Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?'

Well, right wingers can always say, "...it worked for the Nazis....."
Didnt make the numbers but we did that in the 50s. Deported a lot of illegals. Over 1M the first year. The years leading up to that were in the hundreds of thousands. Compare that to around 15K before that.
Do you have any idea how many people were deported under Obama?

That's because they were using some of that Obama math.
High deportation figures are misleading
That Obama math started with Bush and it was changed to track and keep record of those trying to cross illegally. Be honest.

Remove those who were turned away from the border. How many deportations did he have?

How about you tell us?
I don’t know, I was asking the question
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a “weird scene” when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated he’d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

“I’m not going to say, ‘Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,’” Trump said. “I’ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that you’re going to come up with something really good.”

Carlson said:

“Congress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for America’s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldn’t care less about immigration’s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?”

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost

It’s funny that you ignorant sheep who march in lock step with whatever stupid nonsense your leaders want, will criticise us on the right for holding our leaders accountable.

At this point before calling anyone sheep I'd look in the mirror if I were you.

Can you read moron? Apparently not.
Didnt make the numbers but we did that in the 50s. Deported a lot of illegals. Over 1M the first year. The years leading up to that were in the hundreds of thousands. Compare that to around 15K before that.
Do you have any idea how many people were deported under Obama?

That's because they were using some of that Obama math.
High deportation figures are misleading
That Obama math started with Bush and it was changed to track and keep record of those trying to cross illegally. Be honest.

Remove those who were turned away from the border. How many deportations did he have?

How about you tell us?
I don’t know, I was asking the question
If we went with my plan, they would self deport. I would like to fix the problem and all incentive. They wouldnt come/stay here to lay in the streets dumb, hungry and sick.
It would be hard to accomplish it all, though. What people fail to remember is actual solutions arent always easy. If they were, we wouldnt use band-aids.
I don’t think your solution is practical. We have a great country, greatest on earth in many’s opinion. People aren’t going to want to leave the greatest country on earth for a lesser country, especially one that may be crime and poverty stricken.

So you want to starve them by cutting of their work opportunities and beefing up law enforcement, right? This “solution” will in turn increase their poverty and crime rates as their last resort will be to work on the black market. So then you have to fill jails and process millions of convictions and deportations. Do you have any kind of understanding how much time Money and devistation that process would realistically take? And after it all, like the war on drugs, it will persist because it can not be won.
I think you give them too much credit.
Just the fear from trumps presidency has shown they will leave. Take away all the incentives and?
BTW, i think supporting known failure isnt practical.
I’m not supporting known failure. I’m supporting comprehensive reform. You can still implement your security and enforcement tactics while dealing with the undocumented in this country in a practical way.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
It’s funny how you leftists can’t think past your pointy heads.

Yeah we aren’t happy about ANY talk that hints of amnesty. So what? What do you retards think that means? Do you think it means that we regret our vote and should have voted for HIllary? If that crooked liar was POTUS we’d have amnesty already. Perhaps you morons think we’ll regret not putting an establishment republican in there instead? YOu meant the guys that we all know will give us amnesty anyway? WE aren’t as stupid as you lefties are. Trump was an unknown and he talked the talk. Wether he follows through or not, it was going to happen for sure had we made any other choice.

Besides, Trump hasn’t actually done it yet.

Calm down Paco, you better smoke one. I bet your veins are popping out on your neck and forehead. lol

You’re too stupid to be discussing anything. Dismissed.
It’s funny how you leftists can’t think past your pointy heads.

Yeah we aren’t happy about ANY talk that hints of amnesty. So what? What do you retards think that means? Do you think it means that we regret our vote and should have voted for HIllary? If that crooked liar was POTUS we’d have amnesty already. Perhaps you morons think we’ll regret not putting an establishment republican in there instead? YOu meant the guys that we all know will give us amnesty anyway? WE aren’t as stupid as you lefties are. Trump was an unknown and he talked the talk. Wether he follows through or not, it was going to happen for sure had we made any other choice.

Besides, Trump hasn’t actually done it yet.
Hillary was up front and honest about giving immigrants a pathway to citizenship.
Trump lied to you.
I think you need therapy to deal with all of his lies..

Hey moron, he hasn’t lied until it actually happens and the fact that’s Hillary was up front is irrelevant.
Sorry .. you’ve proven to be the moron thinking Mexico will pay for the wall, Trump will bring affordable HC for everyone, he’ll repeal Obamacare, he’ll lower the prices of pharmaceuticals.... and now his #1 promise to you that u swallowed he’s considering going back on that too.
You’re such an easy mark. PT Barnum had you in mind when he said, “ There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Again, completely irrelevant. Can you read at all?
There are at least three fallacies this thread is based on:

DACA misstatements of fact on application=deportation.

