Turkey shoots down Russian jet for violating its' air space.

Yeah, you prefer dead white Russians to dead brown ISIS, I guess, you fool.
Dude. Russia is the far the biggest direct threat to America that you support. Russia had been warned many times about Turkeys airspace.
An important detail.
Where was the plane? Was he on the territory of Turkey.
It is a zone of military operations and our military know for sure where the plane was. And they have all the evidence.
Putin said that the plane was on the territory of Syria.
It seems that he is sure
Putin can say whatever he want to cover his ass. He even lied that he is not supplying arms to Russian separatist in Ukraine.
You misunderstood.
It seems that now Putin has real evidence.
Минобороны раскрыло схему поражения Су-24 в Сирии - Первый по срочным новостям — LIFE | NEWS
But I think we have to wait a day or two .
I wonder what comments will give international experts. And what evidence will provide Turkey
Russians has been bombing moderate rebels against Assad and they don't care if these are children. Putin and Assad should stand trial for war crimes. Not heroes.

The ashes of Bataclan aren't beat upon your breast? Sad...
What is Bataclan and why should anyone beat ashes upon their breast? Sounds messy and futile. Is that a Russian custom or something?

Bataclan (theatre) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.
Russians has been bombing moderate rebels against Assad and they don't care if these are children. Putin and Assad should stand trial for war crimes. Not heroes.

The ashes of Bataclan aren't beat upon your breast? Sad...
What is Bataclan and why should anyone beat ashes upon their breast? Sounds messy and futile. Is that a Russian custom or something?

Bataclan (theatre) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks. I didn't make the connection.
Russians has been bombing moderate rebels against Assad and they don't care if these are children. Putin and Assad should stand trial for war crimes. Not heroes.

The ashes of Bataclan aren't beat upon your breast? Sad...
What is Bataclan and why should anyone beat ashes upon their breast? Sounds messy and futile. Is that a Russian custom or something?

Bataclan (theatre) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks. I didn't make the connection.
And also about the ashes and breast:
Till Eulenspiegel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

p.s. Colleague :)
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.
Shit flows downhill. If anyone is held responsible, it will be some underling, maybe the pilot who fired the missile, or the radar operator. Not the dumbass who authorized the shootdown.
This is what happens when various air forces are operating in close quarters. Russian planes should have had orders to stay a minimum distance from the Turkish border. I'm surprised it took this long for something to happen and if the current free-for-all keeps going in the area there will be more, in the air and on the ground.

How gratifying this must be to the lowlifes in IsiL watching this. They are close to getting some of the major powers of the world to start shooting at each other.

"One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.
There is one important point. Suppose that Russian aircraft had crossed the border.
How long could he be there?
How long does it to take off the fighter?
How long a fighter takes off? 15 minutes is necessary? (to get an order, to get into the cab, start the engine, go through all the procedures)

SU24 liftoff speed - 400 kilometers per hour.
Maximum 1700.
Normal - 700 km / h.

The Turks said that they 5 minutes warned Russian plane.
For 5 minutes he flies 60 kilometers.
15 minutes - 180 km.

Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.
There is one important point. Suppose that Russian aircraft had crossed the border.
How long could he be there?
How long does it to take off the fighter?
How long a fighter takes off? 15 minutes is necessary? (to get an order, to get into the cab, start the engine, go through all the procedures)

SU24 liftoff speed - 400 kilometers per hour.
Maximum 1700.
Normal - 700 km / h.

The Turks said that they 5 minutes warned Russian plane.
For 5 minutes he flies 60 kilometers.
15 minutes - 180 km.

Air bases usually have alert fighters that are ready to take off at a moments notice. There may have been fighters in the air patrolling the area. That would be normal considering all the military air traffic in the region.
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.
There is one important point. Suppose that Russian aircraft had crossed the border.
How long could he be there?
How long does it to take off the fighter?
How long a fighter takes off? 15 minutes is necessary? (to get an order, to get into the cab, start the engine, go through all the procedures)

SU24 liftoff speed - 400 kilometers per hour.
Maximum 1700.
Normal - 700 km / h.

The Turks said that they 5 minutes warned Russian plane.
For 5 minutes he flies 60 kilometers.
15 minutes - 180 km.

Air bases usually have alert fighters that are ready to take off at a moments notice. There may have been fighters in the air patrolling the area. That would be normal considering all the military air traffic in the region.
Yes, it is quite. But still.
Even if we take 5 minutes. It means 60 km.
You can take a map and realize that it's a lot for the region.

Moment 2.
When it makes sense to attack?
It is necessary to take into account the trajectory of movement?

Either the plane was heading deep into the country ...
Either he moved from the border.

He could not continue to move 5 minutes deep into the territory.

But what is the point to fire at the aircraft, which flies away?
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.
There is one important point. Suppose that Russian aircraft had crossed the border.
How long could he be there?
How long does it to take off the fighter?
How long a fighter takes off? 15 minutes is necessary? (to get an order, to get into the cab, start the engine, go through all the procedures)

SU24 liftoff speed - 400 kilometers per hour.
Maximum 1700.
Normal - 700 km / h.

