Tubman to replace Jackson on $20 bill

In short Democrats.
Don't be ridiculous. We all know we're talking about conservatives. Whos complaint about this money switch?
Tubbman was sneaking Negro's AWAY from the democrat south.
Go ahead, deny it sh#t for brains.

You mean the conservatives south. I didn't say democrat or republican.

Because you're entirely too stupid to realize what was happening in those times

You're too stupid to realize the repubs n dems all but swapped in the 60s . But red vs blue states have always been the same .

Debunked numerous times, take your Huffpo/Left loon crap and sell it to a noob

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.
What do you mean "this"? Talk about dehumanizing. Right wingernuts are such fuckers.

Cording to conservatives women are supposed to be good looking and quiet. that's all they're good for.
In which case you need to shut the hell up.

Struck a nerve have I!?
Cording to conservatives women are supposed to be good looking and quiet. that's all they're good for.
The conservatives corded that? Why is it when a conservative woman pipes up the liberals trash the living shit out of her?

You're dealing with someone who calls himself Timmy and uses a Dr Seuss avatar.....you expect anything but childish drivel?

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.
What do you mean "this"? Talk about dehumanizing. Right wingernuts are such fuckers.

Cording to conservatives women are supposed to be good looking and quiet. that's all they're good for.
In which case you need to shut the hell up.

Struck a nerve have I!?
The DEMOCRAT south all your shuck and jive bull s#it means nothing. She helped them escape the DEMOCRAT south now you want to deny that idiot? Go ahead and try.

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.
What do you mean "this"? Talk about dehumanizing. Right wingernuts are such fuckers.

Cording to conservatives women are supposed to be good looking and quiet. that's all they're good for.
In which case you need to shut the hell up.

Struck a nerve have I!?
The DEMOCRAT south all your shuck and jive bull s#it means nothing. She helped them escape the DEMOCRAT south now you want to deny that idiot? Go ahead and try.

I'm not denying anything .

Was the south liberal back then?
Only the 15% of adult Americans who have trouble with changing America are creating another issue to divide us.

And the south was uber conservative and generally has been in our history.
Ironic and perhaps indicative of the mindset of Americans that the images of the two greatest presidents are on the one cent coin and the one dollar bill.

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.
Con-federate flag crying towel?
What do you mean "this"? Talk about dehumanizing. Right wingernuts are such fuckers.

Cording to conservatives women are supposed to be good looking and quiet. that's all they're good for.
In which case you need to shut the hell up.

Struck a nerve have I!?
The DEMOCRAT south all your shuck and jive bull s#it means nothing. She helped them escape the DEMOCRAT south now you want to deny that idiot? Go ahead and try.

I'm not denying anything .

Was the south liberal back then?
There is no and has been no parties called conservatives OR liberals you lying ass faggot. There WERE and ARE Democrats and Republicans.

And she damn sure was NOT sneaking northern Negro's south now was she you lying ass faggot?

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.
What do you mean "this"? Talk about dehumanizing. Right wingernuts are such fuckers.

Cording to conservatives women are supposed to be good looking and quiet. that's all they're good for.

sit down, You don't know what conservatives think. and Conservative women are more independent thinkers than someone who parrots that "leftwing" group thinking line of yours.
At one time Obama wanted to change the $5, 10, & 20.....but apparently somebody talked him out of it.
Really? Can you provide a link to that?

Didn't think so.

Here yah go....
Changes are being made to the back of those bills.
Change for a $20: Tubman to replace Jackson on new bills; Hamilton stays | Fox News

Woman to be on new $10 bill

So shove it..
How horrible for you.....I guess you won't be using that money anymore when it comes out since it traumatizes you so.
The South has always been uber conservative, whether Dem or Pub.

Anybody who denies lies then cries. Oh my.

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.

funny the left likes her

she was a very strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment
That's totally ok by me. Yay, Harriet! :clap:
and who elected this Jack Lew guy to be a "dicktator" and make all these decisions? this is why we need to GUT out a lot of federal agencies. they are doing their OWN THING on us with no Representation for us.
Staph, I think it is about time you put your crayons back in their box, gather together all of your scrap paper and go sleep it off, AGAIN!

Imagine having this face on the $20 bill.

Well, that's what's gonna happen.

If this isn't a "Fuck You Whitey" statement from Obama, I don't know what is.

I swear, Big-Ears seems to want to spend the rest of his presidency pissing everyone off.

And they say Trump is an asshole.

I understand that people want to celebrate slavery in this country and this woman's contributions to end it, but for Christ Sakes....give us a friggen break!!!!

They have an entire month to talk about slavery, now they want to, in all respects, plaster slavery all over our money, forcing us to deal with it every time we go to the store.

I think this bill will be a limited edition.....because once they start showing up in banks, people are going to be pissed, and it will be changed back. My wife is black and she hates the idea. Imagine if the GOP decided to put a picture of Sarah Palin on the $20. You'd get the same reaction.

We'll see how this plays out.

funny the left likes her

she was a very strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment
That's totally ok by me. Yay, Harriet! :clap:

me too Democrat Andrew Jackson should have never been on it in the first place

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