Turkey shoots down Russian jet for violating its' air space.

Why is Russia bombing ethnic Turks living on the border and wanting to be annexed to Turkey? Putin says Russia has a right to protect and support ethnic Russians living on the border in Ukraine, even to the point of providing sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles to rebels who used it to shoot down a commercial aircraft with 298 people. Maybe Turkey was pissed off at Russia for bombing Turks while claiming to be bombing ISIS. Maybe after giving the Russians fair warning they took an opportunity to send Putin a message.
OK. Why then was to sign a cooperation agreement?
Turkey didn't sign anything giving Russia permission to enter or threaten to enter Turkey.
but they bombed civilian Turkmen villages and this could lead to serious consequences
You mean it? =)))

Doesn't seem to be a problem taking out those oil tanker trucks. US took out several hundred more yesterday.

Turkey defends itself.

What does it mean?
Why it does not protect itself from terrorists?

Near the border there is a war.
Terrorists execute children. cut off a head.

But Turkey does not feel threatened?

But, the plane - is a threat?
Dont you think it strange?

It's like to shoot a policeman because the police stepped on my foot when detained an armed criminal.

Nah..... They should shoot them as they landed to the ground.
Yeah, you prefer dead white Russians to dead brown ISIS, I guess, you fool.

Dude. Russia is the far the biggest direct threat to America that you support. Russia had been warned many times about Turkeys airspace.
An important detail.
Where was the plane? Was he on the territory of Turkey.

It is a zone of military operations and our military know for sure where the plane was. And they have all the evidence.

Putin said that the plane was on the territory of Syria.
It seems that he is sure
Well....depends if Russia wants revenge on Turkey.

Oh....and Turkey is in NATO. Meaning Obama is obligated to defend them if they enter a conflict with Russia.

Remember....President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton allowed the situation over there to deteriorate to this. When they raised their hand and said they wanted to be the most powerful 2 people on Earth....this responsibility came with it.
We are about to go into WW3 and we have Obama leading the charge. We are fucked and Russia will have their revenge.

We are not going to to WW3 just because 2 Russian thugs. Sorry to disappoint you that your fantasy of apocalypse will not happen.
Putin in is a thug but he is not that stupid to sacrifice his billions rubles to rubbles.
Nah..... They should shoot them as they landed to the ground.
Yeah, you prefer dead white Russians to dead brown ISIS, I guess, you fool.

Dude. Russia is the far the biggest direct threat to America that you support. Russia had been warned many times about Turkeys airspace.
An important detail.
Where was the plane? Was he on the territory of Turkey.

It is a zone of military operations and our military know for sure where the plane was. And they have all the evidence.

Putin said that the plane was on the territory of Syria.
It seems that he is sure

Putin can say whatever he want to cover his ass. He even lied that he is not supplying arms to Russian separatist in Ukraine.
Nah..... They should shoot them as they landed to the ground.
Yeah, you prefer dead white Russians to dead brown ISIS, I guess, you fool.
Dude. Russia is the far the biggest direct threat to America that you support. Russia had been warned many times about Turkeys airspace.
An important detail.
Where was the plane? Was he on the territory of Turkey.
It is a zone of military operations and our military know for sure where the plane was. And they have all the evidence.
Putin said that the plane was on the territory of Syria.
It seems that he is sure
Putin can say whatever he want to cover his ass. He even lied that he is not supplying arms to Russian separatist in Ukraine.
You misunderstood.
It seems that now Putin has real evidence.
Two versions:
1. Turkey supports ISIS and wants to make provocation in order to make conflict between Russia and Nato and make ISIS safer over this.
2. NATO supports ISIS and uses Turkey as a pawn to bound russian actions there.

First thought after hearing news was "Let us bomb Turkey out"
Second "I wish it would not lead to a big war between Russia and NATO"
Well....depends if Russia wants revenge on Turkey.

Oh....and Turkey is in NATO. Meaning Obama is obligated to defend them if they enter a conflict with Russia.

Remember....President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton allowed the situation over there to deteriorate to this. When they raised their hand and said they wanted to be the most powerful 2 people on Earth....this responsibility came with it.
We are about to go into WW3 and we have Obama leading the charge. We are fucked and Russia will have their revenge.
We are not going to to WW3 just because 2 Russian thugs.
For me, these guys are heroes.
Criminals - the US government .

...They shot down the rescue helicopter?!? That is /unacceptable/, they need to be booted.
No . Rescue helicopter shot down women and children.
Which bombed the evil russians.

On video with a dead pilot is visible "moderate opposition".
With Kalashnikovs.
Two versions:
1. Turkey supports ISIS and wants to make provocation in order to make conflict between Russia and Nato and make ISIS safer over this.
2. NATO supports ISIS and uses Turkey as a pawn to bound russian actions there.

First thought after hearing news was "Let us bomb Turkey out"
Second "I wish it would not lead to a big war between Russia and NATO"
I think full scale war is a bit of an over reaction.

A full explanation from Turkey would be helpful.
...They shot down the rescue helicopter?!? That is /unacceptable/, they need to be booted.
The Syrian rebels need to be booted from what exactly? These are our 'good guys' and they did this babarity. I dont think that there is a decent side to support in that civil war and I suspect our 'good guys' are simply Jihadis using a pro-Western facade to get our support and will switch to ISIS as soon as they think that they have drained enough funding and materials from us and can escape reprisals.
NATO. According to reports, it wasn't Syrian rebels, it was ordered by the Turks. And lets not forget back in 1974 they caused Greece to withdraw. It's bad enough if they shot down a Russian plane and it'd take some explaining to get out of that. If they also shot down the rescue helicopter, then they need to be booted, period. That is unacceptable behavior for a NATO state.
In Crimea, the Ukrainian radicals committed a terrorist act, leaving the peninsula without electricity.
In Syria, shoot down aircraft.
Ukrainian troops shelled Donetsk.

It seems to me or someone provokes Russia?
Are you still working at 55 Savushkina Street or have they moved you to a new location?
NATO. According to reports, it wasn't Syrian rebels, it was ordered by the Turks. And lets not forget back in 1974 they caused Greece to withdraw. It's bad enough if they shot down a Russian plane and it'd take some explaining to get out of that. If they also shot down the rescue helicopter, then they need to be booted, period. That is unacceptable behavior for a NATO state.
That is not what I am reading from the Mirror or Reuters.

Syria insurgents destroy Russian helicopter with missile
Syrian fighters destroyed a Russian helicopter with a missile, shortly after they forced it to make an emergency landing in a nearby government-held area in Syria's Latakia province on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

A Syrian insurgent group, recipient of U.S. Tow missiles, said its fighters hit the helicopter with an anti-tank missile while it was in the air and put out a video showing the helicopter being blown up after one of its fighters struck it with another missile.
Breaking Update: Video Released Showing Russian Pilots being murdered as they parachute to the ground as the shooters yell Allahu Akbar proudly.
France began to collect a total coalition.
And it is today Turkey shoots down the plane.
This greatly complicates everything.

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