Tulsi: We Now Need Universal Income

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda

This is true of every crisis, attack, natural disaster, mass shooting, you name it. Here's what's funny, their stupid shit policies are so unpopular that's the only chance they have of passing them. :21:
Which is why Pelosi shoved in forced company paid sick leave in this so called emergency bill. Hopefully it is doa in the Senate.

Create a CLEAN BILL that targets the problem Pelosi, not one full of your leftist bullshit that affects EVERYONE.

At least Tulsi's proposal has a limit on it, if you want to call it that. Piglosi's didn't. She wants paid leave and paid time off forever.
If everyone is guaranteed the same income whether they work or not and whether they are a brain surgeon or a trash collector, why would anyone work?

I don't think it could replace an income unless you work at Walmart stocking shelves. But I always found it an interesting concept if we removed all social programs and replaced it with UI. It would solve so many problems in this country, and this coming from a conservative.

where would the money come from to bring minimum wage people up to some acceptable level of income? Would everyone get it whether they worked or not? Would it be the same in every state an city? would the UI be the same in NYC and bumfuck Arkansas?

Its not a workable concept. We already have a tax code the makes 50% of our people exempt from income tax in an effort to compensate the low income workers. If the top earners were capped at what they made in the first few months of the year, what would they do the rest of the year? who would run the corporations-----------and the government?
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
I like what Milton Friedman said about universal income to replace all forms of welfare and 1/3 must be put toward health care.

Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
I like what Milton Friedman said about universal income to replace all forms of welfare and 1/3 must be put toward health care.


first you would have to cancel the constitution.
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Tulsi looks good in a bikini but shes an airhead
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
I like what Milton Friedman said about universal income to replace all forms of welfare and 1/3 must be put toward health care.


first you would have to cancel the constitution.
Well, it has already been cancelled because commies took over 90+ years ago. Friedman was just trying to find solutions this unsustainable bullshit FDR and the commies gave us.

Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Tulsi looks good in a bikini but shes an airhead
I call her Patriotic Commie.
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Tulsi looks good in a bikini but shes an airhead
I call her Patriotic Commie.
She definitely leans left
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
I like what Milton Friedman said about universal income to replace all forms of welfare and 1/3 must be put toward health care.


I forget what country it is now that had the issue on the ballot a few years ago when I was digging into it. I believe it was Sweden or someplace. In any case, their research showed that by UI replacing all social programs, it would be cheaper for the government. And like I said, solve a lot of problems we currently have today.

For instance I have these lowlife HUD people living next door. They've been nothing but a ghetto trash problem since they moved in. HUD gives them a voucher every month, and they add to that amount by working which gives them the opportunity to live in our suburb. Without HUD, and only having universal income, they wouldn't be able to afford to live here. They'd move back to the ghetto where they belong.

There are still millions of us without healthcare. If you have a full time job, UI would able anybody to buy healthcare insurance. College? If you can't afford to send your kids to college, and the UI amount was $1,800 a month, you and your daughters combined UI checks could fund her college education, and perhaps without taking college loans out.

But again, there would be no Medicare, no Social Security, no food stamps, nothing. You would have to allocate that money yourself to the proper accounts for your future.
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Tulsi looks good in a bikini but shes an airhead

I don't think she's an airhead, I do disagree with her politics though. She's only staying in the race to antagonize the others.
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
I like what Milton Friedman said about universal income to replace all forms of welfare and 1/3 must be put toward health care.


I forget what country it is now that had the issue on the ballot a few years ago when I was digging into it. I believe it was Sweden or someplace. In any case, their research showed that by UI replacing all social programs, it would be cheaper for the government. And like I said, solve a lot of problems we currently have today.

For instance I have these lowlife HUD people living next door. They've been nothing but a ghetto trash problem since they moved in. HUD gives them a voucher every month, and they add to that amount by working which gives them the opportunity to live in our suburb. Without HUD, and only having universal income, they wouldn't be able to afford to live here. They'd move back to the ghetto where they belong.

There are still millions of us without healthcare. If you have a full time job, UI would able anybody to buy healthcare insurance. College? If you can't afford to send your kids to college, and the UI amount was $1,800 a month, you and your daughters combined UI checks could fund her college education, and perhaps without taking college loans out.

But again, there would be no Medicare, no Social Security, no food stamps, nothing. You would have to allocate that money yourself to the proper accounts for your future.
That is exactly what Friedman was arguing. It would streamline things.

If everyone is guaranteed the same income whether they work or not and whether they are a brain surgeon or a trash collector, why would anyone work?

