Tucker Carlson criticizes John Bolton and Trump for planning war with Iran

What war is he planning? Bolton is a war hawk, little doubt. But putting troops in a defensive position in support of US interests is NOT planning a war.
Tucker is a TV talking head. Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong and sometimes he's clueless.

If he thinks 1500 troops is preparing for war, he would be wrong and clueless.
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As far as I know Tucker Carlson has been pretty much the only real journalist in USA who wants and is not afraid to tell the truth to Americans (instead of different fake stories which are usually called "news" in USA). My huge respect to him.

Who Rules America?

Media companies push propaganda for wars: there was NO weapons of mass distraction in Iraq but the 10 years later war drums are beating again and Media does not let you put opposing views, to question the evidence and the Intelligence. If you do, you are kicked out of the air while the people who get it wrong are promoted up. The idea of diversity or good journalism certainly has not been proven during last 10 years: the journalists who have it right have been punished, sanctioned or kicked out of the Media.

Here's my question .
Why is Tucker Carlson doing the job that Rachel Maddow should be doing ?
Did I miss something ?

Because Madcow is a DNC hack, and democrats just love them some interventionist foreign wars....So he'll dutifully toe the party line.
Here's my question .
Why is Tucker Carlson doing the job that Rachel Maddow should be doing ?
Did I miss something ?

Yet another ruse to make our President appear sallow and impotent on the global stage. The Left instigates international crises with nations such as Iran and NK, so our POTUS must respond in kind in order to save some face. Trump is not a war monger. In fact, I believe he despises war and has done more than any CIC in American History to prevent international conflict. However, if it means successfully deposing Him, the American Left will get us into whatever war it believes necessary.

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