Tulsi Gabbard: I’m leaving the Democratic Party

See, I go and say I'm done and you just have to goad me into responding. You've provided nothing, all your lies I disproved from your bogus Asvab score to you not knowing how many pages are in a DD214 to your fake MoS.

You sure are compensating though, imagine having to lie on a chat board about your so called service.
I'll leave you with this: Throwing shade on me does not make you any less of a loser.

Ciao. ;)
Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party, denounces it as 'elitist cabal'...best news all year

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers … who divide us”

Say Democrats, know how so many Republicans liked Gabbard as perhaps your only decent politician? Sure you do.

We're different than you guys. You judge people by how you're trained, we judge people for their character. Nice to see Gabbard come around.
Maybe she has a future in Idaho.

You're living in your own Private Idaho.
You're living in your own Private Idaho.
Keep off the patio,
Keep off the path.
The lawn may be green
But you better not be seen
Walkin' through the gate that leads you down,
Down to a pool fraught with danger
Is a pool full of strangers.

-- The B-52s
An "epiphany" doesn't include a call to others to "join" them in it.
That's stunt behavior.
The meaning I intended was "a sudden insight or intuitive understanding"
Tulsi recognized that America needs to keep its traditional values,
and that lawlessness and decadence is NOT where we want to go.

You know not whereof you babble. She is a lib with some rational inclinations so the leftards tend not to like her. They oppose rationality.
She thinks 50% and feels 50% and that’s workable
She’s got a couple wacky ideas that gotta go but I’ll take the defection .
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Two rules in DC that everyone regardless of party must follow... never speak out against war and the military industrial complex or the pharmaceutical industry...
If you do you end up as outcasts like Gabbard and Trump....
I supported Ron Paul when he ran for president. The Repubs kicked him to the curb like the Dems did to Tulsi.

I was a lifelong Republican. Bush cured me of that. The Republicans have been going downhill since Eisenhower. I can't think of one I like right now.
We have a lot in common. :)

I got so pissed off at W I actually tried to start a political party. It wasnt a nice experience, the minute we got on the map they attacked us and took us apart. But, ancient history.

These days, I've discovered there's a LOT of people like you and me. And, they don't necessarily engage in the daily partisan fray (I'm rather an exception that way, and there's a reason for it).

Back in the day, they used to talk about the "silent majority". Well, WE are the silent majority. People like you and me.

We are capable, knowledgeable, educated, and experienced. We are actually the BEST America has to offer

Usually we're silent, but once in a while there is a need to assert ourselves. This is one of those times
The decorated combat veteran you don't want to know.

She doesn't like terrorists, which is another reason she can't be a Democrap anymore.

The Democrats treated her like shit. Accusing her of being a spy... tried to destroy her because they saw her as being disloyal. Democrats know nothing of democracy.

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