Tulsi Gabbard Calls America Saudi's Bitch -- Should She Be Deported?

‘Saudi Arabia’s bitch’? Tulsi Gabbard has some strong words for President Trump

While Trump is busy defending America and protecting us from terrorists, keeping us “locked and loaded” and “waiting to hear” from Saudi Arabia about what our military should do about Iran, presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is attacking our country, which is basically treason.

She tweeted this week "Trump awaits instructions from his Saudi masters. Having our country act as Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not “America First." Is that what you think of America Tulsi? You dare disgrace our great nation by calling us such a hateful and ugly word?? Other American hating libs joined in on the act by tweeting similar traitorous comments like "The US should never go to war to protect Saudi oil.", "As President I will not go to war for Saudi Arabia, nor will I let Saudi Arabia dictate our foreign policy." -- this is absolutely disgusting.

Going to war with Iran is a no-brainer and if Trump wants to do it, anyone who is opposed to it is opposed to America, just like anyone who was opposed to going to war with Iraq was opposed to America. The Saudis are vital to our economy because they help stabilize the oil markets -- oil prices went up by double digits due to this attack on our nation --- These America hating leftists are once again trying to stand in the way of our president and our military just like they did back during Iraq --- which is why that whole Iraq War debacle is their fault.

As for Tulsi's continuous attempts to aid and support our enemies, a woman who never truly served her country -- it is time she along with her terrorist supporting friend Omar -- its time they are deported back to where they came from.
Tulsi wore this nation's uniform and served under enemy fire. When she speaks on National Defense issues I will stop and listen respectfully even if I don't agree with anything she has to say.

Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Can You Imagine if Google’s CEO Was a Conservative Republican Shutting Down Democrat Voices?’

She Speaks Truth!

Exactly how did serve under enemy fire? She was a paper pusher in a medical unit and then an MP officer.

Tulsi Gabbard was neither a pencil pusher nor an MP.


What a woman! My favorite Democrat.
‘Saudi Arabia’s bitch’? Tulsi Gabbard has some strong words for President Trump

While Trump is busy defending America and protecting us from terrorists, keeping us “locked and loaded” and “waiting to hear” from Saudi Arabia about what our military should do about Iran, presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is attacking our country, which is basically treason.

She tweeted this week "Trump awaits instructions from his Saudi masters. Having our country act as Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not “America First." Is that what you think of America Tulsi? You dare disgrace our great nation by calling us such a hateful and ugly word?? Other American hating libs joined in on the act by tweeting similar traitorous comments like "The US should never go to war to protect Saudi oil.", "As President I will not go to war for Saudi Arabia, nor will I let Saudi Arabia dictate our foreign policy." -- this is absolutely disgusting.

Going to war with Iran is a no-brainer and if Trump wants to do it, anyone who is opposed to it is opposed to America, just like anyone who was opposed to going to war with Iraq was opposed to America. The Saudis are vital to our economy because they help stabilize the oil markets -- oil prices went up by double digits due to this attack on our nation --- These America hating leftists are once again trying to stand in the way of our president and our military just like they did back during Iraq --- which is why that whole Iraq War debacle is their fault.

As for Tulsi's continuous attempts to aid and support our enemies, a woman who never truly served her country -- it is time she along with her terrorist supporting friend Omar -- its time they are deported back to where they came from.
Tulsi wore this nation's uniform and served under enemy fire. When she speaks on National Defense issues I will stop and listen respectfully even if I don't agree with anything she has to say.

Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Can You Imagine if Google’s CEO Was a Conservative Republican Shutting Down Democrat Voices?’

She Speaks Truth!

Exactly how did serve under enemy fire? She was a paper pusher in a medical unit and then an MP officer.

Tulsi Gabbard was neither a pencil pusher nor an MP.


What a woman! My favorite Democrat.
Of course she wasn't.
What the fuck happened to normal, heroic female names? Like Ellen Ripley? Sarah Connor? Clarice Starling? Even Beatrix Kiddo?

Edit: I have nothing personal against Tulsi Gabbard herself as a person, I don't even know which party she is! I just think it's a ridiculous-sounding name. It's nothing personal.
What the fuck happened to normal, heroic female names? Like Ellen Ripley? Sarah Connor? Clarice Starling? Even Beatrix Kiddo?

Edit: I have nothing personal against Tulsi Gabbard herself as a person, I don't even know which party she is! I just think it's a ridiculous-sounding name. It's nothing personal.

Can't blame the child for the name picked by the parents.

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