Tucker Carlson calls women "primitive".....

But really, given how slavishly many women vote for Democrats no matter how bone-headed their policies are, can you really blame him?

I mean if the shoe fits, ladies, you can't call it "misogyny". I'm just saying.

Tucker Carlson Calls Women ‘Extremely Primitive’ in Unearthed Audio
Tucker is a typical Republican.

I think he does a great job of representing the GOP.

all we have to do is cup those balls gently, and we own you completely. So in reality, we're the ones with your balls.

Such activity would not be permitted of Democrat women by men of sound mind.


Nothing Carlson says is going to affect my life.

And that gals ginormous front butt weighs more than my whole body, I'll bet.

From Jim Goad at Taki's Magazine, about "hate speech"
" Let the doublespeak seep into your neurons for a moment: If your ideas and opinions make tiny minorities feel intimidated and excluded, we will intimidate and exclude you. "
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.
She forgot that Bubba Clinton, the serial sexual predator, got SUCKED OFF and CIGAR DIPPED an INTERN in the OVAL OFFICE, CONVENIENTLY.
Too many moderators in this thread today.. Deleting too many all personal or way off topic posts.. Already warned and thread banned people.. DONT make it personal.. Keep to THIS event with Tucker Carlson..
Since the day we went on the air, they’ve been working hard to kill this show. We haven’t said much about it in public. It seemed too self-referential. The point of this show has never been us. But now it’s obvious to everyone. There’s no pretending it’s not happening. Going forward we’ll be covering their efforts to make us be quiet. We will never bow to the mob. Ever. No matter what.
Women are useless with out the white man. They need to show respect

The understanding that women with their lower logic is causing great harm to the nation is spreading

Do you think these fuckers have wives or daughters?

The founders loved their wives.. Their daughters... Their sisters ...and their mothers

And they loved their children

They protected all of them from voting in crooks that harms the whole nation

Stopping the unwise from voting saves them
The "Great American Outrage Machine" is after Tucker for voicing his opinions which are mostly conservative. He challenges progressives, leftists and pompous Democrat political operatives on his show on a regular basis. This seems to have really pissed off the TDS left that wields power in the leftist, traditional broadcast media, NPR,
CNN and MSNBC. Now they are giving Tucker an 'anal exam' in order to get him off the air. Fuck all of them. Hasn't Tucker 1st amendment rights? Just like Hillary, Occasional Cortex, Jessie Jackoff, Obumster, fucking Bloomberg on CNN etc. WTF is going on here?
The polls showing a big gender gap proves this issue of men against women is coming

The military times poll

of active duty military shows a monster 51% gender difference

The women that Obama recently ran into the military hates trump and the men totally opposite --- they love trump

So that would mean they hate each other

With this awakening of men getting mad at women for voting in the harm of democrats and RINOS This also has started a backtrack of Polosi and others to stop going after trump

This was a war that the women could not win

Tucker and many men are waking up and rising up

All these house of cards by democrats and women was given power by the men . They do not have power without the men

The strong men support for trump has broke the back of these crooks and their brainwashed voting women

The leaders of New York bringing abortion at 9 months pregnancy should run and hide immediately

What the democrats and RINOS have done is very stupid .. Totally stupid to go against the men
But really, given how slavishly many women vote for Democrats no matter how bone-headed their policies are, can you really blame him?

I mean if the shoe fits, ladies, you can't call it "misogyny". I'm just saying.

Tucker Carlson Calls Women ‘Extremely Primitive’ in Unearthed Audio

It seems perverted that Carlson would defend a pedophile like Warren Jeffs. Will Fox News tolerate this?

Is your corset laced too tight or what's going on? Do you need some smelling salts or a fainting couch?

I have never seen a bunch of Victorian women like the modern Left, fainting little shaming ladies

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