Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?'

Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a ā€œweird sceneā€ when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated heā€™d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

ā€œIā€™m not going to say, ā€˜Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,ā€™ā€ Trump said. ā€œIā€™ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that youā€™re going to come up with something really good.ā€

Carlson said:

ā€œCongress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for Americaā€™s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldnā€™t care less about immigrationā€™s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?ā€

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost
I guess Tucker thinks he should run our policies.

Poor Tucker
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a ā€œweird sceneā€ when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated heā€™d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

ā€œIā€™m not going to say, ā€˜Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,ā€™ā€ Trump said. ā€œIā€™ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that youā€™re going to come up with something really good.ā€

Carlson said:

ā€œCongress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for Americaā€™s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldnā€™t care less about immigrationā€™s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?ā€

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost

Itā€™s funny that you ignorant sheep who march in lock step with whatever stupid nonsense your leaders want, will criticise us on the right for holding our leaders accountable.
Poor babies. They actually expected Trump to follow through on a Deportation Force and round up 11 million people and deport them. They actually took that bullshit seriously!
No, they expect him not to pull a Ronald Reagan and grant amnesty to those 11 million, which it looks like he is prepared to do.
December 2014:
I wish I could be there to see the looks on y'alls faces when the GOP Congress passes amnesty legislation. I really do. :laugh:
You called it.
Poor babies. They actually expected Trump to follow through on a Deportation Force and round up 11 million people and deport them. They actually took that bullshit seriously! :lol:


Well, let's be "fair" here......trump DID deliver on a HC plan that would be CHEAPER, BETTER and would cover EVERYBODY. on day ONE....

Ooooops, never mind........
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a ā€œweird sceneā€ when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated heā€™d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

ā€œIā€™m not going to say, ā€˜Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,ā€™ā€ Trump said. ā€œIā€™ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that youā€™re going to come up with something really good.ā€

Carlson said:

ā€œCongress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for Americaā€™s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldnā€™t care less about immigrationā€™s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?ā€

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost

Did Tucker see this?

ā€˜Trump Effectā€™ Wears Off as Migrants Resume Their Northward Push
Itā€™s funny how you leftists canā€™t think past your pointy heads.

Yeah we arenā€™t happy about ANY talk that hints of amnesty. So what? What do you retards think that means? Do you think it means that we regret our vote and should have voted for HIllary? If that crooked liar was POTUS weā€™d have amnesty already. Perhaps you morons think weā€™ll regret not putting an establishment republican in there instead? YOu meant the guys that we all know will give us amnesty anyway? WE arenā€™t as stupid as you lefties are. Trump was an unknown and he talked the talk. Wether he follows through or not, it was going to happen for sure had we made any other choice.

Besides, Trump hasnā€™t actually done it yet.
Itā€™s funny how you leftists canā€™t think past your pointy heads.

Yeah we arenā€™t happy about ANY talk that hints of amnesty. So what? What do you retards think that means? Do you think it means that we regret our vote and should have voted for HIllary? If that crooked liar was POTUS weā€™d have amnesty already. Perhaps you morons think weā€™ll regret not putting an establishment republican in there instead? YOu meant the guys that we all know will give us amnesty anyway? WE arenā€™t as stupid as you lefties are. Trump was an unknown and he talked the talk. Wether he follows through or not, it was going to happen for sure had we made any other choice.

Besides, Trump hasnā€™t actually done it yet.
Hillary was up front and honest about giving immigrants a pathway to citizenship.
Trump lied to you.
I think you need therapy to deal with all of his lies..
Itā€™s funny how you leftists canā€™t think past your pointy heads.

Yeah we arenā€™t happy about ANY talk that hints of amnesty. So what? What do you retards think that means? Do you think it means that we regret our vote and should have voted for HIllary? If that crooked liar was POTUS weā€™d have amnesty already. Perhaps you morons think weā€™ll regret not putting an establishment republican in there instead? YOu meant the guys that we all know will give us amnesty anyway? WE arenā€™t as stupid as you lefties are. Trump was an unknown and he talked the talk. Wether he follows through or not, it was going to happen for sure had we made any other choice.

Besides, Trump hasnā€™t actually done it yet.
Hillary was up front and honest about giving immigrants a pathway to citizenship.
Trump lied to you.
I think you need therapy to deal with all of his lies..

Hey moron, he hasnā€™t lied until it actually happens and the fact thatā€™s Hillary was up front is irrelevant.
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a ā€œweird sceneā€ when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated heā€™d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

ā€œIā€™m not going to say, ā€˜Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,ā€™ā€ Trump said. ā€œIā€™ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that youā€™re going to come up with something really good.ā€

Carlson said:

ā€œCongress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for Americaā€™s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldnā€™t care less about immigrationā€™s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?ā€

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost

Itā€™s funny that you ignorant sheep who march in lock step with whatever stupid nonsense your leaders want, will criticise us on the right for holding our leaders accountable.

At this point before calling anyone sheep I'd look in the mirror if I were you.
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a ā€œweird sceneā€ when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated heā€™d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

ā€œIā€™m not going to say, ā€˜Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,ā€™ā€ Trump said. ā€œIā€™ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that youā€™re going to come up with something really good.ā€

Carlson said:

ā€œCongress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for Americaā€™s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldnā€™t care less about immigrationā€™s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?ā€

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost
Carlson is also an idiot.
Itā€™s funny how you leftists canā€™t think past your pointy heads.

