
This is going to be one of the most expensive experiments ever.

The Tubby will become a canvas for every kind of racist art and commentary. Bills a week old will have to be taken out of circulation and burned.

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.
What do you mean "this"? Talk about dehumanizing. Right wingernuts are such fuckers.
Yeah....just look at that face.....you people.....who you calling black.....

Speaking of racist.....1."I ain't no ways tired....".2. "I keep hot sauce in my purse.....3. "Obama would be serving me my coffee".....4. "Obama The Magic Negro!" 5. "It's CP Time!"

Name the Republican who coined the phrases above.......

.....you can't because all of the above was uttered by 1.Hillary, 2. Hillary, 3. Bill Clinton, and 4. Al Sharpton & 5. Hillary....Democrats.
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At one time Obama wanted to change the $5, 10, & 20.....but apparently somebody talked him out of it.
Really? Can you provide a link to that?

Didn't think so.

Here yah go....
Changes are being made to the back of those bills.
Change for a $20: Tubman to replace Jackson on new bills; Hamilton stays | Fox News

Woman to be on new $10 bill

So shove it..
You lying liar, there isn't anything in either of those two links even loosely stating, "Obama wanted to change the $5, 10, & 20.....but apparently somebody talked him out of it". As a matter of fact, his name isn't even mentioned in either of those two articles you linked to, you LYING LIAR.
They are changing the backs of the other two....if he had his way women would be replacing Lincoln, Hamilton, and Jackson. It has been widely discussed. But apparently cooler heads prevailed.

Course because it hasn't happened you think the idea is bunk....regardless of years of proposals from the White House on the topic

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