Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who were risking their lives for the US just last week..

Yeah - that's a great position to take. Let's not try and do better. Let's just say we're justified because the other guy did it too.
LOOK, Katnip, take your holier than thou attitude and STICK IT. Where were you 10 - 15 years ago? I can't wait until the next Dem president is in office doing THE EXACT SAME THING to hear the pin drop.

Had Trump pulled out as the Left have bitched for him to do for years and Turkey not done a thing, you'd still bitch. Just last week another person here bitched that we had no business there, we were doing no good. When Obama pulled out of Iraq several years ago, ISIS swooped in. That Turkey is doing what they are doing is TURKEY'S PROBLEM, bitch to them. We are not the policemen of the world.

Trying to insult me shows how little you know me. shrug

What's also clear is that you would rather deflect and focus on what you think my political leanings are rather than address the point I was making.

The world is connected whether we like it or not. It's foolish to think that problems will remain regional. I agree we cannot police the world but we do have a role to play that is critical to our own national security.
what does this mean if not to shame someone? there's is no argument in that post, it's worse than calling someone an insult. what a tool. wish to argue, post a thought.

Yeah - that's a great position to take. Let's not try and do better. Let's just say we're justified because the other guy did it too.

My post is as solid an argument as his/her post. When you have to support your position by claiming so and so did it too, or whatabout X, that tells me there is no legitimate defense.

Truth be told, any American that thinks this decision was a good one doesn't understand our foreign policy or our national security challenges. So......yeah, I guess it was a thinly veiled insult.
"doesn't understand our foreign policy"
Enlighten me. Why did we invade Iraq again?

Because Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction which triggered instability in that region. There was no reason for the US to go into Iraq. The administration viewed it as a low hanging fruit and a quick win to sell to the american people.

The US involvement in a number of countries has been a mistake but once you break it you buy it. If we're going to go in somewhere and fuck it up then we have a responsibility to try and restabilize it. That's common sense.
Those kurds have always been targets, either syria, Iraq or Turkey. The US will still protect a large area of Syria held by the Kurds.

Yes, they are our allies, however parts of their organization also fight against Turkey, one of our other allies, one we have relations with via NATO.

Should we go to war with Turkey over the Kurds?

If it comes to that, we should. Of course, there are ways to Bring Turkey to heal without going to war. Economic Sanctions, suspension from NATO, etc.

Fun to watch the Right Wing Warmongers turn into a bunch of hippies when their Orange Man wants to sell out an ally.

Yet harder economic sanctions are "bad" when applied to Iran. Again, you would bitch about whatever Trump did.

Your views on this are worthless.

There is no way in hell that you can tell us this is good Trump policy.

We have to see the outcome. Trump has always been a "get the Troops out" guy by thought. And I think that mostly revolves around boots on the ground, he seems like a guy OK with bombing or missiling the shit out of anyone that looks at us sideways.
Turkey begins military offensive in Syria, Erdogan announces

Turkey begins military offensive into Syria after US pulled back troops - CNNPolitics

trump will be remembered as the spineless coward who turned his back on our allies....the Kurds....

This is just horrible. I want our troops out of the Middle East but not at the expense of the lives of those who did most of the fighting against isis.

I believe he did this for his own personal financial benefit. He has a trump towers in Turkey. I'm sure that pressure was put on him by Turkey using those towers.

trump put himself before the nation. Again.

So we should go to war with Turkey?

The Turks were going to move. The 50-100 US troops in the zone they want to control were not going to stop them.

Well, I dont think we needed to go to war with Turkey. All we really needed to do was stay put. It's not like that was a hot spot. In the last 5 years we lost 6 soldiers in the region while the Kurds lost 11,000 because they were the ones on the offensive.... for themselves yes, but also for us. It isnt telling the true story if people try to say the Kurds were only fighting for themselves, they knew they were also fighting for our objectives and at least, THEY thought that they were our ally.
If we had simply stayed put, was Turkey going to bomb us? I don't think so. I think there are many other places we could have brought troops home from Around the world, that would have had less a devastating effect on a population. I think it just wasnt the time to bring out troops yet..... at least not without attempting some negotiations first. Something to hold Erdogon to.
I don't believe Erdogon has real proof that the Kurds he's bombing now were PKK, the bombing was unprovoked and the Turks are really taking advantage of a situation and I think Trump really made a mistake here by not valuing the ally that the Kurds are to us.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
I was all for Iran and Afghanistan until I found out we weren't there to win but to invade, to engage in a politically correct war. I see no reason to put American lives at risk for no real reason. I have been consistent in my criticism with us being over there. If we are not there to win, we have no business being there. I am not sure if I posted my disagreement with sending troops to protect the Saudis or not.

