Tucker Carlson exposes phony liberal rage

Your ability to move does not negate the facts I presented.

Black people could vote easily in north states but we didn’t consider their suppressing okay because they could just move out of the south.

Liberalism demands local governments be accountable to the people and conservatives in state government definitely aren’t doing so.

The leftism of your Reich demands no such thing - not even close.

Traditionally, conservatives favor bottom up governance, where the people have to greatest political power. Electing representatives to govern in cities and towns who are directly responsible to the people. Towns and cities cede a small portion of the authority granted by the people to counties and shires. Counties cede a small portion of their authority to states. States then cede a small portion of authority to the federation, the federal government for the purpose of national courts and national defense.

democrats have a far different view, where there is a ruler, or group of rulers in Washington DC who hold absolute power. The Ruler will appoint barons, earls, ministers, secretaries, et al. to execute the will of the ruling caste on the many states. Governors are the rulers of the individual state, deriving their power from the central government and submit to rule by the central government. Counties must submit to the rule of the state, cities must submit to the rule of the counties, and the people must submit to the rule of every level of government.
Yes they are.

Red herring.

I am rational. I look at articles that are current.

The funny thing is, my articles that show people were armed were still dated at least a couple months ago.

So what that means Mr. Authority in real news, is whatever outlets you use for your news, spent two months not letting you know that insurrectionists were armed on Jan 6th. You were left in blissful ignorance.

How does that make you feel?

You post no articles.

You just bleat idiocy you heard from Adam the lying Schitt from the Nazi show trial.
You post no articles.

You just bleat idiocy you heard from Adam the lying Schitt from the Nazi show trial.
I posted articles that show insurrectionists at the capital were armed. They were charged for it and admitted guilt.

You still don't believe it?
The leftism of your Reich demands no such thing - not even close.

Traditionally, conservatives favor bottom up governance, where the people have to greatest political power. Electing representatives to govern in cities and towns who are directly responsible to the people. Towns and cities cede a small portion of the authority granted by the people to counties and shires. Counties cede a small portion of their authority to states. States then cede a small portion of authority to the federation, the federal government for the purpose of national courts and national defense.

democrats have a far different view, where there is a ruler, or group of rulers in Washington DC who hold absolute power. The Ruler will appoint barons, earls, ministers, secretaries, et al. to execute the will of the ruling caste on the many states. Governors are the rulers of the individual state, deriving their power from the central government and submit to rule by the central government. Counties must submit to the rule of the state, cities must submit to the rule of the counties, and the people must submit to the rule of every level of government.
How did that work for civil rights?
I don't watch MSNBC. It's in the thread what I watch and don't watch.

Dude, you already acknowledged that you do.

You're changing your story because MSNBC is has a bad reputation here.

I know. Glad I am rational.

Yes they were. Trump knew they were when he sent them to the capital to fight.

Did you know that?

I know that you of the fascist left will say anything to smear Trump.

How could he POSSIBLY know what a massive crowd protesting election fraud? It's amusing that you of the extreme left rail about how stupid Trump is, yet also claim he knows every detail of every person who voted for him's life.

See? That's how you were duped.

Your article is dated back in April before it was shown guns were at the capital insurrection. Nobody at that time knew if anyone was armed.

Got it, cooking up evidence takes time. I mean, it's not like they had weapons on the day of the Reichstag fire, the Gestapo had to "backfill" to fit the emerging narrative.

"Broden, the defense attorney, said his client was known to be “bombastic” and prone to exaggeration but is not dangerous. He said Reffitt never removed the handgun from the holster at the Capitol and left his assault rifle in his vehicle in Georgetown."

Here is more....again notice the dates of the articles.

This guy was armed too.

And this guy....

Funny, the guy who doesn't watch or read anything, suddenly has all sorts of links to support the DNC narrative.

How convenient..

No. What we established is you are using outdated articles to support you contention.

Right, because facts need to change with the narrative!

The election will be what it is. If my candidates loses I will move on.

Thanks for your opinion.

Hopefully I was able to teach you some tricks so you be so easily duped in the future.

Next week will shoe clearly that we are not duped.
We made you give up your slaves. We crushed your KKK, we forced you to give up Jim Crow.

I'd say pretty well.

BUT now here you are pulling the same shit - just with Whites as your target instead of Blacks.
All those actions required federal intervention.

Local control perpetuated racial disenfranchisement.
Tell me the actions he engaged in that made it so.

Invaded United States territory using force of arms, occupied it using force of arms, declared the territory soveriegn territory outside the United States.

You know, insurrection, sedition, treason.

BUT he was acting on behalf of your Reich - so no harm or foul. Treason is no big deal when done for the party. :thup:
Invaded United States territory using force of arms, occupied it using force of arms, declared the territory soveriegn territory outside the United States.
He didn’t invade the country. He lives here.

How did he occupy “it” using force of arms? Who was this force used upon?
Republicans have no power sending the government after their political enemies and insulating themselves of the consequences.

You mean the way democrats have for the last 6 years?

We need to "Roger Stone" a LOT of democrats, like Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Mark Zuckerberg, et al. to rebalance the scales.

Donald Trump stood up to you. You Nazis are the school yard bully. Trump stood up to you and punched you in the nose. You HAVE to make him pay, no matter how long it takes. If Trump proves that the Reich can be opposed with no consequence, then the power of the Reich is broken.
You mean the way democrats have for the last 6 years?

We need to "Roger Stone" a LOT of democrats, like Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Mark Zuckerberg, et al. to rebalance the scales.

Donald Trump stood up to you. You Nazis are the school yard bully. Trump stood up to you and punched you in the nose. You HAVE to make him pay, no matter how long it takes. If Trump proves that the Reich can be opposed with no consequence, then the power of the Reich is broken.
What does it mean to “Roger Stone” someone?

