Tucker Carlson's irrelevant video clips fail to stop DOJ from going after hundreds more insurrectionists

So between you and me we can go with .... 'seditionist attack'. After all, there have been those convictions.

But it is not up to me. Or you.
As you know, the term 'insurrectionist' has not entered into the common lexicon of the citizenry, of the nation. When someone mentions 'insurrection'....all know what the reference is to.

Oh sure, it may not be the legal definition as defined in a court of law's conviction of an insurrectionists; but that is too narrow for the common understanding as it is referred to at the DewDropInn, or in a column in the Wall Street Journal, or a statement by a Senator on the Chamber floor. Everybody knows what it is and who did it.

Insurrection is now a brand.

Don Trump understands brands.


Did you write the Communist Manifesto?
It is normal during peaceful tourist visits for there to be barricades of furniture thrown up inside the Capitol.
Did you see this? The DOJ is going after hundreds more people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. They don't care about Tucker Carlson's fake videos that try to make it look like a peaceful protest.

Carlson thinks he can fool us with his cherry-picked footage that shows some of the rioters acting nice. He also gives them false hope that they can get away with their crimes by watching his show.

But Carlson's videos are garbage. They don't show the whole truth of what happened on Jan. 6, and they ignore the tons of evidence of violence, destruction, threats, and conspiracy that has been shown in other videos and documents.

The DOJ is not buying Carlson's BS. They are doing their job to bring justice to those who attacked our democracy and put our elected officials in danger. They have already charged more than 700 people with various crimes related to Jan. 6, and they expect to charge at least 300 more in the next few months. They are also looking into more serious charges like seditious conspiracy and domestic terrorism¹.

I'm glad the DOJ is not letting Carlson or anyone else distract them from the truth.

What do you think?

*Instructions for accessing paywalled article: Pay for it. You're a capitalist.

I keep hearing how 'no one', 'especially politicians', cares about J6 anymore ... except for Democrats who want to put every American who was at the Capitol on J6 2+ years ago in their DC Gulag.

Currently Garland and his DOJ are signaling that the biggest threats this nation has, who need to be put in prison for years, are:

1. A man who shared an Anti-Hillary meme back in 2016.

They are using an 1871 law (the KKK Act) to charge him with attempting to deny voters of their right to vote by sharing a humorous meme, despite being unable to present 1 case in which anyone's right to vote was denied.

They are currently attempting to violate his 6th Amendment right to punish him for exercising his 1st Amendment right.
** See thread on this


2. EVERY US citizen who was at the Capitol on J6. These people are such a threat to Dem...er, America they are still hunting them all down 2+ years later.

(I'm glad the DOJ doesn't have more serious, threatening criminals / cases to deal with.)
they don’t say the same thing about the BLM protesters
Which, if you feel it must be discussed and debated....perhaps it could be better accomplished in a stand-alone thread on that specific topic.

You may be more satisfied as it won't be diluted by the on-topic discussions taking place in a thread about the seditious attack on our Congress on January 6th.


Suck on that Lefties.
I cannot speak for 'Lefties'....I don't know any.
However, A.Babbitt's unfortunate death is something that seems to --in my opinion -- seems to be something the Rightfield cannot let go of.

But poor Ashli is dead because of Ashli's poor decisions. That much is clear. She actively participated in a determined mob that was violently breaching a barrier in our Capitol that was specifically erected to bar her and her fellow mobsters; and then once that barrier was broken she decided to be the tip-of-the spear and charge through the breach at the armed police.

All of those are poor decisions whether they occur in the Capitol of the United States of America....or in Peoria, Illinois. If police point a gun at you and loudly shout to 'stop'...to 'quit'.....well, don't charge at 'em.

And now, more than two years after her untimely death the Rightfield nutters keep dragging her bloodied corpse across the internet in what must be an excruciating ordeal for her family.

May her family find peace.
Democrats who want to put every American who was at the Capitol on J6 2+ years ago in their DC Gulag.
I can't speak for "Democrats"....but to assert what is asserted above is silly. It is frivolous hyperbole that doesn't illustrate the point. Rather, it makes the asserter look as silly and frivolous and unserious as the allegation.

Jeeeeez! W-H-Y trash one's reputation as being a serious adult over such a claim.


they are still hunting them all down
No, they are not "hunting down" everybody who was on the Capitol grounds on January 6th. There were about 10,000 (estimates vary. Notably, Don Trump said a "million"!) So, hunting all of 'em down for whatever reason is a really really ginormous task. And it ain't happening. Many of them, most of them, broke no law other than participating in an unlawful political march from the Eclipse to the Capitol. The egregious vandals or assaulters and/or the leaders of such....ARE....being hunted down. For which America is grateful.

Rather, the DOJ (thankfully) continue to pursue those lawbreakers who they can observe clearly breaking the law in the many hours of video ---by security cams, by body cams, and by the cams and social media postings of the worst offenders or their compatriots. Or those criminals whose own families or colleagues or neighbors are turning them in.

