Tucker Carlson's irrelevant video clips fail to stop DOJ from going after hundreds more insurrectionists

Yeah really?

Are you retarded or just asleep?

So what? Arrests mean nothing. They were not charged and then bailed out by their leftist comrades. YOU are disingenuous at best.

Show me the THOUSANDS of people in jail for doing the EXACT SAME THING in Seattle and Portland.

Fuck you lying leftard pieces of dogshit. Fuck you bigly.
Maybe somebody has but I challenge you to find any poster on this board who claimed the summer of love was perfectly fine and the 10,000+ that were jailed for it were wronged.

Even if you can find one or two, it doesn't compare to the overwhelming amount of Trump supporters who make those same claims about Jan 6.

Here is a site with arrests related to summer protests. Evidently you can also download the full list of individuals if you want to do a more in depth scrutinization.

"Since the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 by Minneapolis police and the resulting waves of protests nationwide, tPP has fielded many requests to help provide a count of resulting felony cases. The early summer protests, riots, and sporadic uprisings resulted in over 10,000 arrests nationwide. The FBI later expanded that number to more than 13,600 (as of June 6, 2020). We have spoken with journalists, academic researchers, attorneys, community and prisoner support organizations, and many others."

Why do you seem so unhinged? It's like you're having a meltdown or something. I hope you feel better today.
Yeah we know. You're a leftard nutball.

How about, tell the truth and stop lying.
Ok. The truth.

1. I don't support seditionists.

2. Anti Ukraine propaganda in support of the Russian invasion frequently comes from...yep you guessed it, Russia. Who would have thought?
They found and arrested the ones they claim were guilty of insurrection, but none have been charged with it.
I know. That is the point we have been discussing. My claim is charges of insurrection are not required for an insurection to have taken place...unless you can show me a definition that includes that criteria?

This would mean a successful insurection isn't an insurection because who would convict or even charge them?

That said, I also stated that I wish people would call it sedition instead of insurrection. Then we wouldn't have to play these silly semantic games.

Can we agree it was sedition then?
"They found and arrested the ones they claim were guilty of insurrection"
Now that is new news to me.....and I suspect the forum too.
But just to be clear, is the earnest poster 'DukeU'.....alleging that DOJ prosecutors claimed the perps they have arrested were guilty of insurrection?
If that is what DukeU is claiming.....well, can he name the perps who were so charged?
Or were those perps he has in mind really charged with another serious crime? Maybe one that is abundantly revealed in multiple videos? And maybe one that carries an heavier penalty?


"It has been ober 26 months. Who has been found guilty of insurrection?"
To the best of my knowledge, I don't think any have even been charge with the crime of insurrection. But that seems to be of little consequence when easier to prove crimes that carry an even more severe penalty are being charged. And the perps ARE being convicted of 'em.

So all is good, earnest poster Angus.

And too, the term 'insurrectionist' or 'insurrection' has now become firmly embedded in our colloquial vernacular. When someone at the corner DewDropInn mentions 'insurrection'....nobody is unclear as to what is being referred to.

I'm cool with that. And it certainly is not unprecedented for a legal terms to be substituted for or on the flip-side replaced by the more common language of the non-legal community. For example, some bloke steals your bicycle. You don't plop down at the DewDrop and complain that some Dick 'larcenied' your bike.
I know. That is the point we have been discussing. My claim is charges of insurrection are not required for an insurection to have taken place...unless you can show me a definition that includes that criteria?

This would mean a successful insurection isn't an insurection because who would convict or even charge them?

That said, I also stated that I wish people would call it sedition instead of insurrection. Then we wouldn't have to play these silly semantic games.

Can we agree it was sedition then?
Seditious Conspiracy is what Trump`s Oaf Keeper goons are locked up for.
Dear Leader is still playing golf. :auiqs.jpg:
Can we agree it was sedition then?

