Tulsi Gabbard for President

She is (1) A combat veteran and (2) A combat veteran who served and kicked Muzzie ass in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So for those reasons I’ll always love her and respect her resume.

As a political candidate though, I don’t know if I can support her given her noninterventionist stances on foreign policy.

Also unclear how a devoutly Christian-majority nation will respond to a Hindu female president.
I've wrote-in Ron Paul the last thre general elections. Also worked on two of his campaigns.

Tulsi will likely get my vote.

Most of the reasons people have given for not supporting her in the thread so far are underinformed.

The reason she endorsed Bernie is because of the way the DNC screwed him over in favor of Clinton, for instance. She was simply objecting to the corruptionin the political process. And good fo her, we need eopel who can generate critical thought without being led.

This, of course, happens on both sides. They did it to Ron too, when he earned the right to debate .They changed the rules and blocked him from debating. Rule 40b. All in the name of 'unity', again.

Gabbard has thus far proven herself to be the only adult on the Democrat stage.
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D.N.C. Officer Says She Was Disinvited From Debate After Calling for More of Them

2016 Flashback:
Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, said she was disinvited from the first Democratic presidential primary debate in Nevada after she appeared on television and called for more face-offs.

Ms. Gabbard confirmed on Sunday that her chief of staff received a message last Tuesday from the chief of staff to Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the national committee, about her attendance at the debate. A day earlier, Ms. Gabbard had appeared on MSNBC and said there should be an increase beyond the current six sanctioned debates.

A person close to the committee who asked for anonymity to discuss internal discussions insisted, however, that Ms. Gabbard had not been disinvited. Instead, the person said, an aide to Ms. Wasserman Schultz expressed a desire to keep the focus on the candidates as the debate approached, rather than on a “distraction” that could divide the party, and suggested that if Ms. Gabbard could not do that, she should reconsider going.

Ms. Gabbard insisted otherwise.

“When I first came to Washington, one of the things that I was disappointed about was there’s a lot of immaturity and petty gamesmanship that goes on, and it kind of reminds me of how high school teenagers act,” Ms. Gabbard said in a telephone interview on Sunday night. She said she would watch the debate in her district in Hawaii, which elected her to her second term last year.

“It’s very dangerous when we have people in positions of leadership who use their power to try to quiet those who disagree with them,” she added. “When I signed up to be vice chair of the D.N.C., no one told me I would be relinquishing my freedom of speech and checking it at the door.”
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The US military involvement in Syria is criminal and shameful.
Assad is the best and likely ONLY solution to the violence there.
Of would you prefer ISIS or Iran to be in charge?
I don’t know if I can support her given her noninterventionist stances on foreign policy


IS "noninterventionalist" foreign policy




90% of USMB posters would get that question WRONG.
I don’t know if I can support her given her noninterventionist stances on foreign policy


IS "noninterventionalist" foreign policy




90% of USMB posters would get that question WRONG.

Should be both.
I could characterize it as a sanity test, that any rational person should be noninterventionist..

Conservatives used to be isolationist at ONE time.
Liberals used to be anti war at ONE time.
These days both parties seem to like war profiteering for some reason.
my friends, there is no obstacle big enough that we the people cannot face by uniting in our love for our country and supporting Beto/Gabbard 2020!

I don’t know if I can support her given her noninterventionist stances on foreign policy


IS "noninterventionalist" foreign policy




90% of USMB posters would get that question WRONG.

Should be both.
I could characterize it as a sanity test, that any rational person should be noninterventionist..

Conservatives used to be isolationist at ONE time.
Liberals used to be anti war at ONE time.
These days both parties seem to like war profiteering for some reason.

When Islamists rear their ugly heads the world over, noninterventionism is the rhetoric of the failed.
Tulsi is a liberal. She wants free healthcare just like all the other liberals. She's been critical of Trump regarding the border situation.

She's a liberal Democrat who does not deserve support from any Republican or independent.

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