Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?'

Unreasonable whine thread #23123186.

Just wait for the wall...
Unreasonable? One of the main things he campaigned on and he says he dont give a shit what they do? Come on man

Trump goes back on this one he's done like dinner. As he should be.
Hmm, Trump could be coming to his senses, and not trying to resist just to be resisting. Time to deal, and hopefully it won't be bad deals in his favor instead of good deals in his favor.

It makes me wonder though, about whether this whole thing with Mueller wasn't a way to bribe Trump to the negotiating table, and then to get what they (the Demon-crats), wanted.

The nation shouldn't have been worried about the Russians ever, but those Communist Demon-crats, well they are another story. They seem to think that they have set Trump up right, and now we might be seeing the payoff.

Trump's eagerness to appease them in that meeting, might just be something very interesting to watch going foward. Let's see just how many more bribes they might can pull off if Trump has been compromised now.

I hope it comes out that the Demon-crats would be quick to bribe a sitting President if they use Mueller to throw enough fear into Trump that he begins to break for them now. Wow.
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I think you give them too much credit.
Just the fear from trumps presidency has shown they will leave. Take away all the incentives and?
BTW, i think supporting known failure isnt practical.
I’m not supporting known failure. I’m supporting comprehensive reform. You can still implement your security and enforcement tactics while dealing with the undocumented in this country in a practical way.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
. So you are proud of this issue screwing over the American worker's, retirees, and American children in favor of saving something the business sector and crooked politicians had created, and then hoisted upon us ?? Yes I'm for helping people get back to their nation in a decent and humanatarion way, and making sure that their government makes promises it will keep in regards to these people. If they break those promises, I would be in favor of sanctions or other penalties to apply.
Tucker will not be the only one.

Nor should he be. Trump ran as the Pro-American/Anti-immigrant candidate. Going back on that is liable to be fatal to his re-eection campaign.
What re-election campaign? I suspect he will not run in 2020.
. Not the way he's going now, it wouldn't be worth it for him to run. If Mueller backs off, then the whole thing may have been a set up, but if he completes the investigation clearing Trump, then Trump wins. Going to be interesting going foward now.
I’m not supporting known failure. I’m supporting comprehensive reform. You can still implement your security and enforcement tactics while dealing with the undocumented in this country in a practical way.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
. So you are proud of this issue screwing over the American worker's, retirees, and American children in favor of saving something the business sector and crooked politicians had created, and then hoisted upon us ?? Yes I'm for helping people get back to their nation in a decent and humanatarion way, and making sure that their government makes promises it will keep in regards to these people. If they break those promises, I would be in favor of sanctions or other penalties to apply.
Not proud of anything along those lines. Just ready to stop the petty hate speech that demeans an entire race over the poor decisions of a few and also ready to move forward with a sensible solution to the problem instead of sitting around bitching. Work hard and do better than the rest and make your future. Thats what I did and thats what I do and thats what I hope others will do. Don't let yourself be a victim of anything. We are all living in one world. And we don't have a shortage of jobs here in the US, in fact i've seen several reports saying that we need more workers in a variety of industries.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
. So you are proud of this issue screwing over the American worker's, retirees, and American children in favor of saving something the business sector and crooked politicians had created, and then hoisted upon us ?? Yes I'm for helping people get back to their nation in a decent and humanatarion way, and making sure that their government makes promises it will keep in regards to these people. If they break those promises, I would be in favor of sanctions or other penalties to apply.
Not proud of anything along those lines. Just ready to stop the petty hate speech that demeans an entire race over the poor decisions of a few and also ready to move forward with a sensible solution to the problem instead of sitting around bitching. Work hard and do better than the rest and make your future. Thats what I did and thats what I do and thats what I hope others will do. Don't let yourself be a victim of anything. We are all living in one world. And we don't have a shortage of jobs here in the US, in fact i've seen several reports saying that we need more workers in a variety of industries.
. 1st off, you are talking to someone who has already made his run in life, so don't talk to me as if I'm here crying for me because you would be wrong. Now go back and view my words with the knowledge of knowing that I'm not here for me, but rather it's that I just like hanging out here trying to give a perspective is all. Don't need the system to care for me anymore, and I'm darn glad of it.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
. So you are proud of this issue screwing over the American worker's, retirees, and American children in favor of saving something the business sector and crooked politicians had created, and then hoisted upon us ?? Yes I'm for helping people get back to their nation in a decent and humanatarion way, and making sure that their government makes promises it will keep in regards to these people. If they break those promises, I would be in favor of sanctions or other penalties to apply.
Not proud of anything along those lines. Just ready to stop the petty hate speech that demeans an entire race over the poor decisions of a few and also ready to move forward with a sensible solution to the problem instead of sitting around bitching. Work hard and do better than the rest and make your future. Thats what I did and thats what I do and thats what I hope others will do. Don't let yourself be a victim of anything. We are all living in one world. And we don't have a shortage of jobs here in the US, in fact i've seen several reports saying that we need more workers in a variety of industries.
. If invest in our own citizens well being again, then maybe we wouldn't be seeing the destruction among our own in this country. What we are seeing is a direct result of everything being talked about now.
What re-election campaign? I suspect he will not run in 2020.