I will agree that there was a protest that got out of hand. Some of it was instigated by the authorities who were supposed to be there to protect and serve.

It has also been shown and proven, many of the police who were there done nothing more than stand and watch in many instances.

Too many unanswered questions to have people in prison for any extended period of time.
Now that is new news to me.....and I suspect the forum too.
But just to be clear, is the earnest poster 'DukeU'.....alleging that DOJ prosecutors claimed the perps they have arrested were guilty of insurrection?
If that is what DukeU is claiming.....well, can he name the perps who were so charged?
Or were those perps he has in mind really charged with another serious crime? Maybe one that is abundantly revealed in multiple videos? And maybe one that carries an heavier penalty?

Are you denying that Jan. 6th was labeled an insurrection?

Wouldn't that include all of the people who entered the Capital?
I will agree that there was a protest that got out of hand. Some of it was instigated by the authorities who were supposed to be there to protect and serve.

It has also been shown and proven, many of the police who were there done nothing more than stand and watch in many instances.

Too many unanswered questions to have people in prison for any extended period of time.
I would agree that a large majority of the people did not go there with the intent to break into the captial. That said, it has been shown that some of the individuals were organized, had weapons or actively riled up the crowd to join them.

The officers already testified as to why they were not actively arresting people in the capital.

They were severely outnumbered, didn't want to anger the seditionists, and we're trying to keep key areas covered that could expose lawmakers...which is also why they were following people like Jacob Chansey around...again as the officers testified under oath.

I think you have a lot of unanswered questions because you refuse to leave your echo chamber and see what non right wing media outlets are reporting; including the Jan 6th congressional hearings that you have been trained to stay the hell away from at all costs because they are "Unselect" or "Illegitimate" or "Deep state".
The officers already testified as to why they were not actively arresting people in the capital.

They were severely outnumbered, didn't want to anger the seditionists, and we're trying to keep key areas covered that could expose lawmakers...which is also why they were following people like Jacob Chansey around...again as the officers testified under oath.

What about the ones shown in the videos standing around outside? What were they protecting?

How about the ones removing the barriers to let people into the Capital?

They all knew about this protest well before it happened, why were they outnumbered and unprepared?
"Are you denying that Jan. 6th was labeled an insurrection?"
As described earlier.....it has been labeled colloquially only.

I have not heard of the DOJ prosecutors labelling the actions of perps on January 6th as 'insurrection'. Certainly, not in charging documents.

But regardless if prosecutors did or did not.....the term has now entered the everyday language and the everyday perception about the violence at the Capitol on January 6th.

Those MAGAMobs that viciously beat the Capitol police on their way to breaking windows to get to Pence and/or Pelosi and to stop the EC ballot counting.....will, forever, be known as 'insurrectionists' in the vernacular of the American people.
As said, if you mention 'insurrection' at your local watering-hole......all will know what you are referring to.

I'm OK with that. It simplifies the understanding. After all, as said previously, the English language is full of appropriated legal terms or misapplied legal terms. All good....unless you are a lawyer or in court. People know that you mean 'burglary'....when you describe your stolen jewel box. People know when you claim you were beat-up it was an assault & battery.

And so it is now with the label 'insurrectionist'. It will always be the burden of those Dicks & Karens in their MAGA hats at the Capitol on January 6th.

And that's on them. Nobody else.

You’re buying this and not saying anything about BLM riots or billions of dollars of damage by BLM rioters

January 6 protesters killed nobody ….the other hand BLM rioters killed over 25 people in the summer of 2020….

Blm has attacked many government buildings and you don’t seem to say anything about that same with every person on the far left here.

Give it some time there will be justice the peaceful j six protesters will be released from jail or giving a pardon. I don’t believe how you call these people “insurrectionist “think they should go to jail for years on end. If you do believe it it is barbaric.

I think that any BLM person who broke windows or illegally entered a government building should get a few weeks in jail same thing with a January 6 protesters if they broke windows or illegally trespassed on the building. Anything else is brutality and bloodthirsty and it has nothing to do with Christian or American values ..