No US passport is needed to leave the country but one is needed to get back in or a foreign passport with proper visa, which the DACA lack= a lot of self deportation

Commission of a felony=Deportation.

The Ds will see wholesale deportations of the schemers. As long as Trump sticks to the letter of this deal the Ds are toast.
Unreasonable whine thread #23123186.

Just wait for the wall...

You mean the wall that Donald said would be paid for by Mexico?
That wall?
Guess who's paying for it, sucker?

Trump wants $18 billion from Congress — not Mexico — to build wall ...
Trump wants $18 billion from Congress — not Mexico — to build wall
5 days ago - The only problem is that they will be asking Congress, and therefore the American taxpayer, for the money, instead of Mexico — as Donald Trump promised his supporters ... At nearly every single campaign rally, Trump would call from the podium, “We're going to build a wall and who's going to pay for it?
Trump asks for $33B for border; $18B for wall - CNNPolitics - CNN.com
4 days ago - The request throws a curveball into DACA negotiations;Congress has yet to OK any of the administration's requested funds for a border wall. Washington (CNN) The Trump administration has revealed its master plan for securing the border -- and it's going to cost $33 billion. Of that total, $18 billion will be ...
Trump asking Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall - CNNPolitics
Jan 6, 2017 - Trump tweeted Friday. The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will bepaid back by Mexico later! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2017. New York Rep. Chris Collins said Friday that American taxpayerswould front the ...
Trump wants $18 billion for wall in 'Dreamer' deal | TheHill
5 days ago - According to a document obtained by The Wall Street Journal,Trump is asking Congress for nearly $18 billion to fund his border wallexpansion project. ... "I think as soon as the president will tell us 'OK, this is something I could support' then I think that gives us, I think, a lot of room to go talk to Democrats ...
Why didn't Dreamers apply for citizenship immediately? Ditto Haitians who were protected. Double ditto for those from el Salvador. The window of opportunity was large and long term and yet so many decided being American legally was not a priority.

So fuck them.
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a “weird scene” when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated he’d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

“I’m not going to say, ‘Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,’” Trump said. “I’ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that you’re going to come up with something really good.”

Carlson said:

“Congress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for America’s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldn’t care less about immigration’s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?”

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost

It’s funny that you ignorant sheep who march in lock step with whatever stupid nonsense your leaders want, will criticise us on the right for holding our leaders accountable.

At this point before calling anyone sheep I'd look in the mirror if I were you.

Can you read moron? Apparently not.

Sorry Paco Pred.
Poor babies. They actually expected Trump to follow through on a Deportation Force and round up 11 million people and deport them. They actually took that bullshit seriously! :lol:

As opposed to Obama busing in millions?
Fox News host slams the president over immigration.

The rats are eating their own. What a delightful thing to see.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, but that may have changed on Tuesday.

Carlson called it a “weird scene” when Trump met with lawmakers of both parties and indicated he’d sign just about any deal they make on immigration.

“I’m not going to say, ‘Oh, gee, I want this or I want that,’” Trump said. “I’ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that you’re going to come up with something really good.”

Carlson said:

“Congress is full of people from both parties who believe that the point of our immigration policy is to provide cheap labor to their donors and to atone for America’s imaginary sins against the world.

They couldn’t care less about immigration’s effect on you or your family. Yet these are the same people the president now says he trusts to write the immigration bill, the one he will sign no matter what it says. So what was the point of running for president?”

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: 'What Was The Point Of Running For President?' | HuffPost

Hannity is still his bitch. Hannity will always be a Trump sucker, as will everybody at The Trump Channel a.k.a. Fox "News".
When Senile John McCain said we need "comprehensive immigration reform," Conservatives rightly shouted "No!"

When Cryin Chuck Schumer said we need "comprehensive immigration reform," Conservatives shouted "No!"

Yesterday, Amnesty Don said we need "comprehensive immigration reform." Well?
Why didn't Dreamers apply for citizenship immediately? Ditto Haitians who were protected. Double ditto for those from el Salvador. The window of opportunity was large and long term and yet so many decided being American legally was not a priority.

So fuck them.

Why don't you read more and post less, especially when it's so easy to find answers, even to your stupid questions.

""""Unauthorized immigrants generally have no way to “become legalized” — which is why some advocates have called for an overhaul of U.S. immigration laws to create a path to citizenship.

Foreign nationals must first be granted a green card — or legal permanent residency — before they can apply for citizenship. Most unauthorized immigrants don’t qualify for green cards, and for non-citizens who are eligible for green cards, the waits can be decades long.

The majority of green card holders have to wait five years before they can even apply for citizenship. Those who are married to U.S. citizens can apply three years after they receive their green cards.

“Realistically, for your average situation, there’s nothing,” said Ginger Jacobs, a local immigration attorney. “There’s no way to become a citizen unless you’re a permanent resident first.”"""

