Turkey can take credit for ending Israel's blockade of Gaza


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan can claim a big check mark for himself, despite the Turkish flotilla not having reached Gaza and nine activists aboard the Mavi Marmara ship having been killed during the raid in May. Erdogan achieved his goal: He collapsed the Israeli siege on "Hamastan." The cabinet announcement on Sunday put an end to the three-year-old civilian blockade on Gaza, initiated when Hamas took power.
Aluf Benn / Turkey can take credit for ending Israel's blockade of Gaza - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Still, our judges will prosecute the "cave-men's" plotting terror attacks from their Middle-Ages cages on International seas.
CEO of STRATFOR, George Friedman:
Only Turkey can play ultimate mediator role in Islamic world
Only Turkey can play ultimate mediator role in Islamic world, US expert says - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

'The United States is not at war with Islam,' says President Obama
'The United States is not at war with Islam,' says President Obama during visit to Turkey
Off course not, because last time I checked it was not the Muslims but the likes of Neubarth and CMike having the honour to be introduced to the exclusive and case-by-case Democracy-Privilege of USA and its fiercest vocalists of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.
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Israel Lobby Gets Congress to Stick It to Turkey
MJ Rosenberg: Israel Lobby Gets Congress to Stick It to Turkey

Oh boy, Israel... Speaking of sticks and sticking:

The khazouk is a spike driven through its victim’s rectum, which the Ottomans used to terrify locals and deter potential insurgents.
Khazouk will be favourite free.time object for the likes of CMike and Ghook93 in the decades to come:
The Return of the Ottomans | The Weekly Standard

Turks and Arabs Are Like Fingers of a Hand, Erdogan
Turkey's Erdogan says Turks, Arabs "like fingers of a hand" [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]
Turkey is the middle-finger currently growing-up, testing the grounds by making petting-sex with fingers, before sticking first the finger and finally the whole fist into the likes of Gayhook93 and Cmike.
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Lawmakers Threaten Turkey with Reprisals Over Israel
Lawmakers Threaten Turkey with Reprisals Over Israel The Speakers Lobby

- no troops in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Georgia, Lebanon, Darfur
- receives US aid

- troops in all above mentioned countries (Source)
- supplies US army in Iraq by 70% of logistics
- major customer (we actually pay for it) of US arms industry
- 2nd biggest Army in Nato, 3rd biggest Navy in Europe, 3rd biggest Airforce in NATO
- Turkey is among first five contributing members to UN police missions:
Turkish Mission to UN
- Project Airforce of Rand Corporation: Turkey is vital for USA to achieve its goals in this region

We are slowly but steadily getting sick of Mr. Israelian+Armenian Congress.
There must be consistency in state relations, can not be that there are 2 voices in Washington, that of US interests and that of Israel.
Have some dignity of your own, and prove you are Man of your own house and not the wife of some Israelian sand-n*.
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Turkey did play a major roll in putting Gaza on the front burner. More specifically, the Turkish civilians on the Freedom Flotilla got major press.

However the groundwork on the Gaza situation was done by Free Gaza, ISM, Viva Palestina, the BDS movement and others.

It doesn't hurt that Israel has been shooting itself in the foot regularly lately.
Turkey did play a major roll in putting Gaza on the front burner. More specifically, the Turkish civilians on the Freedom Flotilla got major press.

However the groundwork on the Gaza situation was done by Free Gaza, ISM, Viva Palestina, the BDS movement and others.

It doesn't hurt that Israel has been shooting itself in the foot regularly lately.

It was Turkey that payed for the re-routing of Viva Palestine convoy, Turkish foreign Minister intervening and 5 Turkish Parliament Members on board the convoy:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnyfL453sOU]YouTube - Inside Story - The politics behind the Viva Palestina convoy - 7 Jan 2010[/ame]
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Israel is still blockading missiles to gaza.

Turkey revealed themselves as a radical Islamic nation.

Big mistake.
Israel is still blockading missiles to gaza.

Turkey revealed themselves as a radical Islamic nation.

Big mistake.

I have no idea how much you get paid to make yourself look like a complete dumbass on a metronome basis but it's probably less than you've earned because the stoopidity oozing from your posts is volcanic.
Israel is still blockading missiles to gaza.

Turkey revealed themselves as a radical Islamic nation.

Big mistake.

Gaza already has missiles they are not even going to use.

What "Islamic" thing are they doing?
Israel is still blockading missiles to gaza.

