Tump's cave-in continues!

Of course not -- that does not prove she said that quote.

Now on to part B -- prove she ever wore that shirt.....
Lol, prove Russia collusion. She is against guns and she is proud of abortion. Proof enough.
I didn't say there was collusion. You're idiotically claiming Steinem made a comment she didn't make and wore a shirt she didn't wear. :cuckoo:
She wore the shirt, part of a photo shoot in 2004. Did you also know she had an illegal abortion in 1957? Glad to see you stick up for garbage.
You remain a moron. Saying that you're posting bullshit is not "sticking up for her" -- it's highlighting how gullible you are. While it appears she did wear the shirt, there is still no evidence she said that quote.
Okay we know she wore the shirt, now your gonna tell me she didn't state a liberal talking point? You call me gullible?
Well, dumb and gullible, yeah. You have no proof she said it. All you need to b'lieve is that you saw it on a meme.
Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.
Hillary was spot on.....as we can see after the election, more spot on that she probably even guessed.

I note that you give no examples to back up your hysteria.

ON some level, you know that any of the examples you give will be bullshit.
YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.

She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.

There is nothing deplorable about me.

Other than, FROM YOUR LEFTY PERSPECTIVE, my refusal to be cowed by your vile propaganda tactics.

Hillary's vile lie, set half this nation, against the other half, the epitome of divisiveness.

And you are being a part of it, right in this very thread, by continuing to support her vile lie.

"There's nothing deplorable about me"....then read the rest of the post.....

And you do nothing to explain, what about the rest of my post is "deplorable".

At WORST, you could claim that my statement is unfair to your nice and wonderful HIllary.

But that hardly counts as "Deplorable".

YOu are full of shit.
Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?
Apparently none....and that's why everyone is calling him a traitor.......we know what you trumpanzees really consider him a traitor to....and it's not America. :rofl: :rofl:

So stripped of your partisan spin, what you just did there was admit that your crap about Trump "controlling" the three branches of government was indeed, crap.


I wish to thank you for your several posts in the last page or two proving my point that you trumpanzees and trump are still playing the victim EVEN tho the GOP controls all three Branches of Government. I appreciate your effort to show that you will still work to claim victimhood despite that.

NOte how you keep conflating Trump and the GOP, despite acknowledging the large split between Trump and the GOP establishment.

That is you being dishonest to make some sort of pretend point.

Also, I've said nothing about being a victim. I've called you on your bullshit, and discussed Trump's lack of power over Congress. None of that is victimhood.
Says the liberal pretending to be so stupid that he doesn't know about Separation of Powers, in order to pretend to make a point against his enemy.
And what in my comment indicates I don't know about the Separation of Powers? If one has control of all three branches...how does that Separation and Checks and Balances work out for you?

Because the President, has no power over the other branches.

THis "control" you speak of, does not exist.
The President is HEAD of one of the branches and if his party controls the other two......well, you get it....but you want to pretend you don't. (Like pretending someone called someone else a racist when no such thing was said)

And what power does Trump have over McCain, a Senator in "his" party?

Trump has redefined the power of the bully pulpit, it is now more bully than ever before (bully as in a mean and pugnacious person, and a person who bull shits constantly).

Face it Trumpanzees, your Messiah has a silver wingtip stuck in his mouth, and will toss you and the other lipspittle under the bus when you fail to kiss his ass. Loyalty for Trump is a one way street.

Your post is nothing but a vulgar collection of unsupported partisan bile.

I asked a simple question. Of another poster.

You choose to reply to it,

BUt your reply contained no answer to the question.

Thanks for playing. Please collect your consolation prize on the way out.

No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.
God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government,

But she didn't you stupid fuck.

and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

She didn't present anything at the meeting so what did the collude about and just who gave aid and comfort to an enemy of the US you stupid faggot? You must be thinking of the former chimp in chief Obama who went out of his way to make a special exception to grant 1500 known and documented terrorist asylum in the United States. That's aid and comfort to thousands of declared enemies of the United States, time for the treasonous ****** to hang I suppose.

If I believe that I'm hiring a hit man to kill my wife and the hit man is actually an undercover officer am I not guilty of a crime even though no one was killed?

There was nothing presented for him to have had to report to authorities.