Why don't unauthorized immigrants become citizens? They can't.
Why don't unauthorized immigrants become citizens? They can't.
Do you have any idea how many people were deported under Obama?

That's because they were using some of that Obama math.
High deportation figures are misleading
That Obama math started with Bush and it was changed to track and keep record of those trying to cross illegally. Be honest.

Remove those who were turned away from the border. How many deportations did he have?

How about you tell us?
I don’t know, I was asking the question
View attachment 170977
Nice, thanks for posting
I don’t think your solution is practical. We have a great country, greatest on earth in many’s opinion. People aren’t going to want to leave the greatest country on earth for a lesser country, especially one that may be crime and poverty stricken.

So you want to starve them by cutting of their work opportunities and beefing up law enforcement, right? This “solution” will in turn increase their poverty and crime rates as their last resort will be to work on the black market. So then you have to fill jails and process millions of convictions and deportations. Do you have any kind of understanding how much time Money and devistation that process would realistically take? And after it all, like the war on drugs, it will persist because it can not be won.
I think you give them too much credit.
Just the fear from trumps presidency has shown they will leave. Take away all the incentives and?
BTW, i think supporting known failure isnt practical.
I’m not supporting known failure. I’m supporting comprehensive reform. You can still implement your security and enforcement tactics while dealing with the undocumented in this country in a practical way.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
I think you give them too much credit.
Just the fear from trumps presidency has shown they will leave. Take away all the incentives and?
BTW, i think supporting known failure isnt practical.
I’m not supporting known failure. I’m supporting comprehensive reform. You can still implement your security and enforcement tactics while dealing with the undocumented in this country in a practical way.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
Realistic because congress loves illegals. As do their donors. That doesnt make my idea unpractical. It means congress is a bunch of shitheads.
No sympathy for illegals. Cut of all incentive.
Fuck the bullshit.
Fuck the repetition of FAILURE.
Seriously, given the hoops you have to jump through to make citizen 1-10% of the schemers might make it to citizenship but that is unlikely to stick if the chain immigration and lottery repeal is needed for this compromise to stay law.
There should be nothing controversial about demanding that our country have secure borders and demanding that the people who enter our country do so legally.

What should be controversial is demanding that illegals have the same rights and privileges as American citizens.
I’m not supporting known failure. I’m supporting comprehensive reform. You can still implement your security and enforcement tactics while dealing with the undocumented in this country in a practical way.
I dont think incentive is practical. Incentive is failure.
Living in America is the incentive. Nobody is saying to allow people to cross illegally. If people do that in the future then deport them. And in the mean time beef up our border security and visa tracking so less get through. But you are proposing to do nothing about the millions of people who have been here for years. You can’t deport them all, so you are letting the problem fester. If you were being honest youd admit that the only practical solution is beefing up security and enforcement AND creating a pathway for existing aliens. It’s the only practical solution
I am being honest. Amnesty is incentive.
You think those people will illegally cross our border to sleep in the streets, no jobs, no home, no schooling for their children and no healthcare? Cut off ALL incentive.
Doing something repeatedly, expecting a different result, is insanity, apparently :D
I think I don't want to turn my country into a police state. We can do better with border enforcement and still treat people who are trying to make a better life for their families with accountability but in a humane way. Your solution will never be a reality. You already see tough guy Trump running away from these ideas and its because when you get down to it, your ideas are not realistic. So as I said before the only realistic and practical solution is for the conservatives to get the border security and enforcement beef up and for the Liberals to get their pathway for existing aliens. Its a give and take that you should prepare to deal with.
Realistic because congress loves illegals. As do their donors. That doesnt make my idea unpractical. It means congress is a bunch of shitheads.
No sympathy for illegals. Cut of all incentive.
Fuck the bullshit.
Fuck the repetition of FAILURE.
I don't think we've failed that hard. We have build a pretty damn good country on the back of Immigrants. Illegal and legal. It is unpractical because there is a shit ton of Americans including a major political party that stick up for the underdog and believe that our Nation was built by people who wanted a better life. They don't think people who want these basic rights of freedom and opportunity to be punished because they didn't happen to be born inside our borders. With that said, I do believe there should be a process and a system to regulate citizens and immigrants. We should have strong borders and accountability. If somebody sneaks over the border illegally and is caught then they should be sent back. If somebody over stays their visa and is caught then they should be sent back. We should improve our ways of tracking these things. If somebody snuck over with their family 30 years ago and has been living here as an integrated part of a community. Worked hard, built a life, paid taxes, not committed crimes then I don't think we should try and undertake the impossible task of deporting 10+ million or creating a poverty stricken crime wave by trying to starve them out. Again i'll say, use common sense and understand what framework you are working on. If a douchebag like Trump isn't going to progress your agenda then nobody is, you are going to have to compromise or remain in a constant state of pissed off stagnation.

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