Turkey sends 634 aid vehicles to Kobani


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It was gratifying to read that Turkey has been sending some aid to the Kobani region. The civilians are no doubt very appreciative for this. Now if they can only help the people militarily.

Turkey sends 634 aid vehicles to Kobani
10 October 2014 22:36 (Last updated 10 October 2014 22:37)
The total amount of aid, including food, medicine, tents, clothes and cleaning supplies delivered to Kobani region cost around $10 million.


The Turkish government has sent 634 vehicles of humanitarian aid to the Syrian town of Kobani since September 19, the prime ministrery said Friday.

"The total amount of aid, including food, medicine, tents, clothes and cleaning supplies delivered to Kobani region cost around $10 million," the office said in a statement.

Kobani, also known as Ayn al-Arab, has been a scene of fierce battles between the Kurdish groups and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or the ISIL since mid-September.

The statement said Turkey started to deliver humanitarian assistance to the war-torn Syria in August of 2012. More than 190,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the Syrian civil war.

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Turkey sends 634 aid vehicles to Kobani Anadolu Agency?
It was gratifying to read that Turkey has been sending some aid to the Kobani region. The civilians are no doubt very appreciative for this. Now if they can only help the people militarily.

Turkey sends 634 aid vehicles to Kobani
10 October 2014 22:36 (Last updated 10 October 2014 22:37)
The total amount of aid, including food, medicine, tents, clothes and cleaning supplies delivered to Kobani region cost around $10 million.


The Turkish government has sent 634 vehicles of humanitarian aid to the Syrian town of Kobani since September 19, the prime ministrery said Friday.

"The total amount of aid, including food, medicine, tents, clothes and cleaning supplies delivered to Kobani region cost around $10 million," the office said in a statement.

Kobani, also known as Ayn al-Arab, has been a scene of fierce battles between the Kurdish groups and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or the ISIL since mid-September.

The statement said Turkey started to deliver humanitarian assistance to the war-torn Syria in August of 2012. More than 190,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the Syrian civil war.

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Turkey sends 634 aid vehicles to Kobani Anadolu Agency?

Turkey was part of starting all this shit. It's documented that they wanted Assad gone and have given aid to ISIS and other so called rebels aka terrorist organizations.

I hope Assad is watching a big screen tv tonight. I hope he is thrilled that Turkey is now forced to deal with the monsters they created.
Why should the Turks save a bunch of Kurds who are only going to turn on them later?
Turkey doesn't want to save the Kurds.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A secret decision apparently has been made by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and even Iran to let the strategic Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani on the Turkish-Syrian border fall to ISIS fighters, jeopardizing the lives of some 160,000 Syrian Kurds, WND has been told by a well-placed Middle East expert.

In letting Kobani fall to ISIS, the source said, there was agreement “to deal with ISIS later.”

The apparent decision aims to diminish the influence of the Kurds in Syria and weaken the prospect of creating a sovereign Kurdistan, which is sought by the Kurds not only in Syria, but in Turkey, Iran and Iraq..

“It is a real set up behind the backs of everyone,” the well-placed source told WND.

Source Secret deal could doom 160 000 to ISIS
The Turks don't like the Kurds, and consider them a terrorist threat to their nation. If the Turks were to get into it, you'd have to wonder who they would be shooting at. ISIS, the Kurds, or both.

This is just them throwing some food in their without taking a position against ISIS. They appear to have no problem with ISIS taking out the Kurds as they don't like them. They have sufficient armor and troops on that border to already to walk over ISIS any time they choose to do so.
The Turks don't like the Kurds, and consider them a terrorist threat to their nation. If the Turks were to get into it, you'd have to wonder who they would be shooting at. ISIS, the Kurds, or both.

This is just them throwing some food in their without taking a position against ISIS. They appear to have no problem with ISIS taking out the Kurds as they don't like them. They have sufficient armor and troops on that border to already to walk over ISIS any time they choose to do so.

But what's the good reason for them to do so?

ISIL is not attacking Turkey. The Kurds- namely the PKK are.

It's like the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".
The Turks don't like the Kurds, and consider them a terrorist threat to their nation. If the Turks were to get into it, you'd have to wonder who they would be shooting at. ISIS, the Kurds, or both.

This is just them throwing some food in their without taking a position against ISIS. They appear to have no problem with ISIS taking out the Kurds as they don't like them. They have sufficient armor and troops on that border to already to walk over ISIS any time they choose to do so.

But what's the good reason for them to do so?

ISIL is not attacking Turkey. The Kurds- namely the PKK are.

It's like the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Because what country wants a group like ISIL on their border?
The Turks don't like the Kurds, and consider them a terrorist threat to their nation. If the Turks were to get into it, you'd have to wonder who they would be shooting at. ISIS, the Kurds, or both.

This is just them throwing some food in their without taking a position against ISIS. They appear to have no problem with ISIS taking out the Kurds as they don't like them. They have sufficient armor and troops on that border to already to walk over ISIS any time they choose to do so.

But what's the good reason for them to do so?

ISIL is not attacking Turkey. The Kurds- namely the PKK are.

It's like the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Because what country wants a group like ISIL on their border?

Well, the Jordanians, Saudis and Turks, who really had no problem with ISIL keeping the Shi'ites, Kurds and Alawites in check.

They were all supporting ISIL covertly until we told them to knock it off.

Here's the better question- Why is this series of groups fighting over who a Magic Fairy In the Sky loves best really any of our problem?
The Turks don't like the Kurds, and consider them a terrorist threat to their nation. If the Turks were to get into it, you'd have to wonder who they would be shooting at. ISIS, the Kurds, or both.

This is just them throwing some food in their without taking a position against ISIS. They appear to have no problem with ISIS taking out the Kurds as they don't like them. They have sufficient armor and troops on that border to already to walk over ISIS any time they choose to do so.

But what's the good reason for them to do so?

ISIL is not attacking Turkey. The Kurds- namely the PKK are.

It's like the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Because what country wants a group like ISIL on their border?

Well, the Jordanians, Saudis and Turks, who really had no problem with ISIL keeping the Shi'ites, Kurds and Alawites in check.

They were all supporting ISIL covertly until we told them to knock it off.

Here's the better question- Why is this series of groups fighting over who a Magic Fairy In the Sky loves best really any of our problem?

What ?? When were any of those countries supporting ISIL ??

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