Yeah we arenā€™t happy about ANY talk that hints of amnesty. So what? What do you retards think that means? Do you think it means that we regret our vote and should have voted for HIllary? If that crooked liar was POTUS weā€™d have amnesty already. Perhaps you morons think weā€™ll regret not putting an establishment republican in there instead? YOu meant the guys that we all know will give us amnesty anyway? WE arenā€™t as stupid as you lefties are. Trump was an unknown and he talked the talk. Wether he follows through or not, it was going to happen for sure had we made any other choice.

Besides, Trump hasnā€™t actually done it yet.

Calm down Paco, you better smoke one. I bet your veins are popping out on your neck and forehead. lol
Get over it Carlson. The President was talking to a bi-partisan group. He knows full well compromise will have to happen which is what happens in successful negotiations. If both Liberals and Trump supporters walk away getting something then President Trump did his job.
The President was talking to a bi-partisan group. He knows full well compromise will have to happen which is what happens in successful negotiations

based on the above as a campaign rhetoric , how many of you idiots would have voted for the orange buffoon ???

(I know, I know.....you're one of them morons who will say that you never voted for the idiot......There's be a lot of THAT going around......LOL)
This is an example of how principled individuals criticize the ones they have defended in the past. Those who have no principles toe the party line, regardless.

Trump is a complete dumbass if he Reagans this issue.
Do you consider legal status for DACA people, "Reaganing the issue"?
yes. He was also referring to actual amnesty for millions of illegals, apparently. Thats an even BIGLY'ER issue.
Im just getting it on record because DACA legalization is going to happen. Comprehensive Immigration Reform will involve some form of Amnesty as well, which Trump said he wanted to tackle next. I think its needed I applaud Trump for the way he conducted the meeting yesterday. If you are expecting to build a coast to coast wall, have Mexico pay for it and deport 10+ million people then you are in for a sad disappointment.
Im just getting it on record because DACA legalization is going to happen. Comprehensive Immigration Reform will involve some form of Amnesty as well, which Trump said he wanted to tackle next. I think its needed I applaud Trump for the way he conducted the meeting yesterday. If you are expecting to build a coast to coast wall, have Mexico pay for it and deport 10+ million people then you are in for a sad disappointment.

I FULLY agree.......EXCEPT for the part about Trump's charade of a meetingwith TV cameras....

Serious negotiations would NEVER happen when you have 30 different opinions floating around......The end results may be salutary BUT the Apprentice-like scenario just shows that Trump's fragile ego is in desperate need of some "praise"
Itā€™s funny how you leftists canā€™t think past your pointy heads.

Yeah we arenā€™t happy about ANY talk that hints of amnesty. So what? What do you retards think that means? Do you think it means that we regret our vote and should have voted for HIllary? If that crooked liar was POTUS weā€™d have amnesty already. Perhaps you morons think weā€™ll regret not putting an establishment republican in there instead? YOu meant the guys that we all know will give us amnesty anyway? WE arenā€™t as stupid as you lefties are. Trump was an unknown and he talked the talk. Wether he follows through or not, it was going to happen for sure had we made any other choice.

Besides, Trump hasnā€™t actually done it yet.
Hillary was up front and honest about giving immigrants a pathway to citizenship.
Trump lied to you.
I think you need therapy to deal with all of his lies..

Hey moron, he hasnā€™t lied until it actually happens and the fact thatā€™s Hillary was up front is irrelevant.
Sorry .. youā€™ve proven to be the moron thinking Mexico will pay for the wall, Trump will bring affordable HC for everyone, heā€™ll repeal Obamacare, heā€™ll lower the prices of pharmaceuticals.... and now his #1 promise to you that u swallowed heā€™s considering going back on that too.
Youā€™re such an easy mark. PT Barnum had you in mind when he said, ā€œ Thereā€™s a sucker born every minute.ā€
Get over it Carlson. The President was talking to a bi-partisan group. He knows full well compromise will have to happen which is what happens in successful negotiations. If both Liberals and Trump supporters walk away getting something then President Trump did his job.
Do you enjoy being lied to by your lying president?
This is an example of how principled individuals criticize the ones they have defended in the past. Those who have no principles toe the party line, regardless.

Trump is a complete dumbass if he Reagans this issue.
Do you consider legal status for DACA people, "Reaganing the issue"?
yes. He was also referring to actual amnesty for millions of illegals, apparently. Thats an even BIGLY'ER issue.
Im just getting it on record because DACA legalization is going to happen. Comprehensive Immigration Reform will involve some form of Amnesty as well, which Trump said he wanted to tackle next. I think its needed I applaud Trump for the way he conducted the meeting yesterday. If you are expecting to build a coast to coast wall, have Mexico pay for it and deport 10+ million people then you are in for a sad disappointment.
i just dont support failure. especially when it is probably the main incentive to come here illegally.
I want to fix the system, not add to its failure.
This is an example of how principled individuals criticize the ones they have defended in the past. Those who have no principles toe the party line, regardless.

Trump is a complete dumbass if he Reagans this issue.
Do you consider legal status for DACA people, "Reaganing the issue"?
yes. He was also referring to actual amnesty for millions of illegals, apparently. Thats an even BIGLY'ER issue.
Im just getting it on record because DACA legalization is going to happen. Comprehensive Immigration Reform will involve some form of Amnesty as well, which Trump said he wanted to tackle next. I think its needed I applaud Trump for the way he conducted the meeting yesterday. If you are expecting to build a coast to coast wall, have Mexico pay for it and deport 10+ million people then you are in for a sad disappointment.
i just dont support failure. especially when it is probably the main incentive to come here illegally.
I want to fix the system, not add to its failure.
You think trying to deport 10+ million people is a practical solution? Come on, that can only fail

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