Tucker to give speech in Budapest, getting paid a ton of money, will interview Hungarian President Viktor Orban, amidst claims of "white supremacy"

They haven't even been trying to hide this stuff for quite a while now.
What is your objection to carlson giving a speech in Hungary?
Fascinating, watching the Trump cultists here smooching fascist antisemite rectums, and then trying to call others Nazis. It doesn't work. Nobody can hear them. That's because their lips are still firmly attached to those fascist antisemite rectums.
what are you babbling about?

Hungary is bothering no one that I am aware of
Fascinating, watching the Trump cultists here smooching fascist antisemite rectums, and then trying to call others Nazis. It doesn't work. Nobody can hear them. That's because their lips are still firmly attached to those fascist antisemite rectums.

See those folks openly displaying the swastikas? They're not Democrats. The actual Nazis form a signficant part of the GOP base, The GOP knows they can't win elections without them. That's one reason they smooch Nazi keisters. The other reason is that they agree with their ideology.

Nope. I have not seen a one!
White supremacy is not a hoax.

The hoax is calling everything short of "hate whitey" white supremacy.
What's there to "hide"? All that Prime Minister Orban is interested in is Making Hungary Great Again.

BTW, the Rep. of Hungary is hardly homogenous. They used to be an Empire you should know, and they have significant minorities of ethnic Germans, Romani, Romanians, Slovaks among others.
Hungary and Poland are tagets of ridicule by the global cultural Marxists, because they refuse to throw open their borders to invasions of immigrants who have no intent on assimilating.
Hungary and Poland are tagets of ridicule by the global cultural Marxists, because they refuse to throw open their borders to invasions of immigrants who have no intent on assimilating.
Not to mention that much of Hungary was under Islamic rule in the 16th and 17th century.

I would think any people with their history would be wary of having their country overrun with their oppressors.
It is interesting to see how the right now supports illiberal values and anti-democratic forces.

What has Orban done? Killed democracy. And our own right wing seeks to follow suit.

The government now effectively controls the airwaves and media, so political opponents are essentially shut out. They control the judiciary. The major industries are run by Orban cronies.

They demonize immigrants and muslims so of course our rightwing likes them, despite the authoritarian bent. This usually doesn’t end well for minority populations does it?

The Hungarian fascists are really pushing anti-Roma sentiment now.

The Roma have been living in Hungary for over 600 years.

The "But they're only defending themselves from immigrants" is one seriously stupid lie, one that all Trump cultists have been commanded to tell, no matter how dishonest it makes them look.

Fascists need to make up enemies. Not-so-white enemies are the best enemies of all.
Orbán’s kleptocracy offers a grim indication of what far-right ideologues would do in the US if they had the chance.
"Hundreds of thousands of migrants stream into the EU every year...And the rest of the EU says ‘Welcome, please come.’ Hungary stands alone in saying no. Why?" - Tucker

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