Tucker Carlson exposes phony liberal rage

Look what you just said, MORE state autonomy and the freedom of the people in the state to decide how they want their state to work, LESS federal authority. That's classic liberalism. Oh, and they don't control the federal government to send it after anyone. That's all Quid Pro's baby.
Giving more power to the state takes power away from the people.

It doesn’t matter if the power resides at federal or local. More power to less accountable people is the opposite of liberalism.
Of course you do - you watch MSNBC and think it's real.

I don't watch MSNBC. It's in the thread what I watch and don't watch.

Rational people see things quite differently.

I know. Glad I am rational.

First off, none of the protesters at the Reichstag Fire were armed.

Yes they were. Trump knew they were when he sent them to the capital to fight.

Did you know that?

An FBI official on Wednesday testified at a Senate hearing that she has no knowledge of any guns being recovered from suspects who were arrested during the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

When asked by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) about whether firearms were recovered or if any suspect was charged with firearms offenses, FBI counterterrorism official Jill Sanborn responded: “To my knowledge, none.” She qualified her remark by saying that she did not want to speak for Capitol Police first.}URL unfurl="true"]https://www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-counterterrorism-official-no-firearms-recovered-during-jan-6-capitol-breach_3719267.html[/URL
You can't just tell J6 Nazi show trial lies here - you're going to be exposed.

See? That's how you were duped.

Your article is dated back in April before it was shown guns were at the capital insurrection. Nobody at that time knew if anyone was armed.

"Broden, the defense attorney, said his client was known to be “bombastic” and prone to exaggeration but is not dangerous. He said Reffitt never removed the handgun from the holster at the Capitol and left his assault rifle in his vehicle in Georgetown."

Here is more....again notice the dates of the articles.

This guy was armed too.

And this guy....

We've already established that you're not honest.

No. What we established is you are using outdated articles to support you contention.

What stories are "made up."

You're a leftist troll trying to gaslight right before a major election that your Reich is about to lose.

The election will be what it is. If my candidates loses I will move on.

I know exactly what you are - and so does every other person on this board.

In two weeks, you'll be gone and never return - until perhaps 2024 - under a different alias.


What a clown you are.
Thanks for your opinion.

Hopefully I was able to teach you some tricks so you be so easily duped in the future.
Giving more power to the state takes power away from the people.

It doesn’t matter if the power resides at federal or local. More power to less accountable people is the opposite of liberalism.
If I don't like what my state is doing, I can much more directly impact my local government than I can Washington, and if I vehemently rejected it, could move to another state. That's much more difficult to do when the federal government clamps down on the entire country. You seem to view the federal government as protecting your liberty. I view all government as restricting my liberty, and I want the freedom to move to a different location where I have more freedom without having to leave the country.
Tucker acknowledge the voting irregularities at the beginning of the video. He just didn't want to derail his own, much broader point.
ok.. I guess I somehow missed that. But still.. most media totally IGNORE the issue of theSteal which nonetheless is Most Important Issue of All

If we don't get that right.. we are 3rd world dictatorship
You pretend not to know that democrats engaged in two years of violent insurrection from coast to coast. With Minneapolis and Kenosha reduced to war zones as Brown Shirt terrorist troops robbed, raped, and murdered with no response.

Who was charged with insurrection/sedition?

Portland protesters barricaded federal officers inside a courthouse — and tried to set the building on fire — as the two groups clashed again Tuesday night into Wednesday.

As hundreds chanted “Black lives matter” and “Feds go home,” a team of protesters propped several wooden beams and sandbags against a door to the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse, according to tweets from Clypian, an online news outlet run by South Salem High School students.

Videos posted by Clypian throughout the night show protesters yanking off plywood covering another entrance and the feds launching tear gas and pepper bombs at the crowds. At one point, someone tosses a firework at the officers, which explodes at their feet.}

Then you try and gaslight us.

Yep. You still can't name one of these people. Could have been proud boys undercover.

I'm not gaslighting. For months after Jan 6 I heard Trump supporters claim Jan 6was not an insurection/sedition because nobody was charged with such.

Well low and behold people have been charged so using Trump supporters own metric, it was an insurrection.
If I don't like what my state is doing, I can much more directly impact my local government than I can Washington, and if I vehemently rejected it, could move to another state. That's much more difficult to do when the federal government clamps down on the entire country. You seem to view the federal government as protecting your liberty. I view all government as restricting my liberty, and I want the freedom to move to a different location where I have more freedom without having to leave the country.
State governments have succeeded in reducing their people’s power to change them through gerrymandering and voting changes.

They’re poorly responsive to their people but don’t care because there are no consequences.
State governments have succeeded in reducing their people’s power to change them through gerrymandering and voting changes.

They’re poorly responsive to their people but don’t care because there are no consequences.
And I can more easily move to a different district than I can to another state. Quite frankly, districts should be simple polygons, except for the ones at the state's borders.
Of course they’re subject to laws.

As your fellow Reichdrone said - none of the Brown Shirt terrorists who murdered more than 600 people, including 39 police officers, who did a TRILLION dollars worth of damage with the arson and looting across the land - none of them prosecuted - they acted on behalf of the democrat Reich, the law does not apply to them.

You just have to use actual evidence to prove they broke the law.