RIGHT NOW you have McConnell and Pelosi agreeing ,,,You have Sanders and Graham agreeing IF those 4 can agree who are you to tell them they're wrong?? Kurds are our Ally,,,,,,,Generals are speaking out and the moron in our wh has a bloodbath on his hands
Listen you bucket of cold dog vomit, you want to die for God's Chosen People in God's Chosen Bloodbath have at it. Leave decent people out of it, warmonger.
Once again, with all that's going on in the ME, you choose to only single out the only democracy in the region with your never ending Jew hatred
The reason we are in the "ME", Shlomo, is because we suffer the misfortune of being run for the benefit of the Jews, which means, in fact, slaughter and mayhem from the neighbors of the most murderous and violent people to ever walk the earth.
Get thee behind me satan

There's a JEW behind every conspiracy

Short of a conspiracy theory? You can always blame the Jews | David Baddiel
Kurshner?? and his wife Ivanka ??I agree
it's amazing how many idiots like Jimhack care about the Kurds now that they can be used to bash Trump.

The Kurds weren't in any danger before Trump started selling them out.

It impresses me that all you warmongers who supported Bush no matter how many times he lied and denounced Obama when he got us out of Iraq have all turned into a bunch of hippies when your Orange Fuhrer sells out our only ally.

the Kurds have been in danger for more than 1000 years-----which is why they live
up in them thar hills

Fighting Turkey’s military might are no match for these Kurds. Oh they will fight alright that I can guarantee......... but they will get slaughtered.

Then what? Will you support sanctions against Turkey? Kicking them out of NATO? War?

Hawk. Sanctions against Turkey, kicking out of NATO and war? What the hell are you talking about?

That is heck of a pay. To just leave less than 100 us troops in that area.

And if Turkey moved anyway and some of them died, you would have bitched and moaned about how Trump left out troops there to die.
Pap maybe I missed it but can you show us the post you wrote blasting Trump for sending troops to protect the Saudis from Iranians?

I was all for Iran and Afghanistan until I found out we weren't there to win but to invade, to engage in a politically correct war. I see no reason to put American lives at risk for no real reason. I have been consistent in my criticism with us being over there. If we are not there to win, we have no business being there. I am not sure if I posted my disagreement with sending troops to protect the Saudis or not.

RIGHT NOW you have McConnell and Pelosi agreeing ,,,You have Sanders and Graham agreeing IF those 4 can agree who are you to tell them they're wrong?? Kurds are our Ally,,,,,,,Generals are speaking out and the moron in our wh has a bloodbath on his hands
Listen you bucket of cold dog vomit, you want to die for God's Chosen People in God's Chosen Bloodbath have at it. Leave decent people out of it, warmonger.
Once again, with all that's going on in the ME, you choose to only single out the only democracy in the region with your never ending Jew hatred
The reason we are in the "ME", Shlomo, is because we suffer the misfortune of being run for the benefit of the Jews, which means, in fact, slaughter and mayhem from the neighbors of the most murderous and violent people to ever walk the earth.
Damn Ivanka and her husband
LOOK, Katnip, take your holier than thou attitude and STICK IT. Where were you 10 - 15 years ago? I can't wait until the next Dem president is in office doing THE EXACT SAME THING to hear the pin drop.

Had Trump pulled out as the Left have bitched for him to do for years and Turkey not done a thing, you'd still bitch. Just last week another person here bitched that we had no business there, we were doing no good. When Obama pulled out of Iraq several years ago, ISIS swooped in. That Turkey is doing what they are doing is TURKEY'S PROBLEM, bitch to them. We are not the policemen of the world.

Trying to insult me shows how little you know me. shrug

What's also clear is that you would rather deflect and focus on what you think my political leanings are rather than address the point I was making.

The world is connected whether we like it or not. It's foolish to think that problems will remain regional. I agree we cannot police the world but we do have a role to play that is critical to our own national security.
what does this mean if not to shame someone? there's is no argument in that post, it's worse than calling someone an insult. what a tool. wish to argue, post a thought.

Yeah - that's a great position to take. Let's not try and do better. Let's just say we're justified because the other guy did it too.

