Tune in at 7ET Tonight: President Biden to deliver major speech on democracy in election’s closing days in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I LOVE MY COUNTRY: I have to say it breaks my heart & frightens me to see the cancer eating away at the heart & soul of this amazing nation. Integrity & intelligence battling personal advancement & ignorance. When did those who don't share our views become the enemy and when did our fellow citizens decide it was 'American' to push for elected officials who would trample on the liberties & religious beliefs of those who don't share theirs? Constantly accepting the next 'new normal' can only bring us closer to a new unimaginable apocalypse

To All Those Who Don't Share My Views... You are not my enemy. A democracy needs those differences to make it better & ultimately stronger. Friendship doesn't need agreement. OUR enemy should be anyone who turns us against each other for their personal gain

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President Biden will be making a speech at 7pm ET tonight about the threat our democracy faces from election denial and from those who seek to undermine faith in the voting process.

Really going to keep going down this alley when it's been shown to be a dead end?
President Biden will be making a speech at 7pm ET tonight about the threat our democracy faces from election denial and from those who seek to undermine faith in the voting process.

Should be entertaining. The old racist shit can barely talk anymore, and when he does, it's all lies, gaffes, mumbling, and angry dementia-ranting.
He’s going to try to scare the gullible ignoramuses by claiming the Republicans and their supporters are a threat to democracy, and then add in the lie that we are going to take away Granny’s social security and Medicare.

Only a third of Americans are falling for it. (Shameful it’s that much, but that’s another topic). All the screaming and race-baiting and talk of “election deniers” won’t change that.

5.5 more days!
There better be rainbows and uni-fckin-corns. Not that demon red fire from hell background again.
President Biden will be making a speech at 7pm ET tonight about the threat our democracy faces from election denial and from those who seek to undermine faith in the voting process.

/——/Well then OK. For every stumble drink one craft beer. For every gaff, a shot of Wild Turkey. See who’s left standing.
I'll catch the highlights on the RAV News Comedy Reel. I can already sense the Democrats asses butt-clenching at the thought of Joe going to bat for them!!
I don't believe he or his handlers expect this to change any races but that may not be the goal. They are already primed to deny the legitimacy of the results based on "voter suppression" and by ringing the bell of hate against the Republicans, they're just firing their opening shots for after this election. These people have decided to destroy the Republic by first eliminating faith in our electoral system. It wouldn't surprise me if they called their demented, perverted shock troops into the streets this fall.

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