Tucker Carlson calls women "primitive".....

i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.
Now criticizing women or making fun of any of them is “misogynistic”.

Left wing losers need something more to whine about.
But really, given how slavishly many women vote for Democrats no matter how bone-headed their policies are, can you really blame him?

I mean if the shoe fits, ladies, you can't call it "misogyny". I'm just saying.

Tucker Carlson Calls Women ‘Extremely Primitive’ in Unearthed Audio

The Daily Beast? Is that really Tucker I wonder?? lol

It's rather naughty whoever it was, but I do agree with some of what he says. Marriages between 16yo girls are quite common in the world and though I believe it is too young it is nonetheless also the "age of consent" through many US states. To get life plus 20 for facilitating marrying a 16 yo seems a tad over the top; five years would be my go to for such an offense increasing geometrically the younger the girl. Once the girl is 14 or younger life seems appropriate. 15/16? Five to ten years provided the girl was consensual.

Now criticizing women or making fun of any of them is “misogynistic”.

Left wing losers need something more to whine about.

lol. I would suggest that lefties are too stupid to know that their ideas are NOT them. What we refer to as "ugly on the inside"; also known as low character scum.

i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Men that treat women poorly? American women are the most spoiled people on this planet. Their opportunities are there unless they blow it. And many do. The extreme feminists have demented many of that gender and of the male gender. They have removed the natural leanings of their sex to make the act like men. And when men complain, the males are endlessly spouted with not being able to deal with strong women. The worse thing is women create trouble and get people ostricized or destroyed. We are forced to watch endless TV propaganda and movie propaganda based on progressive socialist agendas. The games played by the protected groups is massive. The costs in businesses and government entities are even worse. And the taxpayer and customer pays more then they have to because of it. I change the channel on cultural shows because of you as you took the fun out of it. Even watching military. science, space and other programs when I see the visual of protected groups put on the forefront I do the same. For I know that there is a massive percentage waste of resources as this is not inclusion but propaganda that continues to spout white male no good and being forded to not being his best which is better then what we have. NASA was supposed to go to Mars. Then to a permanent moon base. Now they are promoting a small space station around the moon that will be used part time as we are stuck with another boondoggle called the SLS as a follow on and based on the orange tank and solid boosters of the boondoggle the shuttle program. But hey it is diverse.
Women are useless with out the white man. They need to show respect
Here we have a primitive effort to give Bubba and the Love Sponge the attention they desire! :10:
"An open-handed slap is justified – if all other alternatives fail and there has been plenty of warning. If a woman is a bitch, or hysterical, or bloody-minded continually, then I'd do it."
- Sean Connery
Now criticizing women or making fun of any of them is “misogynistic”.

Left wing losers need something more to whine about.
Identity politics and Mac votes for them. Even though he claims he hates it and yet that is all democrats use.

He is still very upset that hillary is not president.

In your opinion, what makes a person that ridiculous?
But really, given how slavishly many women vote for Democrats no matter how bone-headed their policies are, can you really blame him?

I mean if the shoe fits, ladies, you can't call it "misogyny". I'm just saying.
Well, I suppose you'd know.
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Do you not grab pussy?
Well, I don't know if I myself would GRAAAB it like Trump. I mean some Neanderthals form of love is to just stampede to that region.

How about a little whisper and a sweet little kiss?

I asked you do you grab pussy yes or no??
No, I was just commenting. The guy you were talking to is an obvious homosexual.


He is a liberal guy, which is just another way to say he is a she.

Probably wears special boots for his boyfriend.
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Men that treat women poorly? American women are the most spoiled people on this planet. Their opportunities are there unless they blow it. And many do. The extreme feminists have demented many of that gender and of the male gender. They have removed the natural leanings of their sex to make the act like men. And when men complain, the males are endlessly spouted with not being able to deal with strong women. The worse thing is women create trouble and get people ostricized or destroyed. We are forced to watch endless TV propaganda and movie propaganda based on progressive socialist agendas. The games played by the protected groups is massive. The costs in businesses and government entities are even worse. And the taxpayer and customer pays more then they have to because of it. I change the channel on cultural shows because of you as you took the fun out of it. Even watching military. science, space and other programs when I see the visual of protected groups put on the forefront I do the same. For I know that there is a massive percentage waste of resources as this is not inclusion but propaganda that continues to spout white male no good and being forded to not being his best which is better then what we have. NASA was supposed to go to Mars. Then to a permanent moon base. Now they are promoting a small space station around the moon that will be used part time as we are stuck with another boondoggle called the SLS as a follow on and based on the orange tank and solid boosters of the boondoggle the shuttle program. But hey it is diverse.

A family relative told me, in the States last year, that he thought the American man was in danger of becoming emasculated.

Are you watching, cnm? So you can report back to the Sewer what I posted ? Like you did with Sweet Sue? Sneaky stalker that you are. :19:
The issue is that people who have never put it all on the line believe their orifices do not stink. Yet they are tough. Never taken to the woodshed and think it is just a party. To many dead American soldier men buried in other nations and treated like slime in today's world and it is obvious the efficiency is less as the costs are massive. The proposed progressive socialist collapse will end this and a reset will bring a much more compliant male/female relationship.

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