Turkey shoots down Russian jet for violating its' air space.

NATO. According to reports, it wasn't Syrian rebels, it was ordered by the Turks. And lets not forget back in 1974 they caused Greece to withdraw. It's bad enough if they shot down a Russian plane and it'd take some explaining to get out of that. If they also shot down the rescue helicopter, then they need to be booted, period. That is unacceptable behavior for a NATO state.
That is not what I am reading from the Mirror or Reuters.

Syria insurgents destroy Russian helicopter with missile
Syrian fighters destroyed a Russian helicopter with a missile, shortly after they forced it to make an emergency landing in a nearby government-held area in Syria's Latakia province on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

A Syrian insurgent group, recipient of U.S. Tow missiles, said its fighters hit the helicopter with an anti-tank missile while it was in the air and put out a video showing the helicopter being blown up after one of its fighters struck it with another missile.

Link wouldn't load for me, not what I read. Anyway, so Turks shot down the plane, Syrian's shot down the heli? I could see it.

We'll see what comes out of the emergency meeting, but if the Turks shot down the heli they get booted, there's no excuse.
Breaking Update: Video Released Showing Russian Pilots being murdered as they parachute to the ground as the shooters yell Allahu Akbar proudly.

Link wouldn't load for me, not what I read. Anyway, so Turks shot down the plane, Syrian's shot down the heli? I could see it.
Helicopter shot down not by the Turks.
His shot down ... some bearded Mujahideen. I do not know what they are called =)
Link wouldn't load for me, not what I read. Anyway, so Turks shot down the plane, Syrian's shot down the heli? I could see it.
Helicopter shot down not by the Turks.
His shot down ... some bearded Mujahideen. I do not know what they are called =)

Initial reports indicate that the Turks who fired on the SU24 were in direct contact with the Turkish government and they claim to have warned the Russian's 10 times within 5 minutes that they were violating Turkish airspace. The Russian's claim they were 1km away from the Turkish border, the plane is reported to have gone down outside their border as well.

We'll see what the intelligence folks say.
Pentagon backs Turkey's version of events, blames 'incursion' of Russian jet - Washington Times

The U.S. military on Tuesday labeled as an “incursion” the Russian fighter jet that was shot down by Turkish aircraft over the Syria-Turkey border.

Army Col. Steve Warren, the top military spokesman in Baghdad, confirmed the Turk’s version of events in saying they repeatedly warned the two Russian SU-24 pilots to back off.

Col. Warren used the word “incursion” to describe the Russian flight, but also said the command was studying radars and other data, such as radio chatter, to make a definite conclusion.
Breaking Update: Video Released Showing Russian Pilots being murdered as they parachute to the ground as the shooters yell Allahu Akbar proudly.

Obama's buddies, how noble of them.

This is exactly why we shouldn't ally ourselves with any Muslim faction, they are all animals.

Obama's foreign policy is a complete disaster, by design or incompetence, I suspect the former.
More Obama legacy.

Are you a Republican? What do you think of Trump? Personally I'm not a big fan. Sometimes he does get it right though, like last month on Fox News when he called GWB "a disaster". Yes, he said "I think [Bush] was a disaster, and I think it (invading Iraq) was one of the worst decisions ever made,” Trump said. “[Bush] has totally destabilized the Middle East....." Again he said this last month, not years ago.
You can add that to Trumps previous statement to
O'Reilly that GW "didn't have the IQ " to handle Putin
and "the last thing we need in the White House is another Bush". He may be a clown but at least he knew cause and effect in this case. You can draw a straight line from Bush's decision to invade Iraq and the turmoil engulfing the M.E. right now. That's Bush's legacy and hey, don't blame me - the guy leading the race to become your next candidate for prez said it.


roflmao, when will the Obamy regime grow up and accept responsibility for their stupid shit?
As soon as you admit to your stupid shot.
1) The cruiser "Moscow" will destroy any targets that are hazardous to aviation of the Russian Federation in Syria
2) Defense Ministry terminate contacts with Turkey in the military field
Protocol I, Article 42, of the Geneva Conventions explicitly forbids attacking parachutists who eject from damaged airplanes, and surrendering parachutists once landed.
Now is as good a time as any for Russia to use a small tactical nuke. Though it may sound extreme; it may save lives, by sending a message to the opposition.
1) The cruiser "Moscow" will destroy any targets that are hazardous to aviation of the Russian Federation in Syria
2) Defense Ministry terminate contacts with Turkey in the military field

If the global intelligence agencies continue to back the Turk's story I guess we'll see how reasonable Putin is.

As for Russia's present reaction, can't blame him for that heh
2) Defense Ministry terminate contacts with Turkey in the military field
This is not a sign of the beginning of the war?
No it's Russia being pissed off because they believe they were not violating Turkish airspace and thus were wrongly shot down. Sounds like a standard reaction, of Putin, to me.
No it's Russia being pissed off because they believe they were not violating Turkish airspace and thus were wrongly shot down. Sounds like a standard reaction, of Putin, to me.
Because you read the Western news =) There's a little truth.

Minor violation of the border can not be an excuse for such an attack. Turkish plane made a training flight, checking the radar in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea "- this statement was made by Erdogan (then Prime Minister) in 2012, after the Syrian military shot down the F-4" Phantom "which violated the airspace Syria.

Something has changed now?
President of the country - it is an adult, able-bodied man.
He must understand the consequences of actions.

What is the greatest danger for the country?
The plane, which flew into the country's airspace for 1 minute.
Or the consequences of the destruction of the aircraft?
Nah..... They should shoot them as they landed to the ground.
Yeah, you prefer dead white Russians to dead brown ISIS, I guess, you fool.
Dude. Russia is the far the biggest direct threat to America that you support. Russia had been warned many times about Turkeys airspace.
An important detail.
Where was the plane? Was he on the territory of Turkey.
It is a zone of military operations and our military know for sure where the plane was. And they have all the evidence.
Putin said that the plane was on the territory of Syria.
It seems that he is sure
Putin can say whatever he want to cover his ass. He even lied that he is not supplying arms to Russian separatist in Ukraine.
You misunderstood.
It seems that now Putin has real evidence.


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