Tucker /Trump Interview

What they did to Trump for the past 6 years is unheard of. I can't believe he is willing to still take it all. He is a better human than most of us, because I for one, would have retired and lived a great life. I promise you that if he somehow gets re-elected again, they will just tie him up for another 4 years. It is as obvious as the nose on everyone's face, that will again be their way of doing business.
What they did to Trump for the past 6 years is unheard of. I can't believe he is willing to still take it all. He is a better human than most of us, because I for one, would have retired and lived a great life. I promise you that if he somehow gets re-elected again, they will just tie him up for another 4 years. It is as obvious as the nose on everyone's face, that will again be their way of doing business.
The fact that he DOES take it and is willing to continue to put himself through this is testament to his strength and fortitude - EXACTLY what we need in a U.S. President as opposed to the weak-bellied Communist sell-out now occupying that office.
#1 - First and foremost, the NY Prosecutor needs to be prosecuted and publicly eviscerated and ruined for life for doing this. If this was Obama, I would be saying the same thing. We cannot have a system that attempts to prosecute a former U.S. President - the past leader of the free world, for unproven incidents where the whole thing starts from accusations of a former prostitute turned porn star.
It is absolutely shameful and incredibly damaging to the country as a whole.
#1 - First and foremost, the NY Prosecutor needs to be prosecuted and publicly eviscerated and ruined for life for doing this. If this was Obama, I would be saying the same thing. We cannot have a system that attempts to prosecute a former U.S. President - the past leader of the free world, for unproven incidents where the whole thing starts from accusations of a former prostitute turned porn star.
It is absolutely shameful and incredibly damaging to the country as a whole.
If the correct action were taken - to prosecute the DA for making a mockery of the justice system via this political hit job - the leftists would all be screaming “raaaacism!!!”

We have descended so far that shameful behavior is defended if committed by a black, and this is why the anti-American Soros put his money behind this idiotic DA.
The fact that he DOES take it and is willing to continue to put himself through this is testament to his strength and fortitude - EXACTLY what we need in a U.S. President as opposed to the weak-bellied Communist sell-out now occupying that office.

Just so you know Lisa, if runs and fails, they are going to hound him until he dies. If he wins, they will hound him twice as hard. Look at the rabid people on here, and across the country who live their lives to get Trump using the power of the state. When you sit and think about it, it is absolutely disgusting! As a country of supposedly free citizens, we should ALL be highly upset by what the machinations of Washington are doing.
Just so you know Lisa, if runs and fails, they are going to hound him until he dies. If he wins, they will hound him twice as hard. Look at the rabid people on here, and across the country who live their lives to get Trump using the power of the state. When you sit and think about it, it is absolutely disgusting! As a country of supposedly free citizens, we should ALL be highly upset by what the machinations of Washington are doing.
It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?

But what is worse than the government using every trick to take down Trump - including Biden’s order of the raid on MAL while he himself had boxes of stolen classified documents in his own garage - is that the government has turned against those of us who dissent from the official Regime position.

We see this in everything from the long prison sentences of J6 trespassers as an example to others who dissent to the hiring of 70,000 additional IRS agents as an intimidation tactic.

This is no longer America, as the government is not abiding by American values and upholding the Constitution. In a REAL America, the sitting president would condemn what that DA is attempting to do instead of flashing his evil smile when asked about it.
They will never stop until Trump is 6 feet under, what a horrible thing to watch, how did this shit get so out of control, it's almost like Democrats are demons.
Tucker did a good job of hiding the hate he feels and Trump did a good job of ignoring the fact that anything was ever said! It went about as well as can be expected from two liars. :dunno:
They will never stop until Trump is 6 feet under, what a horrible thing to watch, how did this shit get so out of control, it's almost like Democrats are demons.
It’s hard to believe the rapid descent over the last couple of years, and how about a third of Americans are in full support of it.
It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?

