Tulsi Gabbard: I’m leaving the Democratic Party

^^^Everyone, this is how the left treats women of color who dare to step off their plantation.

Remember this when you vote in November.

Just remember that she is being praised in Moscow. Remember when you vote how women are treated in the Republican Party. Their rights are attacked by Republicans.
This is who Gabbard is.

To understand her ambitions, her aunt Dr Carolina Sinavaiana Gabbard tells The Independent in an interview that it is necessary to look to her upbringing in a secretive cult called the Science of Identity Foundation (SIF) whose members show absolute loyalty to a reclusive guru, Chris Butler.

A former member toldThe Independent the group’s teachings are virulently homophobic, often anti-Islamic and misogynist, and how they were forced to worship Butler, who is considered to be akin to a God.

Ms Savaiana Gabbard says her niece’s career is all about the pursuit of power, and her bid for the presidency in 2020 was the culmination of four decades of Butler’s efforts to seek political influence.

“Once again I find my niece’s apparent penchant for parroting extremist toadies such as Tucker Carlson and vile ‘strongmen’ such as Vladimir Putin, to be problematic and deeply troubling,” Ms Sianavaiana Gabbard, a retired professor of English at the University of Hawaii, told The Independent.

“âIt gives me no pleasure to ânote that Tulsi’s single governing principle seems to be expedience, which is in effect no principle at all.”

Her pro-Kremlin talking points led to Russian state-TV introducing her as “Tulsi, our friend.”

After airing part of her Fox interview, a panelist asked: “Is she some kind of Russian agent?”

Gabbard went on to guest host Tucker Carlson’s show in August.

Gabbard’s political donations have also come under scrutiny over her pro-Russian positions.

Forbes revealed earlier this year that Gabbard’s biggest political donor in 2021 is a pro-Putin apologist.

And in March, it was revealed that Elena Branson, a dual US-Russian citizen accused of spying for the Kremlin, donated to her campaign for reelection to Congress in 2019.

Gabbard has consistently echoed GOP positions on immigration and LGBT+ issues, and recently claimed that Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill was too moderate.

“When I first heard about Florida’s Parental Rights bill, I was shocked it only protects children K-3. Third grade? How about 12th grade—or not at all,” she said.

In 2015, she flew to Syria to meet with the dictator Bashar al-Assad as he was waging a brutal war against his own people.

She has courted Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, whose regime has killed and imprisoned thousands of subjects since assuming power in a coup in 2014.

And the authoritarian-leaning Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a personal emissary to her 2015 wedding in Hawaii.

Oklahoma woman Robin Marshall, 40, who spent six months at a SIF retreat in Hawaii in the early 2000s, told The Independent recruits were taught to be “highly homophobic”.

“They told us: ‘We don’t associate with f***s’,” using a homophobic slur.

“The hatred, the degrading language, it was just one thing after another.”

She was played recordings of Butler who she says espoused extreme homophobic views.

“They said he could read your mind. They were wholly and fully indoctrinated into this idea that Chris Butler was basically God.”

Ms Marshall says she was aware back then of Tulsi Gabbard as a rising star within the foundation. She said it was “inconceivable” that anyone involved with the group was not being directed by Butler.

“I feel like when you vote for somebody who is heavily tied into SOF, you’re not voting for that person, you’re voting for Chris Butler, as a servant of the servant of God.”

In 2019, the Iowa Informer published an investigation by freelance journalist Christine Gralow that reviewed Butler’s decades of teachings, including the many homophobic references he has made over the years.

In a 2017 Medium post, a woman who has since left SIF described how she was taught that life was an “illusion”, and followers were instructed to only develop a relationship with Butler.

“We were in effect isolated from our parents who did their best to not love us as per his recommendation, and instead looked at him like a surrogate father/messiah figure.”