Taking the meeting with the intent of receiving information from the Russian govt that would be harmful to Clinton is absolutely collusion. They believed that was the pretext for the meeting and Don jr said he loved the idea.
Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.

She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.

There is nothing deplorable about me.

Other than, FROM YOUR LEFTY PERSPECTIVE, my refusal to be cowed by your vile propaganda tactics.

Hillary's vile lie, set half this nation, against the other half, the epitome of divisiveness.

And you are being a part of it, right in this very thread, by continuing to support her vile lie.

"There's nothing deplorable about me"....then read the rest of the post.....

And you do nothing to explain, what about the rest of my post is "deplorable".

At WORST, you could claim that my statement is unfair to your nice and wonderful HIllary.

But that hardly counts as "Deplorable".

YOu are full of shit.
And once again, I thank you for showing your deplorable-ness. It's always so easy with you....and I appreciate that.
I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.

She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.

There is nothing deplorable about me.

Other than, FROM YOUR LEFTY PERSPECTIVE, my refusal to be cowed by your vile propaganda tactics.

Hillary's vile lie, set half this nation, against the other half, the epitome of divisiveness.

And you are being a part of it, right in this very thread, by continuing to support her vile lie.

"There's nothing deplorable about me"....then read the rest of the post.....

And you do nothing to explain, what about the rest of my post is "deplorable".

At WORST, you could claim that my statement is unfair to your nice and wonderful HIllary.

But that hardly counts as "Deplorable".

YOu are full of shit.
And once again, I thank you for showing your deplorable-ness. It's always so easy with you....and I appreciate that.

But I did not show any deplorable-ness.

You are lying. And being a smug ass about it.
She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.

There is nothing deplorable about me.

Other than, FROM YOUR LEFTY PERSPECTIVE, my refusal to be cowed by your vile propaganda tactics.

Hillary's vile lie, set half this nation, against the other half, the epitome of divisiveness.

And you are being a part of it, right in this very thread, by continuing to support her vile lie.

"There's nothing deplorable about me"....then read the rest of the post.....

And you do nothing to explain, what about the rest of my post is "deplorable".

At WORST, you could claim that my statement is unfair to your nice and wonderful HIllary.

But that hardly counts as "Deplorable".

YOu are full of shit.
And once again, I thank you for showing your deplorable-ness. It's always so easy with you....and I appreciate that.

But I did not show any deplorable-ness.

You are lying. And being a smug ass about it.
:itsok: Hang in there, kid and keep up the deplorable-ness.
There is nothing deplorable about me.

Other than, FROM YOUR LEFTY PERSPECTIVE, my refusal to be cowed by your vile propaganda tactics.

Hillary's vile lie, set half this nation, against the other half, the epitome of divisiveness.

And you are being a part of it, right in this very thread, by continuing to support her vile lie.

"There's nothing deplorable about me"....then read the rest of the post.....

And you do nothing to explain, what about the rest of my post is "deplorable".

At WORST, you could claim that my statement is unfair to your nice and wonderful HIllary.

But that hardly counts as "Deplorable".

YOu are full of shit.
And once again, I thank you for showing your deplorable-ness. It's always so easy with you....and I appreciate that.

But I did not show any deplorable-ness.

You are lying. And being a smug ass about it.
:itsok: Hang in there, kid and keep up the deplorable-ness.

You are lying and being a smug asshole about it.

I'm not.

And you consider this a win for you?

WTF is wrong with you?
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him and end the investigation by leaving open the possibility that it could go beyond his financial dealings with Russia. That way he won't have to admit there is no evidence of collusion. At this point it's the only option they have left.


What has Mueller done to get Trump to fire him?

All I've seen is reports of a very reasonable investigation that our president must be feeling very grateful for. After all, he hasn't done anything wrong, right? Trump fans are all very grateful for it too because they want his name cleared so fe can get on with ...

What was it again?

Oh yeah, I remember ...

making America great again.

Tell me the truth - You agree with me, right??

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.

She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.
And the country necessarily must be torn apart!
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.

Mueller us following the money and the Comrade is pulling his Orange hair out! Benedict Donald is desperate hto stop Mueller...
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.

Mueller us following the money and the Comrade is pulling his Orange hair out! Benedict Donald is desperate hto stop Mueller...
Trump fires Mueller he's history Say hello to President Pense

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