Turkey revealed themselves as a radical Islamic nation.

Big mistake.

Turkey is being screened every year by EU and EU publishes reports on Turkey on every aspect of Turkey.
Turkey is attested to liberalize and mature an inclusive civil-society democracy.
You will also read, that Turkish foreign and security policy is in line with EU's defence and foreign policy.

Official EU documents:
2009: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/key_documents/2009/tr_rapport_2009_en.pdf
2008: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf...eports_nov_2008/turkey_progress_report_en.pdf
2007: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/key_documents/2007/nov/turkey_progress_reports_en.pdf
2006: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/key_documents/2006/nov/tr_sec_1390_en.pdf
NO Israel and yes HAMAS can take credit for ending the land blockade.

Israel: Because she actually did it.
Hamas: Because after she got her ass spanked hard in Cast Lead, she has curbed and even stopped other Islamofacist groups from firing the missiles.

What your Turkish Whore People can take credit for:
(1) Armenian Holocaust:Genocide of the BRAVE Armenian People and theft of Armenian land. The Armenian Holocaust claimed 3 million people. The Armenians in the Turkish Ottoman Empire had many of the same traits as the Jews in Nazi Germany. They were a religious minorities, extremely successful as a group in gaining wealth, education and businesses and a very peaceful people as a whole. Without justification and without provocation, the Turkish barbarians slaughter 1.5 million Armenians! This is a Holocaust folks! Then to make matters worse the Turkish whore deny to this day the Holocaust they inflicted on the peaceful and helpless Armenians people! Very cowardly.

(2) Kurds: The Current Genocide, Theft and Occupation of Kurdish Land.The Turkish Whore subject the Kurds to de facto pograms. There are also random acts of slaughter, unwarranted arrests and government tyranny inflicted on the Kurds of Turkey. The Turkish Whore also invaded Iraqi Kurdistan!

(3) Cyprus:The Genocide and Ethnic Cleansiing and Theft and Occupation of Cyprus. In 1974 the Turks INVADED Cyprus and took over half the Island. They slaughter many Cypriots. To this day only the Turkish Whores recognize that Turkish Cyprus.

(4) The Ottoman Empire:-Years of violent persecution and oppression during the Ottoman Empire ocupation over the Arabian Pennesula. One of the most brutal and imperialistic regimes after the turn of the 1st millennia. They brutally and violently conquered the Balkans (hence why many Balkan countries are Islamic), Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. They pillaged, raped murdered and forced conversion on countless people. They ruled from 1299-1922. They are a prime force that kept the Middle East in the dark ages!

(5) RELGIOUS MINORITIES IN MODERN TURKEY: Violent Persecution over all religious minorties. There is a reason they are 99.83% Muslims. That is as close to 100% as you can get. Douche Bags will say they are secular. LAUGHABLE! Sorry, but you don't get nearly 100% of anything, especially when they was a long proud history of Christian and Jewish minority communities living in Turkey, without genocide, ethnic cleansing, oppression etc.


(6) Holocause Denying Nation: Imagine if the Germany denied the Holocaust it would be safe to say they would still be Nazis. Well the Turkish Whorish Government and People still deny the Aremian Holocaust, so what does that make them?
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The Spanish Expulsion, 1492
At midnight August 2, 1492, when Columbus embarked on what would become his most famous expedition to the New World, his fleet departed from the relatively unknown seaport of Palos because the shipping lanes of Cadiz and Seville were clogged with Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain by the Edict of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.

The Jews forced either to convert to Christianity or to "leave" the country under menace "they dare not return... not so much as to take a step on them not trespass upon them in any manner whatsoever" left their land, their property, their belongings all that was theirs and familiar to them rather than abandon their beliefs, their traditions, their heritage.

In the faraway Ottoman Empire, one ruler extended an immediate welcome to the persecuted Jews of Spain, the Sephardim. He was the Sultan Bayazid II....

Turks send ships to rescue Spanish Jews, today's Jews terrorize Turkish ships.
That Ass-Hole of a Sultan should have let the Spanish finish their Anti-Terorism measures against the Jewish terrorists.
Israel is still blockading missiles to gaza.

Turkey revealed themselves as a radical Islamic nation.

Big mistake.

I have no idea how much you get paid to make yourself look like a complete dumbass on a metronome basis but it's probably less than you've earned because the stoopidity oozing from your posts is volcanic.

LOL, pot calling the Kettle Black!