“What I am concerned about is the control I know Chris Butler has over her, the influence he has over her ability to make decisions, decisions that could become law and impact a whole lot of people,” describing him as an abusive, misogynistic, homophobic, germophobic, narcissistic nightmare.

When Gabbard ran for president in 2020, virtually her entire campaign staff were members of the Science of Identity, Ms Sinavaiana Gabbard told The Independent.

The bottom line is that she is the one spreading hate. She is Moscow's favorite former legislator. She spreads Russian propaganda in this country. She is a treasonous traitor.
This Gabbard stunt reminds me of the parable Jesus told about the Pharisee that prayed in public.
He said that sincere people do things in private, and referred to them as hypocrites.
I tend to agree w/Him.
1. It wasn't a Tulsi "stunt" it was an epiphany, that the democrats are criminals whose policies are ruining the US.
2. Politicians aren't Pharasees..."render unto Caesar".....Jesus has no issues with government. He was primarily spiritual.
Not much to choose from


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1. It wasn't a Tulsi "stunt" it was an epiphany, that the democrats are criminals whose policies are ruining the US.
2. Politicians aren't Pharasees..."render unto Caesar".....Jesus has no issues with government. He was primarily spiritual.
An "epiphany" doesn't include a call to others to "join" them in it.

That's stunt behavior.

The bigotry is on your side. You attack transgenders, gays, women, blacks, hispanics, jews and every group you can think about except white men.
And at the Exact Same time your hypocritical lying ass is slinging mud in droves at Gabbard after years of paying No Attrntion to her until she dated to leave the plantation
So very very easy to see right through your lame ass.

I supported Ron Paul when he ran for president. The Repubs kicked him to the curb like the Dems did to Tulsi.

I was a lifelong Republican. Bush cured me of that. The Republicans have been going downhill since Eisenhower. I can't think of one I like right now.

So where is Tulsi to go. She isn't really a good fit for the Republican Party. She is an issue person not a party person. Her issues exceed those of either party.

Politics from a different angle.

Probably your worst enemy.

The best conservatives start out in life as liberals who eventually get burned by their own people, party and ideology and grow up. She will very probably grow more and more close to adopting the philosophy of a MAGA conservative now over time as she certainly won't like or join the Old Guard McTurtle GOP.

She could end up Trump's or DeSantis' VP running mate; then you are REALLY in trouble for she has the political sagacity that Trump lacks, plus now a hot burning hatred for the DNC bent on vengeance. Either paring would run roughshod over boilerplate DNC and GOP candidates attracting legions of voters from BOTH parties seeking unity and functionality out of their government.
Maybe, I'm not saying she wouldn't be a good running mate, not at all. Can she put up with Trump and sell her soul for a spot in the White House? Yea, she probably can.
I don't believe he did. And I've lost too many good friends who wore the uniform to not call out bs when I hear it. It's a slap in their face. Nevertheless, since you asked politely and since I'm more than satisfied with what I've exposed to be his lies I'm content to drop it, for now
With respect for Jim, I'm going to stop lowering myself to have this discussion with you. You're an idiot, I've provided you specifics, and you are truly just too stupid to understand.

In short, you shouldn't try to explain something repeatedly to a stupid person and expect a different result.

Insanity, all that, yea. Take it easy dipshit, its been real. :finger3:

Oh, one last thing: You're compensating. Bigly.
With respect for Jim, I'm going to stop lowering myself to have this discussion with you. You're an idiot, I've provided you specifics, and you are truly just too stupid to understand.

In short, you shouldn't try to explain something repeatedly to a stupid person and expect a different result.

Insanity, all that, yea. Take it easy dipshit, its been real. :finger3:

Oh, one last thing: You're compensating. Bigly.
See, I go and say I'm done and you just have to goad me into responding. You've provided nothing, all your lies I disproved from your bogus Asvab score to you not knowing how many pages are in a DD214 to your fake MoS.

You sure are compensating though, imagine having to lie on a chat board about your so called service.

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