Pursuing criminal suspects is exactly what America expects out of our law enforcement. Duh!
I can't speak for "Democrats"....but to assert what is asserted above is silly. It is frivolous hyperbole that doesn't illustrate the point. Rather, it makes the asserter look as silly and frivolous and unserious as the allegation.

2+ years later, the DOJ and FBI are reportedly still tracking down every American J6 protestor / person who was at the Capitol on J6 who they can identify by video, photograph and / or cell phone geo-locarion data to charge them with crimes and put them in jail.

What do you not understand about what is being reported?

Do you suffer from 'Selective Reality Syndrome'...

...or, like Joe Biden, do you just love lying your ass off and spreading disinformation on a daily basis?
The distinction being that I have never seen a leftist condone acts of violence during the summer of love.

Yeah really?

Are you retarded or just asleep?

Also, over 10k people were arrested during the "summer of love" so acting like their were no repercussions is disengenius at best.

So what? Arrests mean nothing. They were not charged and then bailed out by their leftist comrades. YOU are disingenuous at best.

That said, who was charged with smashing windows at the captial?

Show me the THOUSANDS of people in jail for doing the EXACT SAME THING in Seattle and Portland.

Fuck you lying leftard pieces of dogshit. Fuck you bigly.
Smashing windows was the least of it.

I don't know any Trumpsters who can boast about lobbing molotov cocktails at Federal Courthouses or burning down police stations on their resumes.

But guess who can?

Yeah, we all know.
Fucking year and a half for putting children at mortal risk.

In Singapore those assholes would have been executed in public.

They still can be...
Did you see this? The DOJ is going after hundreds more people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. They don't care about Tucker Carlson's fake videos that try to make it look like a peaceful protest.

Carlson thinks he can fool us with his cherry-picked footage that shows some of the rioters acting nice. He also gives them false hope that they can get away with their crimes by watching his show.

But Carlson's videos are garbage. They don't show the whole truth of what happened on Jan. 6, and they ignore the tons of evidence of violence, destruction, threats, and conspiracy that has been shown in other videos and documents.

The DOJ is not buying Carlson's BS. They are doing their job to bring justice to those who attacked our democracy and put our elected officials in danger. They have already charged more than 700 people with various crimes related to Jan. 6, and they expect to charge at least 300 more in the next few months. They are also looking into more serious charges like seditious conspiracy and domestic terrorism¹.

I'm glad the DOJ is not letting Carlson or anyone else distract them from the truth.

What do you think?

*Instructions for accessing paywalled article: Pay for it. You're a capitalist.
Stalinists gonna commie. The thing is: Most in America know history and see where this is heading.

Many are preparing for it. It's not going as far as you think it will.
Yeah, that does seem a paradox, don' it good poster 2irons?
No, a paradox is you running around, off a leash, with normal human beings. Look it up.

I'll award you a gift, however, just for the paralyzing stupidity you bring to the party, and the accompanying laughs. If you choke on it, well, shit happens.

obama dildo.jpg
The issue at hand is the people on the left at least many of them they only talk about the January 6 protesters they don’t say the same thing about the BLM protesters who did not get the same sentences for doing the same thing like walking around a building illegally. Nobody whether a BLM protester or a January 6 protester should get sentenced to two or four years in jail like the shaman guy did. That is inhumane cruel and unusual punishment right there

The January 6 committee is a fraud and a sham. And brother here is the massive difference between the Black Lives Matter events at the January 6 event. Look at January 6 there was no billions of dollars worth of damage the capital building was not looted. Now contrasts that with the summer of 2020. Where many BLM events turned into riots and caused billions of dollars worth of damage and they were over 25 murders. There’s a massive difference between the two unbelievably massive difference. On January 6 there was literally a handful of people who got into fist fights with police officers and they should pay with a few years in prison at least.
We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only one attempt to interfere with our Constitutionally required peaceful transfer of power. If those Capitol goons were Black they would have been shot before they entered the building. Why do you people try to use BLM to justify an attempt to murder our elected officials?
We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only one attempt to interfere with our Constitutionally required peaceful transfer of power. If those Capitol goons were Black they would have been shot before they entered the building. Why do you people try to use BLM to justify an attempt to murder our elected officials?
Clutch those pearls, warf rat.
Teabaggers, STILL trying to compare one riot incident, with another, like one negates the other?
The "other" was of magnitudes worse than that few hours at the Capitol.
Even more, it was pretty much shrugged off and otherwise ignored.
Billions in damages, murder, mayhem, and destruction of a police station and Fed court building, "autonomous zones" held by leftist terrorists.
Not ONE shit given about all that, but here we are two years after J/6 still clutching pearls over that.
It's so hollow and transparent this hyperventilating from you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies.
Yeah really?

Are you retarded or just asleep?

So what? Arrests mean nothing. They were not charged and then bailed out by their leftist comrades. YOU are disingenuous at best.

Show me the THOUSANDS of people in jail for doing the EXACT SAME THING in Seattle and Portland.

Fuck you lying leftard pieces of dogshit. Fuck you bigly.

Did any of them spend 2 years in a political gulag waiting to be charged / tried?


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