Israel has ALWAYS allowed tons upon tons of aid to flow into Gaza. The starving and suffering Gazans is a figment of leftist scum like you and the Muslim Propagandist minds.

They stated they are easing the land restrictions into Gaza, mainly because they missile attacks has nearly ceased, WHICH WAS DIRECTLY CAUSED BY CAST LEAD!!!

The naval embargo will continue. However, its hardly an embargo. An embargo doesn't allow anything in. Israel requires inspections (LIKE ANY SANE NATION WOULD DO) and then delivers the goods Gaza (like any sane nation at war wouldn't do)!
The Spanish Expulsion, 1492
At midnight August 2, 1492, when Columbus embarked on what would become his most famous expedition to the New World, his fleet departed from the relatively unknown seaport of Palos because the shipping lanes of Cadiz and Seville were clogged with Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain by the Edict of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.

The Jews forced either to convert to Christianity or to "leave" the country under menace "they dare not return... not so much as to take a step on them not trespass upon them in any manner whatsoever" left their land, their property, their belongings all that was theirs and familiar to them rather than abandon their beliefs, their traditions, their heritage.

In the faraway Ottoman Empire, one ruler extended an immediate welcome to the persecuted Jews of Spain, the Sephardim. He was the Sultan Bayazid II....

Turks send ships to rescue Spanish Jews, today's Jews terrorize Turkish ships.
That Ass-Hole of a Sultan should have let the Spanish finish their Anti-Terorism measures against the Jewish terrorists.

Was this before or after they murder 3 million Armenians? Was this before or after they occupied nearly the entire Arabia Pennsula with an Iran fist? Was this before or after they repressed the Kurds? Was this before or after the invasion and occupation of Cyprus? Was this before or after they ethnically cleansed all religious minorities to a tune of 99.83% of the country being Muslim?

all Turkish-Israeli agreements at the state level have been cancelled. In a statement made during a trip to South Korea, President Abdullah Gül said Turkey had prepared a roadmap on the issue of sanctions against Israel but noted that this would be announced by the government. The first signs that such a plan was in the works appeared on Monday in a Cabinet decision. The roadmap details a process through which Turkey will completely cut its ties with Israel and comprises several stages.

Turkey to freeze bilateral relations with Israel, excludes private sector

all Turkish-Israeli agreements at the state level have been cancelled. In a statement made during a trip to South Korea, President Abdullah Gül said Turkey had prepared a roadmap on the issue of sanctions against Israel but noted that this would be announced by the government. The first signs that such a plan was in the works appeared on Monday in a Cabinet decision. The roadmap details a process through which Turkey will completely cut its ties with Israel and comprises several stages.

Turkey to freeze bilateral relations with Israel, excludes private sector

Not a good way to get into the EU! A good way to get kicked out of NATO!

You might cheer this, but Israel has been boycott by bigger and bader places and has only thrived into one of the most successful countries (economically) in the world. The Turkish whores will suffer a ton more than Israel. Remember the Turkish Whores don't have oil. The Persians and Arabs do, that is why the west cares about them.

Have fun dealing with an opening of the Armenian Holocaust and BY GOD finally international recognition for what it was. The Kurdish oppression issue will hit the forefront, sorry Turkish Whores your not needed for Iraq anymore. So sorry! And hopefully justice will come to Cyprus and the Turkish occupation will end!
Was this before or after they murder 3 million Armenians? Was this before or after they occupied nearly the entire Arabia Pennsula with an Iran fist? Was this before or after they repressed the Kurds? Was this before or after the invasion and occupation of Cyprus? Was this before or after they ethnically cleansed all religious minorities to a tune of 99.83% of the country being Muslim?

78 pct of Israelis view Turkey as enemy: poll
France24 - 78 pct of Israelis view Turkey as enemy: poll

Instead sending ships to carry Spanish Jews to Turkey, Sultan should have send canons to Ferdinand of Spain to get the job actually done.
That is my standpoint regarding the likes of you as of lately.
See any real basis for discussion here?
Not a good way to get into the EU! A good way to get kicked out of NATO!

Yes, we know it already.
USA kicks countries out of NATO, USA is most loved country, USA dictates dynamics of world like in pre-Bush era and noone makes a move without checking with the Americans.
Off course the Europeans with their 100 Billion € trade with Turkey, their energy supplies partly through Turkey and multi-faceted interest-based relations with Turkey, will follow the Israelian kind of World System that is the essential argument you are trying to paint here.

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