Tucker Carlson calls women "primitive".....

i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

Bill Clinton was grabbing it IN OFFICE putting the country at a huge security risk, but that's OK. They hate that Trump is succeeding and will be reelected.
>be male
>criticize a woman
>"aw sweetie are you mad because you have a tiny dick?"

nope, nothing primitive about this behavior.
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
says the women who voted for the pg clinton, correct? see there is no escaping your stupidity, it's with you always punk!
The issue is that people who have never put it all on the line believe their orifices do not stink. Yet they are tough. Never taken to the woodshed and think it is just a party. To many dead American soldier men buried in other nations and treated like slime in today's world and it is obvious the efficiency is less as the costs are massive. The proposed progressive socialist collapse will end this and a reset will bring a much more compliant male/female relationship.
Sounds like you want to “put women in their proper place” huh?
As male poverty spreads there will be a place that has not been seen in a couple of centuries for women. What the ph uk do you not see about male violence growing against women? And the dumb azz male authorities who enable it. Do you see nothing wrong with the idiocy of women protesting at extreme levels? From mothers to whores. And no one wants to admit it.
The issue is that people who have never put it all on the line believe their orifices do not stink. Yet they are tough. Never taken to the woodshed and think it is just a party. To many dead American soldier men buried in other nations and treated like slime in today's world and it is obvious the efficiency is less as the costs are massive. The proposed progressive socialist collapse will end this and a reset will bring a much more compliant male/female relationship.
Sounds like you want to “put women in their proper place” huh?
As male poverty spreads there will be a place that has not been seen in a couple of centuries for women. What the ph uk do you not see about male violence growing against women? And the dumb azz male authorities who enable it. Do you see nothing wrong with the idiocy of women protesting at extreme levels? From mothers to whores. And no one wants to admit it.
Ya know who enables violence against women?

You and people like you

There's a reason you can't get laid. You're despicable
All males with any responsible ways know the game. When they fail in life it is not about getting laid. I am not a revolution warrior. I spout by true demographics in a simple way. I see the crap on TV and the internet. Two broads got sailors killed on a navy ship in a collision a couple of years ago. And another ship had some questions also. I have no issue with people that are good. I approve of progressive advances. I do not want to be with people who destroy others lives. Anyone who was screwed over by your despicable broads has the right to hold out for vendetta. African Americans have been spouting it for centuries back. Broads have been favored for fifty years. I have suffered denial in my life because of it. Let me ask you..If you had a choice between a person who agrees with you 100% and a family/extended member who does not at 100% and you had to choose only one to live, who would you choose? I know who I would.
But really, given how slavishly many women vote for Democrats no matter how bone-headed their policies are, can you really blame him?

I mean if the shoe fits, ladies, you can't call it "misogyny". I'm just saying.

Tucker Carlson Calls Women ‘Extremely Primitive’ in Unearthed Audio

Who decides whether their policies are bone-headed? Republicans have many bone-headed policies and they have implemented them.

Tucker Carlson is a ass and it says something about Fox who employ Carlson and employed O'Reilly.
Bashing Muslims and Mexicans and blacks and gays and other minorities wasn't enough. Now the Tard Herd is aiming their bigotry at women.

And they wonder why minorities won't vote for a party which so clearly HATES them. :lol:

Now they are trying to alienate half the population.

Women are useless with out the white man. They need to show respect

The understanding that women with their lower logic is causing great harm to the nation is spreading
But really, given how slavishly many women vote for Democrats no matter how bone-headed their policies are, can you really blame him?

I mean if the shoe fits, ladies, you can't call it "misogyny". I'm just saying.

Tucker Carlson Calls Women ‘Extremely Primitive’ in Unearthed Audio
Whenever shall women start believing in equality and equal rights, and ensure Men are well regulated through high numbers and plenty of practice? Or, do women prefer a thousand excuses.
Bashing Muslims and Mexicans and blacks and gays and other minorities wasn't enough. Now the Tard Herd is aiming their bigotry at women.

And they wonder why minorities won't vote for a party which so clearly HATES them. :lol:

Now they are trying to alienate half the population.

Women are useless with out the white man. They need to show respect

The understanding that women with their lower logic is causing great harm to the nation is spreading
Tell me where I’m wrong?
Whenever shall women Evolve and make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work; we know women have already evolved and know how to talk, gossip, and how to make appointments.

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