Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who were risking their lives for the US just last week..


I thanked you for your message but it was really me thanking you for your service.

God bless you and all who served before, with and after you who fought for, and some gave their life to defend, this crazy ass nation of ours.

Trump said today that he does not want more dead American soldiers coming home in flag draped coffins. Soldiers that were fighting somebody else's wars for them.

I would like to see all the fighting in the Middle East stop but that ain't gonna happen. It has been going on for thousands of years and will continue. All we are going to do is get Americans killed and nothing much will change. Thank god Trump understands that.

I am glad we have a President that is looking after American interest for a change. God bless Trump.

There is no excuse for a man who calls himself intelligent to wave a green flag at a brutal friend of Putin. The one person who is happy is Putin.

When will the videos of bloody Kurd civilians appear? trump should be ashamed......

There was no reason for Crooked Hillary to get filthy ass rich shaking down foreign counties for money to her money laundering operation but I bet that didn't stop you from voting for the bitch, did it?

There was also no reason for that dimwit Obama to give away the store to the everybody and their little brown dog but that didn't stop you from voting for the sonofabitch, did it?

Glad to see you confused Libtards joining the Neocons to justify interventionism. Just another example of why you Moon Bats are crazy as hell. Is it the TDS mental illness that is making you that way? Usually you would be bitching about the Neocons. Confused you are.

Do you also beat your meat for Hillary?
Trump has no properties in Turkey that he cares more for than kurdish lives who fought side by side us ?
I have said this for years, we have no business in the Middle East. We have no business anywhere in the world but here.

Why are we risking young American men and women? There is nothing to gain, let the world police themselves and stop interfering in other countries.
yes Just let Russia take over 9/10 of the world
Where’s the UN?

"Beware of foreign entanglements"--Geprge Washington

TDS afflicted Moon Bats and Neocons, both ignoring that advice.
Asking Russia Ukraine and China for help doesn't fall into Washingtons advice ??
Where’s your precious UN?
How many years did we listen to these assholes talking UN everyday? Now we don’t need them for what they’re for? Too much

They certainly don't exist for unilateral UN occupations or to fight one of its founding members' armies on the battlefield. What is with you parroting this goofy talking point 50 times? Shaddupp already, jackass.
Behold... the Russian foreign minister, handling Trump like a little rag doll:

"...On Wednesday, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said he still did not believe that Trump would follow through on his announcement to withdraw US forces. "Donald Trump has indeed stated many times that he will withdraw his troops from Syria and from other countries. Then actual doers put brakes on this. I do not exclude that we are now observing something similar," Lavrov said at an event in the Kazakh capital Nur-Sultan..." - CNN
It’s interesting that folks here think our troops have no business in Syria, yet some of y’all are cool either he idea of Trump sending Troops to protect Saudi from the scary boogeyman Iranians.
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

OP is a complete lie. Turkey is not “attacking the Kurds”.

Turkey is now attacking the Kurds. The whole world knew that is what going to happen.
Except Trump and you.
It’s interesting that folks here think our troops have no business in Syria, yet some of y’all are cool either he idea of Trump sending Troops to protect Saudi from the scary boogeyman Iranians.

Why do we need to go to Saudi Arabia, we need to bring the kids home.
Turkey is not going to take over or smash anything
learn some history
----it's like Beirut/etc --we were accomplishing NOTHING
..also like using force in Somalia-accomplished nothing politically/etc
..also Vietnam

I've been pretty supportive of Trump but I dont like this move. Historically speaking the Turks are some real shit bags. Genocide against the Armenians and other ethnic groups. The Kurds were our boots on the ground so we didnt need to send troops over there That saved American lives, and it wouldn't have killed us to at least secure an agreement with Turkey to hold them to, before pulling out, if thats what we have to do.
The sudden move is pretty bad... sends a bad signal to anyone we need to work with us in the future, and simply..being faithful and honorable to people who have been our friend is the right thing to do. The kurds are one of the most tolerant people in the ME, probably do to all the suffering they have gone through. They dont deserve this. I hope Trump will change his mind.
are we supposed to stay there forever? as people wanted us to in Vietnam?

But you don’t have a problem Trump sending troops to Saudi Arabia to babysit.

The number of US troops in Syria is less than 100 as special operations. Its a small number but it’s a heck of a pay for an allies that helped us fight the ISIS.
Just trump throwing more people under the bus.....he is a proud coward with bone spurs.....even though he forgot which foot it was on....

And trumpettes lap up the lies....they gobble up horse shit....

Can’t wait to hear Democrat candidates running on the warmonger platform, that we “must do something” about it.

Can't wait to start seeing the news reports of the atrocities that trump has allowed to occur in northern Syria.

Yup....trump proved he is a coward when he allowed the Turkish president to beat him to death....what a Weeny

We know, you rejoice when bad things happen, that is why you are scum.
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Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

OP is a complete lie. Turkey is not “attacking the Kurds”.

Turkey is now attacking the Kurds. The whole world knew that is what going to happen.
Except Trump and you.

So, what do you want done? Attack our NATO “ally”?
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

OP is a complete lie. Turkey is not “attacking the Kurds”.

Turkey is now attacking the Kurds. The whole world knew that is what going to happen.
Except Trump and you.

So, what do you want done? Attack our NATO “ally”?

"attack"------NAH!!! we shall call it PROTECT THE KURDS
I sound like a child? We have kids coming home in body bags and you believe it is worth it.
Well, I'm only eating the meal the prison offers me, in a way. I would try to get out of those conflicts by becoming less dependent on the region in general. Not by plucking this sentiment out of my "everything sucks!" hat to cover for this garbage move by Trump. I agree we should not have become virtually unilaterally entangled in the first place (save for aour allies, the Kurds).

Alternatively, i think the entire civilized world should line up to eradicate ISIS, the Taliban, Assad and his chemical army, and the freaks in Somalia.

The world will not line up to eradicate any of them. The world will line up behind us and want us to take the risk. The rest of the world wants us to take the risk and deaths and then bitch how we interfere.
I think the left is just infuriated that President Trump has kept his promise of not getting us involved in any stupid wars, and that they cannot label him a warmonger.
I sound like a child? We have kids coming home in body bags and you believe it is worth it.
Well, I'm only eating the meal the prison offers me, in a way. I would try to get out of those conflicts by becoming less dependent on the region in general. Not by plucking this sentiment out of my "everything sucks!" hat to cover for this garbage move by Trump. I agree we should not have become virtually unilaterally entangled in the first place (save for aour allies, the Kurds).

Alternatively, i think the entire civilized world should line up to eradicate ISIS, the Taliban, Assad and his chemical army, and the freaks in Somalia.

The world will not line up to eradicate any of them. The world will line up behind us and want us to take the risk. The rest of the world wants us to take the risk and deaths and then bitch how we interfere.
Well of course. People are people. Let the rich guy pay. So he does.
Sorry, but Trump is right....ONE young American life is worth more than a 1000 muslims that have been at war with each other for centuries....and withdrawing 150 of our military from the North is certainly not having us leave Syria.....I would have liked to have seen us leave a few HUNDRED anti-Aircraft missiles as Turkey might be a NATO member but I remember having them turn down our request to fly over Turkey in the Gulf War, so as far as I'm concerned the Kurds could kill thousands of Turks and it would be a good day!

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