My post is as solid an argument as his/her post. When you have to support your position by claiming so and so did it too, or whatabout X, that tells me there is no legitimate defense.

Truth be told, any American that thinks this decision was a good one doesn't understand our foreign policy or our national security challenges. So......yeah, I guess it was a thinly veiled insult.
"doesn't understand our foreign policy"
Enlighten me. Why did we invade Iraq again?

Because Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction which triggered instability in that region. There was no reason for the US to go into Iraq. The administration viewed it as a low hanging fruit and a quick win to sell to the american people.

The US involvement in a number of countries has been a mistake but once you break it you buy it. If we're going to go in somewhere and fuck it up then we have a responsibility to try and restabilize it. That's common sense.

This is not true, although watching too much MSM a decade or so ago you would have thought it was.

We did find WMD in Iraq. WMD Saddam had not declared.


5000 chemical warheads were found scattered around Iraq. Maybe in your mind 5000 warheads was "nothing" but me that's very much "something."

Bush has long been vindicated for going into Iraq. Even the New York Slimes has admitted that. Now we just wait for the slow liberals to catch up.
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The Kurds weren't in any danger before Trump started selling them out.

It impresses me that all you warmongers who supported Bush no matter how many times he lied and denounced Obama when he got us out of Iraq have all turned into a bunch of hippies when your Orange Fuhrer sells out our only ally.

the Kurds have been in danger for more than 1000 years-----which is why they live
up in them thar hills

Fighting Turkey’s military might are no match for these Kurds. Oh they will fight alright that I can guarantee......... but they will get slaughtered.

Then what? Will you support sanctions against Turkey? Kicking them out of NATO? War?

Hawk. Sanctions against Turkey, kicking out of NATO and war? What the hell are you talking about?

That is heck of a pay. To just leave less than 100 us troops in that area.

And if Turkey moved anyway and some of them died, you would have bitched and moaned about how Trump left out troops there to die.
But they weren't moving UNTIL Trump opened his yapper
Pap maybe I missed it but can you show us the post you wrote blasting Trump for sending troops to protect the Saudis from Iranians?

I was all for Iran and Afghanistan until I found out we weren't there to win but to invade, to engage in a politically correct war. I see no reason to put American lives at risk for no real reason. I have been consistent in my criticism with us being over there. If we are not there to win, we have no business being there. I am not sure if I posted my disagreement with sending troops to protect the Saudis or not.

RIGHT NOW you have McConnell and Pelosi agreeing ,,,You have Sanders and Graham agreeing IF those 4 can agree who are you to tell them they're wrong?? Kurds are our Ally,,,,,,,Generals are speaking out and the moron in our wh has a bloodbath on his hands
Listen you bucket of cold dog vomit, you want to die for God's Chosen People in God's Chosen Bloodbath have at it. Leave decent people out of it, warmonger.
Once again, with all that's going on in the ME, you choose to only single out the only democracy in the region with your never ending Jew hatred
The reason we are in the "ME", Shlomo, is because we suffer the misfortune of being run for the benefit of the Jews, which means, in fact, slaughter and mayhem from the neighbors of the most murderous and violent people to ever walk the earth.
Be very careful juice I'm one of those violent people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
This is just horrible. I want our troops out of the Middle East but not at the expense of the lives of those who did most of the fighting against isis.

I believe he did this for his own personal financial benefit. He has a trump towers in Turkey. I'm sure that pressure was put on him by Turkey using those towers.

trump put himself before the nation. Again.

So we should go to war with Turkey?

The Turks were going to move. The 50-100 US troops in the zone they want to control were not going to stop them.

Well, I dont think we needed to go to war with Turkey. All we really needed to do was stay put. It's not like that was a hot spot. In the last 5 years we lost 6 soldiers in the region while the Kurds lost 11,000 because they were the ones on the offensive.... for themselves yes, but also for us. It isnt telling the true story if people try to say the Kurds were only fighting for themselves, they knew they were also fighting for our objectives and at least, THEY thought that they were our ally.
If we had simply stayed put, was Turkey going to bomb us? I don't think so. I think there are many other places we could have brought troops home from Around the world, that would have had less a devastating effect on a population. I think it just wasnt the time to bring out troops yet..... at least not without attempting some negotiations first. Something to hold Erdogon to.
I don't believe Erdogon has real proof that the Kurds he's bombing now were PKK, the bombing was unprovoked and the Turks are really taking advantage of a situation and I think Trump really made a mistake here by not valuing the ally that the Kurds are to us.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops
So we should go to war with Turkey?