Meet Raz Simone - the self-declared Warlord of CHAZ. If you recall, armed democrat Brown Shirt Troops invaded and occupied 6 square blocks of Seattle, and declared it a sovereign country. An act of insurrection, sedition, and treason.

Do you happen to recall the verdict in his trial?

Oh wait, he was never arrested? Maybe the Gestapo were so busy hunting down Trump voters that they couldn't spend the time to figure out who he is?

Yo, Oberfuhrer Wray - his name is Raz Simone.

Or maybe they can't find him? Herr Leaksensmears Garland is pretty busy tearing down the Constitution.

Maybe this can help our intrepid STASI?

And I can more easily move to a different district than I can to another state. Quite frankly, districts should be simple polygons, except for the ones at the state's borders.
Your ability to move does not negate the facts I presented.

Black people could vote easily in north states but we didn’t consider their suppressing okay because they could just move out of the south.

Liberalism demands local governments be accountable to the people and conservatives in state government definitely aren’t doing so.
democrats are not subject to laws.

Yes they are.

You think that's a good thing.

Red herring.

Rational people see it differently.
I am rational. I look at articles that are current.

The funny thing is, my articles that show people were armed were still dated at least a couple months ago.

So what that means Mr. Authority in real news, is whatever outlets you use for your news, spent two months not letting you know that insurrectionists were armed on Jan 6th. You were left in blissful ignorance.

How does that make you feel?
I would respectfully disagree in regards to laws passed that are worded so as to inhibit any discussion of non-hetero identity or minority viewpoints in our schools (not just sexually inappropriate language), book bannings, including public libraries, that go far beyond a handful of sexually inappropriate books and focus on books either written by or have main characters who are minority or LGBTQ. Several states have expanded or tried to expand this into higher education. The legislation in Florida goes as far as to curtail DEI training in private institutione and in Idaho, you can be fired if you are a state employee in higher education talking about abortion to someone. Private businesses have been punished by the state for speaking out. Laws like these are overly broad and encourage punative litigation, inhibit the free exchange of ideas, threaten peoples jobs and credentials, and create an oppressive atmosphere where broad swaths of relevant topics won’t be discussed out of fear of retaliation.

I don’t think this is a good thing, it forces people to have to monitor their words and the broadness of these laws in combination with legal retaliation from private citizens backed by the state, means people can’t be sure where the line is.
The controversy over the LGBTQ thing will continue as long as the LGBTQ pushes it into the faces of people who want to just live and let live. To someone like me, to push it into curriculum for young children is evil and heterosexual sex ed is not appropriate for young kids either. Children should be allowed to be children as you and I were allowed to be. No child has that kind of thing in their heads until they are old enough to fully understand it and they shouldn't. Kindergarten and grade school is not the time for sex education.

And if some people don't want it for the older kids either then they don't want it. But I suspect those making an issue of that are far and few in between. Parents, local school boards, teachers/administrators should be working out what proper curriculum is for the children in that community and not special interest groups, the government, or anybody outside the local community.

The difference is the government is not deliberately suppressing discussions of LGBTQ on social media, MSM etc. nor are Republicans doing that.

If you don't see that as dangerous to a free people, then you don't. I see it as unAmerican, dangerous, unacceptable and think all honorable people see it that way.
Your ability to move does not negate the facts I presented.

Black people could vote easily in north states but we didn’t consider their suppressing okay because they could just move out of the south.

Liberalism demands local governments be accountable to the people and conservatives in state government definitely aren’t doing so.
Wouldn't you want "liberal" state governments to have more power than a "conservative" federal government? IOW, should conservatives be elected to Washington, would you want them to have less or more power over say the government of California?
Wouldn't you want "liberal" state governments to have more power than a "conservative" federal government? IOW, should conservatives be elected to Washington, would you want them to have less or more power over say the government of California?
It’s a horse a piece.

Either we have more government power or less.

Arguing about who holds it is irrelevant.

Republicans have plenty of interest in expansion of government power and work to centralize that power in places where hold and maintain power, even against the wishes of the public.
Criminal Reform has, DeFacto, made crime non-punishable.

"Crime" is now defined as "opponents of the Reich."

We are no longer a nation of laws.

Those who are favored by and support the Reich can do any act with impunity.

If you burned a Target to the ground and looted a hundred grand in merchandise - no problem, as long as you are ANTIFA, BLM, or another faction of the democrat party.

Those who oppose the Reich are subject to arrest and imprisonment at all time, regardless of actions.

If you voted for Donald Trump - you are subject to arrest and imprisonment as an enemy of the Reich.

Laws are a thing of the past, the Reich has "progressed" beyond the rule of law. We have the rule of the Reich now, capricious and arbitrary.
It’s a horse a piece.

Either we have more government power or less.

Arguing about who holds it is irrelevant.

Republicans have plenty of interest in expansion of government power.

Government, like fire, is useful if well contained - devastating if not.

democrats have set the carpets and drapes on fire and are scrambling for more gasoline.
Government, like fire, is useful if well contained - devastating if not.

democrats have set the carpets and drapes on fire and are scrambling for more gasoline.
Republicans have no power sending the government after their political enemies and insulating themselves of the consequences.
It’s a horse a piece.

Either we have more government power or less.

Arguing about who holds it is irrelevant.

Republicans have plenty of interest in expansion of government power and work to centralize that power in places where hold and maintain power, even against the wishes of the public.
Republican =/= conservative.

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