I don't think it could replace an income unless you work at Walmart stocking shelves. But I always found it an interesting concept if we removed all social programs and replaced it with UI. It would solve so many problems in this country, and this coming from a conservative.

where would the money come from to bring minimum wage people up to some acceptable level of income? Would everyone get it whether they worked or not? Would it be the same in every state an city? would the UI be the same in NYC and bumfuck Arkansas?

Its not a workable concept. We already have a tax code the makes 50% of our people exempt from income tax in an effort to compensate the low income workers. If the top earners were capped at what they made in the first few months of the year, what would they do the rest of the year? who would run the corporations-----------and the government?

The concept of UI is that everybody gets it. Again, I don't know if she's including children in her proposal, or if so, what age limit. But poor people would get it, middle-class would get it, and even those evil rich millionaires and billionaires would get it.
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
I like what Milton Friedman said about universal income to replace all forms of welfare and 1/3 must be put toward health care.


I forget what country it is now that had the issue on the ballot a few years ago when I was digging into it. I believe it was Sweden or someplace. In any case, their research showed that by UI replacing all social programs, it would be cheaper for the government. And like I said, solve a lot of problems we currently have today.

For instance I have these lowlife HUD people living next door. They've been nothing but a ghetto trash problem since they moved in. HUD gives them a voucher every month, and they add to that amount by working which gives them the opportunity to live in our suburb. Without HUD, and only having universal income, they wouldn't be able to afford to live here. They'd move back to the ghetto where they belong.

There are still millions of us without healthcare. If you have a full time job, UI would able anybody to buy healthcare insurance. College? If you can't afford to send your kids to college, and the UI amount was $1,800 a month, you and your daughters combined UI checks could fund her college education, and perhaps without taking college loans out.

But again, there would be no Medicare, no Social Security, no food stamps, nothing. You would have to allocate that money yourself to the proper accounts for your future.
That is exactly what Friedman was arguing. It would streamline things.


I have to agree with him. And think how much savings we would get from the elimination of all those bureaucracies and satellite offices around the country. It would probably be billions every year.
How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?
By helping prevent bankruptcies, alleviating business shutdowns, helping with childcare, helping ensure they get medical attention, etc.

What a stupid question. You REALLY couldn't muster up the brain power to think of a single thing?
I call it political grandstanding, she knows it'll never happen. The cost alone is enormous, $1000 to each American (320 million of them) is $320 billion, per month. For how long? No one knows, but it'll turn into a political weapon once the GOP says we gotta stop the madness.
If everyone is guaranteed the same income whether they work or not and whether they are a brain surgeon or a trash collector, why would anyone work?
My understand was that UI would be the same for everyone and you could still work without affecting it.

Exactly. Most working people would continue to work. It would inspire the non-working to work as well. The problem with our social programs as structured today is, they are a deterrent to working. If I get $200.00 a month in food stamps for my family as long as I make less than X a month, I'm going to make sure I don't make anymore money than that. If there were no food stamps, and we had UI instead, I'm going to work as many hours as I can.
If everyone is guaranteed the same income whether they work or not and whether they are a brain surgeon or a trash collector, why would anyone work?

I don't think it could replace an income unless you work at Walmart stocking shelves. But I always found it an interesting concept if we removed all social programs and replaced it with UI. It would solve so many problems in this country, and this coming from a conservative.

How would it solve them?
I call it political grandstanding, she knows it'll never happen. The cost alone is enormous, $1000 to each American (320 million of them) is $320 billion, per month. For how long? No one knows, but it'll turn into a political weapon once the GOP says we gotta stop the madness.

If she's talking about adults only, then it's around 210 billion, but your point still stands.
Multiple lawmakers have proposed economic stimulus packages and universal basic income programs as the coronavirus begins to take a larger toll on the American economy.

On Friday, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a resolution that would provide an income of $1,000 a month to every American “until COVID-19 no longer presents a public health emergency.”

In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, the U.S. has imposed travel bans on several countries hardest-hit by the pandemic, and dozens of large events and conferences have been canceled or postponed.

Lawmakers call for universal basic income amid coronavirus crisis

As Democrats use this unfortunate situation to promote their political agenda, and attempt to create more government dependents, Universal Income is now being thrown out there. $1,000 a month to every American? Does that include children? How would handing every American a thousand bucks a month help with COVID 19?

I'm sure most people cannot quit their job or stay home from work getting $1,000 a month, so what exactly is this money, handed out by the federal government now 23 trillion dollars in debt, supposed to do for the people? Who declares when this public health emergency has ended?

I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Tulsi looks good in a bikini but shes an airhead

I don't think she's an airhead, I do disagree with her politics though. She's only staying in the race to antagonize the others.

I think Tulsi is still in it cuz she thinks Biden's health may fail or he might be indicted at some point so she might be the one left standing who is not a socialist. Or maybe she gets the nod to be on the Dem ticket as the VP.

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