Tump's cave-in continues!

He is trying to end democrat sabotage. I doubt he can do it.
Poor helpless trump....control of all three branches and still the victim.

Says the liberal pretending to be so stupid that he doesn't know about Separation of Powers, in order to pretend to make a point against his enemy.
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?


There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.
Any good investigation is going to follow the money. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. Perhaps that's why you are so nervous.

Are you really claiming that freaking Trump, the BILLIONAIRE was BRIBED?


Give it up lefty.
Are you really going to assert that trump thinks he's got enough money?

He has enough that no reasonable bride is going to tempt him.
He is trying to end democrat sabotage. I doubt he can do it.
Poor helpless trump....control of all three branches and still the victim.

Says the liberal pretending to be so stupid that he doesn't know about Separation of Powers, in order to pretend to make a point against his enemy.
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.
Any good investigation is going to follow the money. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. Perhaps that's why you are so nervous.

Are you really claiming that freaking Trump, the BILLIONAIRE was BRIBED?


Give it up lefty.
Are you really going to assert that trump thinks he's got enough money?

He has enough that no reasonable bride is going to tempt him.
Seriously? You believe the rich are immune to bribes? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
He is trying to end democrat sabotage. I doubt he can do it.
Poor helpless trump....control of all three branches and still the victim.

Says the liberal pretending to be so stupid that he doesn't know about Separation of Powers, in order to pretend to make a point against his enemy.
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.
Any good investigation is going to follow the money. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. Perhaps that's why you are so nervous.

Are you really claiming that freaking Trump, the BILLIONAIRE was BRIBED?


Give it up lefty.
Are you really going to assert that trump thinks he's got enough money?

He has enough that no reasonable bride is going to tempt him.
Seriously? You believe the rich are immune to bribes? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I said what I said. Asking me what I said, is just a dodge.

Do you have an actual response.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

They were never for Trump , they were and are crooked as they tried setting him up. Trump failed at nothing accept trying to be a nice guy and trust in those he hired. Who in the end as usual fkd him over just like any Democratic bs-ing liar democrat will do.
"trump failed at nothing accept trying to be a nice guy"...............:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

To make you liberal pussies piss your panties on a regular basis.
What a great way to run a country. What a great reason to elect a leader of a country. Yay you!
Poor helpless trump....control of all three branches and still the victim.

Says the liberal pretending to be so stupid that he doesn't know about Separation of Powers, in order to pretend to make a point against his enemy.
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?
Apparently none....and that's why everyone is calling him a traitor.......we know what you trumpanzees really consider him a traitor to....and it's not America. :rofl: :rofl:
Any good investigation is going to follow the money. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. Perhaps that's why you are so nervous.

Are you really claiming that freaking Trump, the BILLIONAIRE was BRIBED?


Give it up lefty.
Are you really going to assert that trump thinks he's got enough money?

He has enough that no reasonable bride is going to tempt him.
Seriously? You believe the rich are immune to bribes? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I said what I said. Asking me what I said, is just a dodge.

Do you have an actual response.
So...you really DO believe that the rich are immune to bribes. Oh honey! The humor in that! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Lefties never had a president who had a real job. Barry Hussein's relationship with a freaking bomber terrorist who became his political mentor didn't seem to matter nor was the fact that his father was an African nationalist bigamist alcoholic who hated America and Barry's biography was ironically titled "dreams of my father". Left wing socialists tried murdering republican congressman and that didn't work so now they are attacking the Trump family's ....gasp....capitalist enterprises.
Poor helpless trump....control of all three branches and still the victim.

Says the liberal pretending to be so stupid that he doesn't know about Separation of Powers, in order to pretend to make a point against his enemy.
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?

Trump has redefined the power of the bully pulpit, it is now more bully than ever before (bully as in a mean and pugnacious person, and a person who bull shits constantly).

Face it Trumpanzees, your Messiah has a silver wingtip stuck in his mouth, and will toss you and the other lipspittle under the bus when you fail to kiss his ass. Loyalty for Trump is a one way street.
To make America great again. Go Trump.

America never stopped being great. Why trash her for the love of Trump?

America stopped being great when we went from being the bank of the world to one of the biggest debtors. We are broke, out of work, overrun, snowflaked, and borrowing money we can't pay back. 19 trillion in debt is a "great" killer.
I remember great, and this ain't it.
Tax cuts for the rich only leads to more debt. It is another form of income redistribution that takes a while for the People, to "catch on".
But...but...but...the rich don't need tax cuts! They already have enough money! They're unbribable because they are rich!
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.
"The treasonous nig"? Why is it that mean people keep accusing trumpanzees of being racist?
Says the liberal pretending to be so stupid that he doesn't know about Separation of Powers, in order to pretend to make a point against his enemy.
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?
Apparently none....and that's why everyone is calling him a traitor.......we know what you trumpanzees really consider him a traitor to....and it's not America. :rofl: :rofl:

So stripped of your partisan spin, what you just did there was admit that your crap about Trump "controlling" the three branches of government was indeed, crap.

Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

To make you liberal pussies piss your panties on a regular basis.

You continue to be an asshole, and continue to prove how damn stupid you are. Why? [I suppose the second clause explains why]

Touched a nerve, did I pussy? Go change your panties.

You've never touched a nerve, your posts are all predictable, and mirror the latest talking points of the neo fascist / alt right / crazy right wing. Why would I or anyone take you seriously?

Yeah, I did. Big time.

I doubt you can even spell Neurologist, let alone touch one.

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