You could be Right. He might not.

If not then we will see if the Republican Party has learned their lesson from 2016 or not. I tend to think not.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
Realistic because congress loves illegals. As do their donors. That doesnt make my idea unpractical. It means congress is a bunch of shitheads.
No sympathy for illegals. Cut of all incentive.
Fuck the bullshit.
Fuck the repetition of FAILURE.
I don't think we've failed that hard. We have build a pretty damn good country on the back of Immigrants. Illegal and legal. It is unpractical because there is a shit ton of Americans including a major political party that stick up for the underdog and believe that our Nation was built by people who wanted a better life. They don't think people who want these basic rights of freedom and opportunity to be punished because they didn't happen to be born inside our borders. With that said, I do believe there should be a process and a system to regulate citizens and immigrants. We should have strong borders and accountability. If somebody sneaks over the border illegally and is caught then they should be sent back. If somebody over stays their visa and is caught then they should be sent back. We should improve our ways of tracking these things. If somebody snuck over with their family 30 years ago and has been living here as an integrated part of a community. Worked hard, built a life, paid taxes, not committed crimes then I don't think we should try and undertake the impossible task of deporting 10+ million or creating a poverty stricken crime wave by trying to starve them out. Again i'll say, use common sense and understand what framework you are working on. If a douchebag like Trump isn't going to progress your agenda then nobody is, you are going to have to compromise or remain in a constant state of pissed off stagnation.
So you want to argue on the basis of the duopoly? no thanks
I also don't think polls are a reliable argument on this either.
For every poll you show me, I can show you another.
So, basically you are saying I should throw away my integrity. basically, we should reward the ones that last long enough?
Again, no thanks
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
Realistic because congress loves illegals. As do their donors. That doesnt make my idea unpractical. It means congress is a bunch of shitheads.
No sympathy for illegals. Cut of all incentive.
Fuck the bullshit.
Fuck the repetition of FAILURE.
I don't think we've failed that hard. We have build a pretty damn good country on the back of Immigrants. Illegal and legal. It is unpractical because there is a shit ton of Americans including a major political party that stick up for the underdog and believe that our Nation was built by people who wanted a better life. They don't think people who want these basic rights of freedom and opportunity to be punished because they didn't happen to be born inside our borders. With that said, I do believe there should be a process and a system to regulate citizens and immigrants. We should have strong borders and accountability. If somebody sneaks over the border illegally and is caught then they should be sent back. If somebody over stays their visa and is caught then they should be sent back. We should improve our ways of tracking these things. If somebody snuck over with their family 30 years ago and has been living here as an integrated part of a community. Worked hard, built a life, paid taxes, not committed crimes then I don't think we should try and undertake the impossible task of deporting 10+ million or creating a poverty stricken crime wave by trying to starve them out. Again i'll say, use common sense and understand what framework you are working on. If a douchebag like Trump isn't going to progress your agenda then nobody is, you are going to have to compromise or remain in a constant state of pissed off stagnation.
So you want to argue on the basis of the duopoly? no thanks
I also don't think polls are a reliable argument on this either.
For every poll you show me, I can show you another.
So, basically you are saying I should throw away my integrity. basically, we should reward the ones that last long enough?
Again, no thanks
I don’t think it has anything to do with integrity. It has to do with perspective and practicality, which yes, you can improve. We all can
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
Realistic because congress loves illegals. As do their donors. That doesnt make my idea unpractical. It means congress is a bunch of shitheads.
No sympathy for illegals. Cut of all incentive.
Fuck the bullshit.
Fuck the repetition of FAILURE.
I don't think we've failed that hard. We have build a pretty damn good country on the back of Immigrants. Illegal and legal. It is unpractical because there is a shit ton of Americans including a major political party that stick up for the underdog and believe that our Nation was built by people who wanted a better life. They don't think people who want these basic rights of freedom and opportunity to be punished because they didn't happen to be born inside our borders. With that said, I do believe there should be a process and a system to regulate citizens and immigrants. We should have strong borders and accountability. If somebody sneaks over the border illegally and is caught then they should be sent back. If somebody over stays their visa and is caught then they should be sent back. We should improve our ways of tracking these things. If somebody snuck over with their family 30 years ago and has been living here as an integrated part of a community. Worked hard, built a life, paid taxes, not committed crimes then I don't think we should try and undertake the impossible task of deporting 10+ million or creating a poverty stricken crime wave by trying to starve them out. Again i'll say, use common sense and understand what framework you are working on. If a douchebag like Trump isn't going to progress your agenda then nobody is, you are going to have to compromise or remain in a constant state of pissed off stagnation.
So you want to argue on the basis of the duopoly? no thanks
I also don't think polls are a reliable argument on this either.
For every poll you show me, I can show you another.
So, basically you are saying I should throw away my integrity. basically, we should reward the ones that last long enough?
Again, no thanks
I don’t think it has anything to do with integrity. It has to do with perspective and practicality, which yes, you can improve. We all can
We are just not going to get anywhere on this lol. I believe at some point, you have to just stop. We don't agree on that and that is ok.
Deplorables dream of kicking more brown people out of the country seems to be turning into a nightmare for them.