The Turks were going to move. The 50-100 US troops in the zone they want to control were not going to stop them.

Well, I dont think we needed to go to war with Turkey. All we really needed to do was stay put. It's not like that was a hot spot. In the last 5 years we lost 6 soldiers in the region while the Kurds lost 11,000 because they were the ones on the offensive.... for themselves yes, but also for us. It isnt telling the true story if people try to say the Kurds were only fighting for themselves, they knew they were also fighting for our objectives and at least, THEY thought that they were our ally.
If we had simply stayed put, was Turkey going to bomb us? I don't think so. I think there are many other places we could have brought troops home from Around the world, that would have had less a devastating effect on a population. I think it just wasnt the time to bring out troops yet..... at least not without attempting some negotiations first. Something to hold Erdogon to.
I don't believe Erdogon has real proof that the Kurds he's bombing now were PKK, the bombing was unprovoked and the Turks are really taking advantage of a situation and I think Trump really made a mistake here by not valuing the ally that the Kurds are to us.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops
Yes and imho Trump is responsible for all the murder and mayhem there ......and all the republican dunces here bow their heads and ask for another
Well, I dont think we needed to go to war with Turkey. All we really needed to do was stay put. It's not like that was a hot spot. In the last 5 years we lost 6 soldiers in the region while the Kurds lost 11,000 because they were the ones on the offensive.... for themselves yes, but also for us. It isnt telling the true story if people try to say the Kurds were only fighting for themselves, they knew they were also fighting for our objectives and at least, THEY thought that they were our ally.
If we had simply stayed put, was Turkey going to bomb us? I don't think so. I think there are many other places we could have brought troops home from Around the world, that would have had less a devastating effect on a population. I think it just wasnt the time to bring out troops yet..... at least not without attempting some negotiations first. Something to hold Erdogon to.
I don't believe Erdogon has real proof that the Kurds he's bombing now were PKK, the bombing was unprovoked and the Turks are really taking advantage of a situation and I think Trump really made a mistake here by not valuing the ally that the Kurds are to us.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops
Yes and imho Trump is responsible for all the murder and mayhem there ......and all the republican dunces here bow their heads and ask for another
he is solely responsible, because he acted alone, and did not seek the advise of his advisors in his cabinet, or in the National Security agency/counsil, or Military intelligence, nor Military generals or Allied partners....
Last edited:
The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops
Yes and imho Trump is responsible for all the murder and mayhem there ......and all the republican dunces here bow their heads and ask for another
he is solely responsible, because he acted alone, and did not seek the advise of his advisors in his cabinet, or in the National Security agency/counsil, or Military intelligence, nor Military generals or Allied partners....

Um he was elected to make tough decisions. He ran on getting us the fuck out of the ME. He's doing just that. Why are you libtards such warmongers? You were against the ME war when it was Bush and bitched for years about it, but when Obama gets us into Syria that's perfectly fine. Then Trump wants to start getting us the fuck out you bitch about that?

Do you want Americans to die in the ME or not? And by all means, nothing is stopping you from taking up arms and going fight with the Kurds. If you won't do it, then STFU.
the Kurds have been in danger for more than 1000 years-----which is why they live
up in them thar hills

Fighting Turkey’s military might are no match for these Kurds. Oh they will fight alright that I can guarantee......... but they will get slaughtered.

Then what? Will you support sanctions against Turkey? Kicking them out of NATO? War?

Hawk. Sanctions against Turkey, kicking out of NATO and war? What the hell are you talking about?

That is heck of a pay. To just leave less than 100 us troops in that area.

And if Turkey moved anyway and some of them died, you would have bitched and moaned about how Trump left out troops there to die.
But they weren't moving UNTIL Trump opened his yapper

Yes, because you have access to high level communications between world leaders.

There is a difference between what we know, and what happened.
So we should go to war with Turkey?

The Turks were going to move. The 50-100 US troops in the zone they want to control were not going to stop them.

