Tulsi Gabbard: I’m leaving the Democratic Party

This Gabbart stunt reminds me of the parable Jesus told about the Pharisee that prayed in public.

He said that sincere people do things in private, and referred to them as hypocrites.

I tend to agree w/Him.
I'd love to see Tulsi debate Kammy, but like all democrat toads, Harris would probably run from facing her on the debate stage; she is an even bigger fraud to the American people than Biden.
She already crushed her in 2020. DNC had to change the rules of the debate to keep Tulsi out and it still didn't help Kamala come up in the polls
Oh please, you dems agree with Free Speech as long as it jives with the Democrat big Tech big Media way of thinking everyone else is canceled. You all want illegals to vote and are against protective measures to secure ballots and voting, you what gays and trannies everywhere and want kids to be permanently mutilated, you all want to impose your socialist religious dogma on US at gun point or with your Antifa BLM thugs terrorising the streets, you all scream state lines at Kyle Rittenhouse and want everyone confined to their homes during covid, you all want abortions for any reason not medical ones, yes Nazi is appropriate the jackboot fits well on you fools
Expertly stated and summarized
She already crushed her in 2020. DNC had to change the rules of the debate to keep Tulsi out and it still didn't help Kamala come up in the polls

Kamela was the first to drop out of the primaries due to a total lack of interest, funding or support, so you really have to wonder why Joe picked her? What did democrats get with her? Because her selection certainly wasn't out of any interest in representing Americans.

Democrats must have wanted a VP who would do things too despicable and low that no other VP candidate available was willing to do.

When is the last time you have even seen any of the media ask her about the border which she is supposed to be in charge of yet has never so much as even visited it? She probably fears for her life going down to Texas or Arizona.

Maybe she's good at giving Joe hand jobs to help him get it up hard enough for Jill.
Kamela was the first to drop out of the primaries due to a total lack of interest, funding or support, so you really have to wonder why Joe picked her? What did democrats get with her? Because her selection certainly wasn't out of any interest in representing Americans.

Democrats must have wanted a VP who would do things too despicable and low that no other VP candidate available was willing to do.

When is the last time you have even seen any of the media ask her about the border which she is supposed to be in charge of yet has never so much as even visited it? She probably fears for her life going down to Texas or Arizona.

Maybe she's good at giving Joe hand jobs to help him get it up hard enough for Jill.
Was there any interest by Republicans to have Pence as President?
Kamela was the first to drop out of the primaries due to a total lack of interest, funding or support, so you really have to wonder why Joe picked her? What did democrats get with her? Because her selection certainly wasn't out of any interest in representing Americans.

Democrats must have wanted a VP who would do things too despicable and low that no other VP candidate available was willing to do.

When is the last time you have even seen any of the media ask her about the border which she is supposed to be in charge of yet has never so much as even visited it? She probably fears for her life going down to Texas or Arizona.

Maybe she's good at giving Joe hand jobs to help him get it up hard enough for Jill.
Kamala is the textbook definition of a diversity hire. Joe wanted to show he's hip with the new DNC so went for the POC woman pick and nothing more.
Kamala is the textbook definition of a diversity hire.

Yes, Kammy is very diverse. She can take it in all three holes at once while stroking off two others.

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I'd love to see Tulsi debate Kammy, but like all democrat toads, Harris would probably run from facing her on the debate stage; she is an even bigger fraud to the American people than Biden.
I know, right.

Biden should have picked Tulsi for a much stronger ticket.

But then he would have removed any hesitation for using the 25th or impeachment. :laughing0301:
I’m leaving shit for brains and joining reality
I can see the sexual oriented attacks are ratcheted up by ugly, fat, cuck and queer lib loon dirt bags.
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She is pretty darn leftist. But, frankly, she has an ability and willingness to get past the DNC talking points and to instead confront some reality. The points she just made establish that. I wouldn’t say she’s a conservative, of course. I’d prefer to think of her as more genuinely centrist but in most respects that’s not true. She is still a liberal in the end. But God bless her for speaking out and speaking up.

She is a right wing bigot who is right at home in the Republican Party. She is not a liberal.

You mean the guy that arranged for the wife of the Mayor of Moscow to give bag boy Hunter Biden a nice little payoff of $2.5 million?

Absolutely no proof of that. That is part of a partisan Republican report.
She is still a cookie cutter prog with a little better informed view on warfare and foreign policy than the average dim. Sadly, that’s all it takes to make her a standout. That and she was pretty damn hot in her surfing wet suit.

Her view on foreign policy are anti-America and pro-Russia. Apparently Putin is not a warmonger according to her despite the fact that he has invaded Ukraine.
Explain to me what qualifies her as a bigot. Cause she said your side practices in AntiWhite racism? Yeah she's right, the bigotry is all on your side

The bigotry is on your side. You attack transgenders, gays, women, blacks, hispanics, jews and every group you can think about except white men.

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