Tump's cave-in continues!

Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.

You're not only stupid, you are toxic. You pollute every thread in which you post with garbage, lies and hate. I wonder, who or what made you into the piece of shit you've become?

Says the lying nig dick taking faggot. Why do you support giving both aid and comfort to declared enemies of the United States you treasonous scum?

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum - Judicial Watch

That is actual treason, time for the nig to hang.
"Says the lying nig dick taking faggot".....yep....not trumpanzee racism here.
Are you really claiming that freaking Trump, the BILLIONAIRE was BRIBED?


Give it up lefty.
Are you really going to assert that trump thinks he's got enough money?

He has enough that no reasonable bride is going to tempt him.
Seriously? You believe the rich are immune to bribes? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I said what I said. Asking me what I said, is just a dodge.

Do you have an actual response.
So...you really DO believe that the rich are immune to bribes. Oh honey! The humor in that! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Your inability to actually response to what I actually said, is noted.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
He has a plan. It is to get richer even it he has to pander to the right wing, to make the poor, poorer.
I don't believe that. He could have continued getting richer without all this hassle of being POTUS.
Power and Payback to those he believe embarassed him.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.
Hillary was spot on.....as we can see after the election, more spot on that she probably even guessed.
I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.

She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.

There is nothing deplorable about me.

Other than, FROM YOUR LEFTY PERSPECTIVE, my refusal to be cowed by your vile propaganda tactics.

Hillary's vile lie, set half this nation, against the other half, the epitome of divisiveness.

And you are being a part of it, right in this very thread, by continuing to support her vile lie.

"There's nothing deplorable about me"....then read the rest of the post.....
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.
"The treasonous nig"? Why is it that mean people keep accusing trumpanzees of being racist?

umm...why, well I suppose because they're proud and believe they are superior to other races, and pissed off when proven to be inferior to too many ethnic minorities who advance in our culture. Racists are in an advanced stage of Denial when they remain stuck in the same old entry level job.

The election of a man of African descent made their blood boil and they needed someone to bring President Obama down, the party of Lincoln let him down and using demagoguery and lies found an audience which needed self assurance that no black man deserved the highest job in America.
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17824529,
They incited it through their violent rhetoric, if you are calling people mass murderers that is a call to violence against the accused so shove you BS pal.

Why do you continue to show how stupid you are?

There is no call to murder Republicans anywhere in that link.

Even if a Democrat accused Republicans mass murderers which they didn't, it cannot be presumed it is a call to murder them. It's a call to vote them out office so they can do no harm.

Labeling Republicans mass murderers is a call to violence.
Then calling Democrats un-American and traitors would also be a "call to violence" using your....ahem...logic.
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17824667
What was the felony what is the name and badge number of the officer who he directed to commit it?

No officer has followed through. So there is no crime and no name or badge number tied to a crime. Are you really that stupid.
Not yet...but I wonder what arrested individual will grab a lawyer pronto if they hit their head against the "paddy wagon" in the future and use trump's rhetoric as evidence that it was intentional.....
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

They were never for Trump , they were and are crooked as they tried setting him up. Trump failed at nothing accept trying to be a nice guy and trust in those he hired. Who in the end as usual fkd him over just like any Democratic bs-ing liar democrat will do.
"trump failed at nothing accept trying to be a nice guy"...............:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Trump, the erstwhile super businessman who can't even hire a competent HR specialist to hire trust worthy subordinates. Trump, has proved himself to be the man in the Empty Suit, i.e. an ineffectual executive (and that might be his least dangerous character flaw).
jknowgood, post: 17824740 You can read English with a typo. But you can't read the first post in which you responded to me.

I didn't say you were a racist. Now we can see you are a liar. There is still time to condemn the one on this thread that posts racist comments.
Trying to have a conversation with you and faun is like this.View attachment 141209
Yet more evidence that conservatism is a cult.

Prove Gloria Steinem ever said, "if banning guns and ammunition can save just one child, then it should strongly be considered."
That is a liberal talking point. Lol
In other words, in typical conservative fashion, you lied.

Well, you did get one thing right ... you said that's what it's like for a conservative to converse with me.... you cultists have to lie.
Just Google it. She is an anti gun activists. Lol
Another Ironic Post......keep them coming, we need some humor here.
Trying to have a conversation with you and faun is like this.View attachment 141209
Yet more evidence that conservatism is a cult.

Prove Gloria Steinem ever said, "if banning guns and ammunition can save just one child, then it should strongly be considered."
That is a liberal talking point. Lol
In other words, in typical conservative fashion, you lied.

Well, you did get one thing right ... you said that's what it's like for a conservative to converse with me.... you cultists have to lie.
Just Google it. She is an anti gun activists. Lol
Another Ironic Post......keep them coming, we need some humor here.
So she is a gun supporter?
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?
Apparently none....and that's why everyone is calling him a traitor.......we know what you trumpanzees really consider him a traitor to....and it's not America. :rofl: :rofl:

So stripped of your partisan spin, what you just did there was admit that your crap about Trump "controlling" the three branches of government was indeed, crap.


I wish to thank you for your several posts in the last page or two proving my point that you trumpanzees and trump are still playing the victim EVEN tho the GOP controls all three Branches of Government. I appreciate your effort to show that you will still work to claim victimhood despite that.
Yet more evidence that conservatism is a cult.

Prove Gloria Steinem ever said, "if banning guns and ammunition can save just one child, then it should strongly be considered."
That is a liberal talking point. Lol
In other words, in typical conservative fashion, you lied.

Well, you did get one thing right ... you said that's what it's like for a conservative to converse with me.... you cultists have to lie.
Just Google it. She is an anti gun activists. Lol
Another Ironic Post......keep them coming, we need some humor here.
So she is a gun supporter?
Apparently more than one according to your "english".
Considering that FAR more merited Special Investigation during the Obama years with VERIFIED scandals such as the IRS fiasco......only the white witch got any scrutiny.....Obama....free pass......Holder.....off the hook.....Lynch...free pass

A free pass for the black people? WHY?!? Noone of ANY color should get a free pass when doing wrong. Trump included.....but nothing's been found has it?

So all the Left has to do is put another person of color in the White House and they are untouchable regardless of their actions?

Is that right?
Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?
Apparently none....and that's why everyone is calling him a traitor.......we know what you trumpanzees really consider him a traitor to....and it's not America. :rofl: :rofl:

So stripped of your partisan spin, what you just did there was admit that your crap about Trump "controlling" the three branches of government was indeed, crap.


I wish to thank you for your several posts in the last page or two proving my point that you trumpanzees and trump are still playing the victim EVEN tho the GOP controls all three Branches of Government. I appreciate your effort to show that you will still work to claim victimhood despite that.

they'll be the first to scream "WE WON" in your face, then blame everyone else for failing to pass legislation.


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