Well, I dont think we needed to go to war with Turkey. All we really needed to do was stay put. It's not like that was a hot spot. In the last 5 years we lost 6 soldiers in the region while the Kurds lost 11,000 because they were the ones on the offensive.... for themselves yes, but also for us. It isnt telling the true story if people try to say the Kurds were only fighting for themselves, they knew they were also fighting for our objectives and at least, THEY thought that they were our ally.
If we had simply stayed put, was Turkey going to bomb us? I don't think so. I think there are many other places we could have brought troops home from Around the world, that would have had less a devastating effect on a population. I think it just wasnt the time to bring out troops yet..... at least not without attempting some negotiations first. Something to hold Erdogon to.
I don't believe Erdogon has real proof that the Kurds he's bombing now were PKK, the bombing was unprovoked and the Turks are really taking advantage of a situation and I think Trump really made a mistake here by not valuing the ally that the Kurds are to us.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops

So Trump gave an explicit "OK?"

Or they didn't move because the Kurd thing has been escalating where it has now gotten to a point they had to take action.
Well, I dont think we needed to go to war with Turkey. All we really needed to do was stay put. It's not like that was a hot spot. In the last 5 years we lost 6 soldiers in the region while the Kurds lost 11,000 because they were the ones on the offensive.... for themselves yes, but also for us. It isnt telling the true story if people try to say the Kurds were only fighting for themselves, they knew they were also fighting for our objectives and at least, THEY thought that they were our ally.
If we had simply stayed put, was Turkey going to bomb us? I don't think so. I think there are many other places we could have brought troops home from Around the world, that would have had less a devastating effect on a population. I think it just wasnt the time to bring out troops yet..... at least not without attempting some negotiations first. Something to hold Erdogon to.
I don't believe Erdogon has real proof that the Kurds he's bombing now were PKK, the bombing was unprovoked and the Turks are really taking advantage of a situation and I think Trump really made a mistake here by not valuing the ally that the Kurds are to us.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops
Yes and imho Trump is responsible for all the murder and mayhem there ......and all the republican dunces here bow their heads and ask for another

Amazing your concern for the Kurds has all of a sudden materialized because you think you can hurt Trump with it.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops
Yes and imho Trump is responsible for all the murder and mayhem there ......and all the republican dunces here bow their heads and ask for another
he is solely responsible, because he acted alone, and did not seek the advise of his advisors in his cabinet, or in the National Security agency/counsil, or Military intelligence, nor Military generals or Allied partners....

According to the Press......

Well, I dont think we needed to go to war with Turkey. All we really needed to do was stay put. It's not like that was a hot spot. In the last 5 years we lost 6 soldiers in the region while the Kurds lost 11,000 because they were the ones on the offensive.... for themselves yes, but also for us. It isnt telling the true story if people try to say the Kurds were only fighting for themselves, they knew they were also fighting for our objectives and at least, THEY thought that they were our ally.
If we had simply stayed put, was Turkey going to bomb us? I don't think so. I think there are many other places we could have brought troops home from Around the world, that would have had less a devastating effect on a population. I think it just wasnt the time to bring out troops yet..... at least not without attempting some negotiations first. Something to hold Erdogon to.
I don't believe Erdogon has real proof that the Kurds he's bombing now were PKK, the bombing was unprovoked and the Turks are really taking advantage of a situation and I think Trump really made a mistake here by not valuing the ally that the Kurds are to us.

The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops

So Trump gave an explicit "OK?"

Or they didn't move because the Kurd thing has been escalating where it has now gotten to a point they had to take action.
Trump gave the OK, thru his announcement of pulling out, with absolutely no planned exit strategy or notice to military or allies, to prevent this from happening...

it was reckless and a dereliction of duty imo.
The problem is the Kurd's overall goal, a united Kurdistan will require Turkey, Iraq and Syria to give up substantial territory.

It's amazing that for decades we have used Kurds for our own purposes, playing lip service to their desire for a homeland, but now, all of a sudden, when it can hurt Trump, people really start caring about them?

Because leaving US troops of less than 100 in that area doesn’t hurt. They are not in danger.

But abandoning the area for no good excuse is just a worthless garbage pile of cow dung policy.

They would have been in danger if Turkey moved anyway, and it would also have created the chance of an international incident.
turkey didn't move in, until Trump gave them the OK to move in.... turkey has not moved in the past several years, because they could not take chances that they would harm U S Troops

So Trump gave an explicit "OK?"

Or they didn't move because the Kurd thing has been escalating where it has now gotten to a point they had to take action.
Trump gave the OK, thru his announcement of pulling out, with absolutely no planned exit strategy or notice to military or allies, to prevent this from happening...

it was reckless and a dereliction of duty imo.

So what was our original exit Strategy in Syria?

What is our overall end game with the Kurds and their desire for a State carved out of parts of 3 others?

Amazing that NOW you want an endgame....

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