The Turks said that they 5 minutes warned Russian plane.
For 5 minutes he flies 60 kilometers.
15 minutes - 180 km.

Air bases usually have alert fighters that are ready to take off at a moments notice. There may have been fighters in the air patrolling the area. That would be normal considering all the military air traffic in the region.
Yes, it is quite. But still.
Even if we take 5 minutes. It means 60 km.
You can take a map and realize that it's a lot for the region.

Moment 2.
When it makes sense to attack?
It is necessary to take into account the trajectory of movement?

Either the plane was heading deep into the country ...
Either he moved from the border.

He could not continue to move 5 minutes inland.

But what is the point to fire at the aircraft, which flies away?
There is no point in firing at the aircraft unless it was posing an imminent threat. Just escort it out of your airspace.
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.

Once Turkeys' claims are proven invalid, Russia hits back. Check history of all wars........
It was a matter of time.
When you have that many armies that close together and taking differing sides, trouble was bound to happen.
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.

Another Putin ass licker. You never said that when Russian are bombing women and children. Two of your Russian thugs got shot and you are bitchin.
Apparently it's the first time a "NATO Ally" has shot down a Russian warplane since the freaking 1950's. I bet the mainstream news is talking about what Trump said yesterday.
Apparently it's the first time a "NATO Ally" has shot down a Russian warplane since the freaking 1950's. I bet the mainstream news is talking about what Trump said yesterday.

NATO is an outdated cold war construct that has morphed into the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.
Turkey and its backers have done a criminal act.

Stupid and irrational overreaction to shoot down a Russian plane.

This is not the end of this.
There is one important point. Suppose that Russian aircraft had crossed the border.
How long could he be there?
How long does it to take off the fighter?
How long a fighter takes off? 15 minutes is necessary? (to get an order, to get into the cab, start the engine, go through all the procedures)

SU24 liftoff speed - 400 kilometers per hour.
Maximum 1700.
Normal - 700 km / h.

The Turks said that they 5 minutes warned Russian plane.
For 5 minutes he flies 60 kilometers.
15 minutes - 180 km.

Air bases usually have alert fighters that are ready to take off at a moments notice. There may have been fighters in the air patrolling the area. That would be normal considering all the military air traffic in the region.
Yes, it is quite. But still.
Even if we take 5 minutes. It means 60 km.
You can take a map and realize that it's a lot for the region.

Moment 2.
When it makes sense to attack?
It is necessary to take into account the trajectory of movement?

Either the plane was heading deep into the country ...
Either he moved from the border.

He could not continue to move 5 minutes inland.

But what is the point to fire at the aircraft, which flies away?
There is no point in firing at the aircraft unless it was posing an imminent threat. Just escort it out of your airspace.

Check when the Soviet Union shot down flight 007. Yes that is the actual number of the flight.
The whole situation there is a big mess no doubt. I realize that Turkey has a right to protect its borders, but there is a line when we're talking about NATO on NATO shooting. I have to ask myself, what does Turkey think, that Russia was just going to fly into the middle of the country and drop a bomb? It's an over reaction on Turkey's part in my opinion.

Russia's been known to "buzz" Alaskan territory, we don't shoot them down, even though we "technically" have every right to, because it's not worth it to end those pilots lives over a minor infraction. We're not at war with Russia, not even close, so there's just no reason to shoot them down, it's just not worth killing the pilots over something so minor. This is where my opinion is coming from.

So basically, I don't agree with Turkey's action here, and I don't care if it /was/ inside their border, as the Turkish claim, or, as the Russian's claim, not. First off, we're talking about an ally, and not only that, but an ally who's on a (training?) mission in a warzone. (As a note if it was a training mission I have WAY /less/ acceptance of Turkey shooting them down, like WAY LESS.) But I mean it seems pretty clear from what I'm hearing that the Syrian's are in there as it appears they murdered the pilots as they tried to parachute to safety and then shot down the rescue helicopter looking for the pilots right? So for Turkey to argue that they're "protecting their border" when they have Syrian's attacking their NATO allies, apparently from within said borders, is pretty fucked up if you step back and look at it. Did the Turkish send anyone to get the Syrian's murdering the pilots and shooting down the rescue helicopter or did they just ignore /them/?
We're not at war with Russia, not even close
There are some hesitations about it. As we see NATO supports Turkey.

Some hours before russian military officer claimed that Russia will provide their syrian forces with navy-based s-300 systems and will shoot all targets in syrian airspace. Also russian bombers will fly with fighter's backing.

I think this turkish move was rather good planned and russian movements were took in mind. So after that might be new actions from NATO against Russia.
I personally think Turkey should be taken out of NATO. I'm siding with Russia on this incident. It wouldn't be the first time NATO's gone against what /I/ think is right.

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