Trump is a moron who deserves far worse than he will get and it’s all because of bad decisions he has made. We didn’t do it to him. He did it to himself.
I posted articles that show insurrectionists at the capital were armed. They were charged for it and admitted guilt.

You still don't believe it?
Yes, I saw that AFTER this exchange.

I did note that it was funny you suddenly had a trove of links to support party talking points. You don't know that there was a 2 year Kristallnacht - but you have tons of links to support the DNC narrative on the Reichstag Fire.

Funny dat.
All those actions required federal intervention.

Local control perpetuated racial disenfranchisement.

We are a CONSTITUTIONAL republic. When a state - and I mean California - openly and flagrantly violates that Constitution - as Alabama did when democrats were in charge - as California does now (with democrats in charge), then the recourse is to impose federal oversite and remedy.
He didn’t invade the country. He lives here.

He and his fellow insurrectionists used force of arms to invade and occupy territory of the United States.

This was an actual and in fact insurrection - quit different than protesting and rioting.

No different than the Confederates of the first civil war, the insurrectionists of CHAZ declared themselves a breakaway country.

The only reason you're defending this treason is because your party is behind it.

Kamaltoe was bailing the insurrectionists out when they were arrested, The party ensured that the corrupt Soros prosecutors refused to prosecute.

How did he occupy “it” using force of arms? Who was this force used upon?

Don't be an idiot.
Dude, you already acknowledged that you do.

You're changing your story because MSNBC is has a bad reputation here.

No I did not.

I know that you of the fascist left will say anything to smear Trump.

If by tell the truth about him, then yes.

How could he POSSIBLY know what a massive crowd protesting election fraud? It's amusing that you of the extreme left rail about how stupid Trump is, yet also claim he knows every detail of every person who voted for him's life.

Because it is was propagated on social media and he had a podium and guest speakers lined up. You think he did that by accident.

Got it, cooking up evidence takes time. I mean, it's not like they had weapons on the day of the Reichstag fire, the Gestapo had to "backfill" to fit the emerging narrative.

They admitted to the charges. How is.tyat cooking evidence?

Funny, the guy who doesn't watch or read anything, suddenly has all sorts of links to support the DNC narrative.

How convenient..

I didn't say those things. Are you actually reading my posts?

Right, because facts need to change with the narrative!

What facts changed?

Next week will shoe clearly that we are not duped.
Wining the house and Senate does not prove that. It just proves they got more votes.
Yes, I saw that AFTER this exchange.

Ok. So if your news sources are so great; how did you not know that?

I did note that it was funny you suddenly had a trove of links to support party talking points. You don't know that there was a 2 year Kristallnacht - but you have tons of links to support the DNC narrative on the Reichstag Fire.

Funny dat.
Yeah. You claimed their were no weapons at the capital so I googled weapons at capital Jan 6th and posted links so you could see the error.
What does it mean to “Roger Stone” someone?

Hopefully Stephen Colbert finds out with a 4 AM raid. I guess the Gestapo would need Fox rather than CNN it make it similar to what you Nazis did to Stone.

What was Stone's crime again? Oh right, he criticized the democrat party.

NOW COLDBURT committed the same crime as the Reichstag Fire protesters.

No worries though - these were democrats - no one is going to prison the way Trump voters did for the same act.

One Nation, two VERY different standards of law.
Trump is a moron who deserves far worse than he will get and it’s all because of bad decisions he has made. We didn’t do it to him. He did it to himself.

Trump is a moron, yet the most diabolical evil genius in the universe who not only knows what every person in a crowd of a million is thinking, but also what they have with them.

Because as a Nazi - holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously and believing both is just part of the gig.
Hopefully Stephen Colbert finds out with a 4 AM raid. I guess the Gestapo would need Fox rather than CNN it make it similar to what you Nazis did to Stone.

What was Stone's crime again? Oh right, he criticized the democrat party.

NOW COLDBURT committed the same crime as the Reichstag Fire protesters.

No worries though - these were democrats - no one is going to prison the way Trump voters did for the same act.

One Nation, two VERY different standards of law.

Trump is a moron, yet the most diabolical evil genius in the universe who not only knows what every person in a crowd of a million is thinking, but also what they have with them.

Because as a Nazi - holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously and believing both is just part of the gig.
Roger Stone lied to Congress than intimidated witnesses to cover it up. That’s pretty illegal.

What did Colbert do?

Trump is a moron for dozens upon dozens of reasons. His actions after the election demonstrate how dangerous he is to the republic.
No I did not.

Well yes, in fact you did.

If by tell the truth about him, then yes.

When do you intend to start telling the truth?
Because it is was propagated on social media and he had a podium and guest speakers lined up. You think he did that by accident.

You mean like Twitter, where you Nazi locked him out?


They admitted to the charges. How is.tyat cooking evidence?

Gee, after two years in solitary with harsh conditions that even Amnesty International termed torture, suddenly people are "confessing."

I guess everyone Torquemada tried was in fact guilty as well...

I didn't say those things. Are you actually reading my posts?

What facts changed?

The reality is that the FBI and DOJ are coercing confessions from people who went to the Capitol thinking they were in America. After two years of torture, they are breaking and confessing to anything just to make it stop.

This is why we have a stipulation in our constitution for a speedy trial, so that scum like Garland can't do this shit.

Yet here we are.

Wining the house and Senate does not prove that. It just proves they got more votes.

Winning the house puts vermin like Herr Leaksensmears Garland in legal jeopardy.

We need to impeach Biden.

Hold hearings on the abuse and obstruction of Justice by Wray's STASI

Hold hearings and expose the extreme corruption of law by Garland and his criminal enterprise at the DOJ

There need to be some LONG prison sentences for those who have shit all over our Constitution.

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