Tucker Carlson‘s video prove to us that a number of people who did nothing but illegally enter a building aka trespass have had to languish to jail for years.

We have a horrendous problem in America where some prosecutors are pro BLM and they are anti-American and they’re bloodthirsty and they’re ugly people they have no right to be in office …they are corrupt …..

Tucker Carlson is the best thing we have on the news. Why do you watch the view why do you care for CNN I mean do you like it when they make deranged comment about American history and they make racially charged comments all the time “white supremacy this white supremacy that.”

Maybe try this. Link to one person who has been charged with insurrection up to this point. The Proud Boys & Oath Keepers weren't charged with insurrection. What makes you think that these people who are going to be charged will be charged as an actual insurrectionist?

They were charged with seditious conspiracy; which was the planning or incitement of insurrection.
What about the ones shown in the videos standing around outside? What were they protecting?

How about the ones removing the barriers to let people into the Capital?

They all knew about this protest well before it happened, why were they outnumbered and unprepared?
This information, to the extent known, is available if you search for it.

"The investigation into the January 6 attack remains under investigation. Our Office of Professional Responsibility is investigating the actions of 35 police officers from that day. We currently have suspended six of those officers with pay," the department said in a statement."

"Videos from the day of the attack appear to show some officers escorting rioters inside the building. In one video, USCP officers can be seen opening barricades allowing the mob to enter the Capitol complex without resistance."

Following the events, the union said that the department's leadership failed its officers by not relaying important information ahead of Jan. 6.

"The disclosure that the entire executive team ... knew what was coming but did not better prepare us for potential violence, including the possible use of firearms against us, is unconscionable," Papathanasiou said. "The entire executive team failed us, and they must be held accountable. Their inaction cost lives."

Just to be clear, your position is that the feds can find a grandma waving a flag, taking a selfie on the capitol steps but they can't a find a terrorist dropping off pipe bombs in front of the capitol building?

Wow. Just wow. I'm not familiar with that kind of paralyzing stupidity, but I'm in awe of your dedication to it.

It's a lot easier to catch people who post videos of themselves online, smiling at the camera.
We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only one attempt to interfere with our Constitutionally required peaceful transfer of power. If those Capitol goons were Black they would have been shot before they entered the building. Why do you people try to use BLM to justify an attempt to murder our elected officials?

Attempt to murder. Hhahahahahahaaaaaaa
Did you see the murderous rampage Viking hat was on?

The real gallows to hang Mike Pence?

AOC almost died that day you know.
Attempt to murder. Hhahahahahahaaaaaaa
Did you see the murderous rampage Viking hat was on?

The real gallows to hang Mike Pence?

AOC almost died that day you know.
What was Senator Hawley (R-Hillbillyville) running from on that day? He was hawling ass to get away from the traitors.
Did you see this? The DOJ is going after hundreds more people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. They don't care about Tucker Carlson's fake videos that try to make it look like a peaceful protest.

Carlson thinks he can fool us with his cherry-picked footage that shows some of the rioters acting nice. He also gives them false hope that they can get away with their crimes by watching his show.

But Carlson's videos are garbage. They don't show the whole truth of what happened on Jan. 6, and they ignore the tons of evidence of violence, destruction, threats, and conspiracy that has been shown in other videos and documents.

The DOJ is not buying Carlson's BS. They are doing their job to bring justice to those who attacked our democracy and put our elected officials in danger. They have already charged more than 700 people with various crimes related to Jan. 6, and they expect to charge at least 300 more in the next few months. They are also looking into more serious charges like seditious conspiracy and domestic terrorism¹.

I'm glad the DOJ is not letting Carlson or anyone else distract them from the truth.

What do you think?

*Instructions for accessing paywalled article: Pay for it. You're a capitalist.

Say Pedro, how many people have been charged with an insurrection?

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