Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?'

Trump has seen the writing on the wall. He knows America is united against him on this issue so heā€™s caving.
Spineless and cowardly.
I love it.
It just goes to show, even the smartest people around don't understand Trump.

Sad to see Tucker's mask slip.
Poor babies. They actually expected Trump to follow through on a Deportation Force and round up 11 million people and deport them. They actually took that bullshit seriously!
No, they expect him not to pull a Ronald Reagan and grant amnesty to those 11 million, which it looks like he is prepared to do.
December 2014:
I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a ā€œweird sceneā€ when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated heā€™d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

ā€œIā€™m not going to say, ā€˜Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,ā€™ā€ Trump said. ā€œIā€™ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that youā€™re going to come up with something really good.ā€

Carlson said:

ā€œCongress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for Americaā€™s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldnā€™t care less about immigrationā€™s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?ā€

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost

Seriously, you whack jobs are way too transparent. Huffington Post took a portion of what Trump said just so idiots like yourself could jump all over it and blow it out of proportion.
I just don't know what it will take for the pseudocon tards to finally realize that Trump massively hoaxed them to get elected.

Apparently, not even their record high medical costs have penetrated their willful stupidity.
Itā€™s a reflexive action for deplorables to attack anyone disagreeing with Trump.
I can see the idiots start to attack Carlson and then say, ā€œ Oh wait. Heā€™s one of us.ā€

It's called compromise..thats what a president has to do, we are not dealing anymore with Obama the dictator in chief and giggly Harry Reid.
Way to go dweeb, make more excuses for Trump lying to you.

What lying dude?

No excuse to win you have to tell people what they want to hear..get in office then either play it Obama's selfish ways or govern..

You don't have a clue about politics do you?
Trump really is bringing the people together.
Heā€™s united the right and the left AGAINST him.
Itā€™s a reflexive action for deplorables to attack anyone disagreeing with Trump.
I can see the idiots start to attack Carlson and then say, ā€œ Oh wait. Heā€™s one of us.ā€

It's called compromise..thats what a president has to do, we are not dealing anymore with Obama the dictator in chief and giggly Harry Reid.
Way to go dweeb, make more excuses for Trump lying to you.

What lying dude?
When I talk about the "willful stupidity" of the tards, this is exactly what I am talking about.

"What lying?"

Itā€™s a reflexive action for deplorables to attack anyone disagreeing with Trump.
I can see the idiots start to attack Carlson and then say, ā€œ Oh wait. Heā€™s one of us.ā€

It's called compromise..thats what a president has to do, we are not dealing anymore with Obama the dictator in chief and giggly Harry Reid.
Way to go dweeb, make more excuses for Trump lying to you.

What lying dude?

No excuse to win you have to tell people what they want to hear..get in office then either play it Obama's selfish ways or govern..

You don't have a clue about politics do you?
Yes because Trump caving on his promises is all about Obama. Your clown act gets more amusing every day.
Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?'
I have said it many times, and good old Tucker is providing yet more evidence: This election was all about Mexicans and Muslims.
Itā€™s a reflexive action for deplorables to attack anyone disagreeing with Trump.
I can see the idiots start to attack Carlson and then say, ā€œ Oh wait. Heā€™s one of us.ā€

It's called compromise..thats what a president has to do, we are not dealing anymore with Obama the dictator in chief and giggly Harry Reid.
Way to go dweeb, make more excuses for Trump lying to you.

What lying dude?
When I talk about the "willful stupidity" of the tards, this is exactly what I am talking about.

"What lying?"

Bear is proud heā€™s the top tard. Heā€™s never been on top for anything in life so heā€™s now happy to wear that badge of dishonor.
Trump really is bringing the people together.
Heā€™s united the right and the left AGAINST him.

There is no writing on the wall, I would have used the same strategy.

Tell people what they want to hear troll the heck out of the opposition , use mind games ..

And then say ok let's talk..

It's chess
Breaking News Update!

Trump is not caving!

From his Twitter after his meeting with lawmakers yesterday.

Donald J. Trump
As I made very clear today, our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval.
6:16 PM Ā· Jan 9, 2018

The democrats don't want a wall so DACA will fail.
Itā€™s a reflexive action for deplorables to attack anyone disagreeing with Trump.
I can see the idiots start to attack Carlson and then say, ā€œ Oh wait. Heā€™s one of us.ā€

It's called compromise..thats what a president has to do, we are not dealing anymore with Obama the dictator in chief and giggly Harry Reid.
Way to go dweeb, make more excuses for Trump lying to you.

What lying dude?
When I talk about the "willful stupidity" of the tards, this is exactly what I am talking about.

"What lying?"

Bear is proud heā€™s the top tard. Heā€™s never been on top for anything in life so heā€™s now happy to wear that badge of dishonor.

I have always got on top of what I wanted to be always did it and when I got over my head ..and wanted to fuck off and Chase girls, hunt deer ,bow hunt , boat race, well I said fuck it ..

Some times personal time is better then being a millionaire busting your ass
Right about now all the Trump whores have the whiny little bitchā€™s words in their heads from the campaign.
Theyā€™re finally realizing,ā€ Iā€™ve been duped.ā€

Sure took you long enough to figure that one out.
It's called compromise..thats what a president has to do, we are not dealing anymore with Obama the dictator in chief and giggly Harry Reid.
Way to go dweeb, make more excuses for Trump lying to you.

What lying dude?
When I talk about the "willful stupidity" of the tards, this is exactly what I am talking about.

"What lying?"

Bear is proud heā€™s the top tard. Heā€™s never been on top for anything in life so heā€™s now happy to wear that badge of dishonor.

I have always got on top of what I wanted to be always did it and when I got over my head ..and wanted to fuck off and Chase girls, hunt deer ,bow hunt , boat race, well I said fuck it ..

Some times personal time is better then being a millionaire busting your ass
I know youā€™re really proud you graduated from 2nd grade.
Oh wait... thereā€™s no ceremony for that.
Breaking News Update!

Trump is not caving!

From his Twitter after his meeting with lawmakers yesterday.

Donald J. Trump
As I made very clear today, our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval.
6:16 PM Ā· Jan 9, 2018

The democrats don't want a wall so DACA will fail.
How many times is he going to lie to you before you catch on?
I know, never.

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