Hispanics widely view themselves as Caucasian. Fact.

Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? - CNN

More Hispanics Declaring Themselves White
In my last job I worked with many Puerto Rican’s and they definitely didn’t consider themselves white.
. Who cares ? They are humans.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
. So you are proud of this issue screwing over the American worker's, retirees, and American children in favor of saving something the business sector and crooked politicians had created, and then hoisted upon us ?? Yes I'm for helping people get back to their nation in a decent and humanatarion way, and making sure that their government makes promises it will keep in regards to these people. If they break those promises, I would be in favor of sanctions or other penalties to apply.
Not proud of anything along those lines. Just ready to stop the petty hate speech that demeans an entire race over the poor decisions of a few and also ready to move forward with a sensible solution to the problem instead of sitting around bitching. Work hard and do better than the rest and make your future. Thats what I did and thats what I do and thats what I hope others will do. Don't let yourself be a victim of anything. We are all living in one world. And we don't have a shortage of jobs here in the US, in fact i've seen several reports saying that we need more workers in a variety of industries.
. 1st off, you are talking to someone who has already made his run in life, so don't talk to me as if I'm here crying for me because you would be wrong. Now go back and view my words with the knowledge of knowing that I'm not here for me, but rather it's that I just like hanging out here trying to give a perspective is all. Don't need the system to care for me anymore, and I'm darn glad of it.
I wasn’t speaking to you specifically. I was metaphorically speaking about people in general
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
. So you are proud of this issue screwing over the American worker's, retirees, and American children in favor of saving something the business sector and crooked politicians had created, and then hoisted upon us ?? Yes I'm for helping people get back to their nation in a decent and humanatarion way, and making sure that their government makes promises it will keep in regards to these people. If they break those promises, I would be in favor of sanctions or other penalties to apply.
Not proud of anything along those lines. Just ready to stop the petty hate speech that demeans an entire race over the poor decisions of a few and also ready to move forward with a sensible solution to the problem instead of sitting around bitching. Work hard and do better than the rest and make your future. Thats what I did and thats what I do and thats what I hope others will do. Don't let yourself be a victim of anything. We are all living in one world. And we don't have a shortage of jobs here in the US, in fact i've seen several reports saying that we need more workers in a variety of industries.
. If invest in our own citizens well being again, then maybe we wouldn't be seeing the destruction among our own in this country. What we are seeing is a direct result of everything being talked about now.
Last time I checked we do invest pretty heavily in our own citizens. At many levels
What re-election campaign? Trump isn't going to run for a second term.

We'll have to see on thst, unless you've got insider info. Even if he doesn't, any member of his administration that runs in His place would be labeled a liar if Trump doesn't maintain a more Conservative agenda.

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