But what is worse than the government using every trick to take down Trump - including Biden’s order of the raid on MAL while he himself had boxes of stolen classified documents in his own garage - is that the government has turned against those of us who dissent from the official Regime position.

We see this in everything from the long prison sentences of J6 trespassers as an example to others who dissent to the hiring of 70,000 additional IRS agents as an intimidation tactic.

This is no longer America, as the government is not abiding by American values and upholding the Constitution. In a REAL America, the sitting president would condemn what that DA is attempting to do instead of flashing his evil smile when asked about it.

Lisa, what happened is obvious------------>The Lefts method of demonstrations was used on them, and they can not have that. They know it is a powerful tool, which is why they pay people to show up, giving the impression that far more people are behind the idea than actually are. Can you imagine their shock to discover that many Americans are so tired of this nonsense, that they are showing up with no pay to let the government know they are not happy!

I am positive Washington said, uh-oh, can't have that; which is why now, our people go to jail, or are accused of being some sort of ist to get them to cease and desist, while their people are put up as victims. It is a case of force fed propaganda to control the part of the population they need to control, plain and simple.
They will never stop until Trump is 6 feet under, what a horrible thing to watch, how did this shit get so out of control, it's almost like Democrats are demons.
Trump has had every opportunity to rein himself in, but his narcissism won’t let him do it.
Lisa, what happened is obvious------------>The Lefts method of demonstrations was used on them, and they can not have that. They know it is a powerful tool, which is why they pay people to show up, giving the impression that far more people are behind the idea than actually are. Can you imagine their shock to discover that many Americans are so tired of this nonsense, that they are showing up with no pay to let the government know they are not happy!

I am positive Washington said, uh-oh, can't have that; which is why now, our people go to jail, or are accused of being some sort of ist to get them to cease and desist, while their people are put up as victims. It is a case of force fed propaganda to control the part of the population they need to control, plain and simple.
I’m just sickened by the whole thing. I’ll always have Israel as a back-up In case the government really goes total Nazi against its own citizens.
where the whole thing starts from accusations of a former prostitute turned porn star
Actually the whole thing started when Trump ordered Michael Cohen to falsify business records to make the hush money paynents look like something else so he wouldn't have to declare it as a campaign expense.

That's a felony.
Actually the whole thing started when Trump ordered Michael Cohen to falsify business records to make the hush money paynents look like something else so he wouldn't have to declare it as a campaign expense.

That's a felony.
And Hillary funneled campaign funds to a law firm in an attempt to illegally obtain information from a foreign government to smear her opponent. And there is no "smoking gun" she is said to have done that - she DID do it.
And Hillary funneled campaign funds to a law firm in an attempt to illegally obtain information from a foreign government to smear her opponent. And there is no "smoking gun" she is said to have done that - she DID do it.
Maybe...but aren't we talking about Trump here?
I wasn't aware that Hillary is running in 2024.
Maybe...but aren't we talking about Trump here?
I wasn't aware that Hillary is running in 2024.
I am pointing out your hypocrisy.
Trump is SAID to have done this, not proven.
Hillary is proven to have used campaign funds and assist in the DNC to illegally obtain information from a foreign government to attempt to hurt her opponent. By FAAAR worse than what Nixon did.
And Democrats just roll their eyes and say "oh well"... but... but.. TRUUUUMP!!!
I am pointing out your hypocrisy.
Trump is SAID to have done this, not proven.
Hillary is proven to have used campaign funds and assist in the DNC to illegally obtain information from a foreign government to attempt to hurt her opponent. By FAAAR worse than what Nixon did.
And Democrats just roll their eyes and say "oh well"... but... but.. TRUUUUMP!!!
Pretty good strategy.
First, make up some shit.
Then say it often enough in your echo chamber that you can't tell fact from what you just made up.
Then convince yourself that the echo effect of what you originally just made up is now "proof" that what you made up is true.
Then....throw this bogus "proof" of someone ELSE'S guilt, that you simply made up, out as a diversion anytime someone talks about Trump's guilt.

That is just CLASSIC whataboutism.

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