Tulsi Gabbard: I’m leaving the Democratic Party

Makes sense she officially leave and join Moscow. Her party has been the party of Putin since she’s been paid handsomely for pushing his agenda by pro Putin cronies.

dumbest post of the month. Got any proof of that?
The meaning I intended was "a sudden insight or intuitive understanding"
Tulsi recognized that America needs to keep its traditional values,
and that lawlessness and decadence is NOT where we want to go.

View attachment 708896
But bowing down to a golden statue of your new proclaimed king and leader is?

But bowing down to a golden statue of your new proclaimed king and leader is?


I think the HUMOR of these things is completely lost on Democrats (as usual). They honestly believe people think Trump is a god.
I think the HUMOR of these things is completely lost on Democrats (as usual). They honestly believe people think Trump is a god.
You can't just claim everything you're embarrassed about, or backfired on you, was just a joke you know.

You are what you portray, more importantly, you are what you do.
Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party, denounces it as 'elitist cabal'...best news all year

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers … who divide us”

Cowardly wokeness
racializing every issue
Undermine God-given freedoms
hostile to people of faith
demonize police
open borders
weaponize security state
drag us closer to nuclear war

Welp, that about covers it.
I think the HUMOR of these things is completely lost on Democrats (as usual). They honestly believe people think Trump is a god.

Many believe the guy who lies about everything, can't refrain from calling people names, takes the Lord name in vain, serial cheating, fraudulent in his business dealings was sent by God.
Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party, denounces it as 'elitist cabal'...best news all year

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers … who divide us”

I must question her decision making . What the hell took her so long? Christ .
I think the HUMOR of these things is completely lost on Democrats (as usual). They honestly believe people think Trump is a god.
When a large majority of GOP party think Trump doesn't need to face criminal charges for a crime, you are saying that Trump should be above the laws...

Might not be God but definitely not subjected to same rules as the rest of us...

We get the joke, we know GOP supporters are who we are laughing at... The joke is that GOP supporters have been so fooled by Trump & Co that they don't see how true it is, so you are right it is a joke, but we just don't find fooling people to the point where some people have got themselves killed is not funny...
When a large majority of GOP party think Trump doesn't need to face criminal charges for a crime, you are saying that Trump should be above the laws...

Might not be God but definitely not subjected to same rules as the rest of us...

We get the joke, we know GOP supporters are who we are laughing at... The joke is that GOP supporters have been so fooled by Trump & Co that they don't see how true it is, so you are right it is a joke, but we just don't find fooling people to the point where some people have got themselves killed is not funny...
What CRIMES???????????
You are just a lying POS demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie!
But bowing down to a golden statue of your new proclaimed king and leader is?
I'm voting Desantis in the primary.
But if Trump wins the nomination I'll vote for him over any democrat.

How do you justify supporting a party whose primary policy goal is to abort people like you?
A lot of this stuff bothers me and enforces my belief in not joining either party.

Sanders quit the Democrat party also.
She is a 60’s type liberal, for the working class poor, pro union, anti-war. She is consistent, she speaks her mind, is intelligent, consistent in her beliefs, however her policies I don’t agree with however she is better than Republicans and Democrats.

60’s type liberals are able to use common sense, calmly debate ,compromise, and reason. There a very few if any left in the leftist party.

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